Disclaimers: Invader Zim and all related titles belongs to Jhonen Vasquez & Nickelodeon. All rights reserved, etc.

Here is the 1st Mature "Behind the Scenes". I thought in four scenes, altogether.

This one I was thinking on placing it after Zim and Dib get Professor Membrane's toaster part and fix the cannon; as you know, there was hinting but nothing solid. Anyway, now it doesn't have a space within the story flow... unless you think otherwise (which is ok).

Italics are thoughts.


B1: Uncensored

Zim swept his sweated forehead with his arm after he had twisted the wrench inside the cannon to screw the toaster piece tightly instead of its original piece. The invader stopped for a moment and looked at Dib's back: the girl was standing in front of one of the work tables, slightly bent over the damaged irken piece of technology that had been the core of the weapon – it's power source. She had been dealing with it for a while since Zim was making the replacement because there was not enough space for both to work on the machine at the same time.

Dib-girl was humming a melodic tune and swung her hips – left to right, right to left – enticingly with the beat; her hands and arms moving naturally to poke and probe the damaged core. Zim growled some, he had been trying to avert his crimson eyes away of the Dib-worm in more than one occasions but it was harder and harder to do. Also, the girl's obliviousness to his intent staring made Zim feel in control... and that was a big turn on, unknown to the human. The invader gave the replacement a last check with the wrench to make sure it was securely screwed in its place. It was.

"Why do you toy around with that?", the irken asked; and stood from his kneeled position by the cannon's side, "It is beyond repair".

"We have to make the best of what you currently have, Zim", the human said without taking her eyes off the piece nor faltering in its handling, "if it gets fixed it can be kept as a spare part for something else".

"I see…", the irken said and walked stealthily to the human, "… and why do you think you can fix it? It's Irken Technology, after all… beyond your limited human knowledge and brain". He snickered… his eyes glued to the human's swinging rear. Damn those fucking, sexy suits!

The troublesome part – for Zim, at least – was that he had never considered the suits sexys; they were made for practical use when it came to lab investigation or machinery check-ups. The suits were resistant to a vast list of acids, corrosives, and toxins… at least resistant enough to have time to quickly remove the hazard – or the whole suit - before the substance reached the skin underneath. Also, their constrictive nature was to prevent any suit jam when dealing with machines, gears, and belts… just to mention the most common accidents. But right know it was a torture for the invader to look at the Dib wearing that purple, black striped suit… the sight of the human's curvy body unsettled him in an inconvenient way; the bulge pressing against his own suit was more than enough proof.

"I helped my dad with his super-toaster once or twice, Zim", the human said, oblivious of the irken thoughts, insights, and physical reactions, "I'm quite confident I can fix this". She kept humming and "dancing" on her spot. A few moments later she felt the alien slender, well built form creep behind her; his gloved claws resting nonchalantly on her hips. The human gasped in surprise and stood still. Zim's voice came from behind her and she could feel his warm breath on her scalp… moving to her left ear.

"I bet you can…", the invader said and his claws stroked the girl's hips, indolently, with a circular motion, "…but right now I think we need to fix something else". Dib felt something pressing between her butt cheeks; the screwdriver she held in her hand fell with a deafening clanging in comparison to the silence in the lab. The irken pointy tongue danced close to her ear rim, his clawed hands ran gingerly up and down her flat belly, and the bulge pressing against her butt stroke it steadily.

"Z-z-zim…", she stammered and half-closed her eyed; he hands gripped the work table edge.

"You said it yourself…", the invader said in her ear; his tongue now playing with her lobe, "…you wanted to know which Dib I liked best". The invader breathing became uneven, making Dib-girl shiver. His left claw was now trailing up to cup one of her breast and the right one went down, between the human's thighs; the ramming on her butt was more urging now.

"But…", she-Dib sighed, her skin trembled beneath the suit with every sweep and contact of Zim's body, "… we are…"

"The hell the place we are now!", the irken snarled; Zim knew he was very aroused to stop now. He pinched the human's left nipple between his claws – hard and protruding from the female's subconscious excitement, the irken thought – and the girl yelped and gasped. The index claw of his right hand started to rub softly between the girls legs and her thighs clamped, faltering for a moment. Zim's hip kept stroking and teasing the Dib's rear.

"S-s-stop, Zimmm…", she-Dib moaned. Oh, God! It feels good, but…

"No…", the alien purred and nibbled the side of her neck, just below her ear, "… I don't feel like stopping… and I'm quite sure you aren't either". Dib's gloved fingers scratched the metallic surface of the table in an attempt to grip herself to something; to anchor on reality. I can't believe, Zim… and I…

The invader's hand that had been toying with her nipple and breast ran up to her neck and hooked one of his claw in the small ring that worked as the handle to zip and unzip the suit; the irken rolled it slowly down, uncovering the humans' skin on its way, making the tip of his claw trail on it while unzipping. The girl moaned, shivered and leaned back – making her butt squeeze the alien bulge between their bodies. Zim half groaned-half croaked when he felt his shaft softly compressed between them… it took all his will power not cum inside his own suit. Playing the Dib and torturing her like that was almost as pleasurable as to go all the way with her. Almost…, his mind punctuated the word. The zipper reached the end of its trail.

"Z-z-zim…", Dib panted and her fingers fidgeted uncomfortably on the table, as if it were a life-saver. I don't think I can endure more of his advances anymore… my whole body is burning…

Suddenly she felt herself being harshly turned around to face the invader; her suit now flapped open - allowing a peek to partly covered breast and covering a bit above her pubis, slightly saving that intimate and soft part of a girl anatomy -, the rest of the suit was tightly around her arms, back, and legs. The first thing Dib saw were the invader's crimson eyes, they were so full of mixed feelings: tenderness, greed, restrain, lust… just to mention some. The only thing for sure is that I'm the beginning and end of all those emotions right now, she said inwardly… the certainty of that thought made her all giddy. Unsteadily, she lifted her arms to wrap them around the irken's neck.

Zim's antennae perked up in surprise when he saw the girl embracing him and tilting her head, closing her eyes and offering her lips to him. For a moment, the alien's bravery faltered since he remembered the kiss they had shared before and knowing that a human's body is mostly water: Zim's kryptonite. Still, he knew that he wanted to go on with the whole ordeal 'til the end; he leaned over to kiss her. When their lips met the irken didn't feel any pain but when the kissing became more daring and his tongue darted inside the human's he felt it stinging. He frowned some but endured it, looking at it as some kind of conquest of the weakness that was nested within him. Dib let out another soft moan and caressed the invader's nape. The irken placed both of his gloved hands on the humans butt and lifted her to seat her on the working table; the half-repaired piece of machinery slipped to one side with soft clanking sounds.

Dib broke the kiss to regain her breath after she felt herself pulled into a sitting position, her hands slid to the alien's shoulder; her face was all flustered and a red blush covered her cheeks and neck. Zim ran his claws slowly up and down the girl's back and looked at her intently, he was smirking to not give away that even if the kiss had been good it was a bit troublesome to bear.

"Ready for the next stage, Dib-worm?", Zim said and took one of his hands back to the front of his suit to unzip it… but Dib's hand stopped him and made him lower it to his side. She smiled at the alien.

"Let me do the honors", she said mischievously and tugged the alien against her with the zipper's ring on his red and yellow striped suit. Zim feared she was going for a kiss again but then he felt a pleasurable sensation at the tip of one of his antennae; he let out a growling moan. The human girl licked and sucked the appendage contently, remembering that time in her bedroom when the invader had been very sensitive to the painful tugging she had used then – it seemed that the antennae could work for foreplay, too. Since the appendages seemed to be made of a more resistant keratine-like substance, they didn't seem to get affected by water the way the alien's skin was.

The irken shivered and she could feel it in her hands while she was unzipping his suit; it seemed it took like forever to do it; the invader's shaft immediately popped up from its confinement and Zim let out a relieved gasp. But I'm not going to let you toy around with me…, he thought still feeling the playful licks and sucks Dib showered his antennae with. It was hard for the invader to not relate sex to invasion and conquering since irkens didn't love nor formed couples – unless they were Tallest, and that didn't exactly prove they loved each other. No, sex was just another kind of battle waiting to be fought and won or lost.

The irken perked his head up, taking his antennae away from the Dib's attentions and he took the girl's hand to his shaft to let her feel what she was soon to feel within her body. She-Dib gasped and her eyes grew wide, not because of Zim's size – since it seemed quite in proportion with the invader's body - , but because she could feel small blunt thorns through all its length 'til the hilt, where a slim but obvious ring signaled its end; the shaft head was smooth and soft… the whole alien's arsenal seemed to be covered by a slippery membrane but she didn't give too much thought about it. The invader gave her a toothy grin and took his hands to the girl's breast, massaging them and teasing them with his thumb. Dib's touch on the alien's rod faltered but didn't stop; she lifted her right leg to wrap it around the invaders hip, while the other dangled from the table.

Zim's growled and lowered his head to nuzzle the girls' cleavage and solace his face between her boobs; he felt her shiver. Dib took that chance to make a go for one of the antennae again and succeeded… still their foreplay had lasted more than enough and even if she wasn't willing to accept it, she was ready to go all the way. The invader's husky voice took her out of her musings.

"Grip youself, Dib-girl", the alien chuckled and placed his shaft on her entrance, readjusting her suit a bit to be able to do so, "… invasion will have a second meaning to you from now on". Zim pushed himself steadily into the Dib's warm sheath; the raven-haired girl gasped and moaned with her eyes partly closed while her hands when back to the irken's neck, and her right leg, that was still around his hip, tightened its grip. The invader lifted her dangling left leg with his right claw, spreading it a bit more to facilitate his advances inside the girl; his left hand greedily embraced her by the waist. Finally, he was all the way in. Dib felt the blunt thorns of Zim's shaft massaging her insides, teasing her to beg for the lovemaking to start and urging her body to burn with a pleasurable itch that could to only be scratched away by them; she let out a yelp and bit her lower lip.

"Mhmm… good…", Zim said and thrust his hips a bit as if to explore the warmth that surrounded his shaft; the Dib quivered.

"Oh, God! Zim", she panted and attempted to squeeze the alien in her arms and leg embrace, "please…"

"Please… what?", the irken smiled and attempted to use his best innocent tone, "… stop?". She-Dib rubbed herself more against the alien, having her pinned in that seated position gave him most of the advantage of movement while she was trapped between his body and the table surface.

"You do that and I'll kill you!", she said through clenched teeth, "Please… give it to me". She said that in a low, soft purr.

"So be it…", the alien said and started to rock slowly and rhythmically in and out. To avoid any more kissing than necessary, he lowered his head and started to lick and suck the Dib's breast; the arm he had around the human's waist remained in place but his hand stroke her side. The claw that supported the female's leg massaged it lightly in the spot it retained it. His breathing started to grow uneven and excited.

"Oh, yeah…", she-Dib moaned, "that's… what I'm talking about". She felt her breathing grow ragged and irregular with each and every of Zim's thrusting. Her hands wandered up and down his head, she could feel her rear tremble and shake on the table with the irken's swings.

"So… tight…", Zim murmured and kept rocking, "feels good…". His teeth nibbled cautiously the human's nipple to avoid any unnecessary pain; the girl's body shivered with thrill.

"So hot…", Dib answered and moaned longer, "I feel as if your shaft is burning inside me… I…". It's driving me crazy!, her clouded mind said, I want more…

"Dib-stink…", the irken grunted and kept rocking back and forth. The yelping and moaning of the human female was dragging him to the edge.

"Harder, Zim! Faster!", she forcefully pleaded, "Oh, God! Harder!". She tugged at him with a maddening sense of desire. The massage inside her felt good but she wanted to feel more of it… she needed it.

The invader was more than happy to comply, he placed the human left leg around his hip and she eagerly scissor him between them; he moved both of his hands to the humans rump and pulled her closer while his thrusting grew faster and wilder; Dib embraced him and moaned.

"Zim… I…", she said and yelped, most of the physical exertion was made by Zim and she was greatly surprised by his stamina until now.

"Dib…" the alien growled and a hissing moan escaped his lips when he finally gave away to the desire bottled inside him; he heard the human yelling moan and felt her chin against one of his shoulders; getting hold of him so tight while all her body shivered due to her own climax. The spider legs in Zim's PAK came out to support the wobbling invader, allowing him and Dib to remain embraced in that position for a bit longer.

"Wha?", Dib stuttered when she felt Zim's shaft retreating from her, the irken was still embracing her and he wasn't backing away… but his rod did! It was retreating in its own sheath between the alien thighs. While it was retreating it was leaving behind a membrane, which was becoming light brown… she recognized the ring that was at the rod's hilt remaining with the membrane; a sudden movement made her to look to her left and saw Zim's hand retain the ring until his weapon finally disappeared inside him. She looked at the peeled membrane in the invader's hand and saw its tip was filled with thick ooze; the invader knotted the open side to prevent the ooze to escape. Something like a trash can with a biohazard emblem on its front was brought forth by one of the wires on Zim's lab and he threw the membrane in; the trash can retreated.

"Was that a condom?", Dib seemed puzzled. So much for the high and mighty irken and its technology, she thought. Zim zipped his suit and looked at the girl with a straight face.

"Sometimes…", he simply said, "… the easier answer is usually the best". He gave the girl a mischievous eye wink. Victory for Zim!, the invader inwardly cheered, those slimy latex caps are indeed good for protection. It keeps the human moisture away even though I can still experience it all.

He made his spider legs retreat into the PAK and turned around to go up to the house level. Dib looked at her partly nude self and huffed.

"I'll go for a bath right now", she said and slipped herself down of the table; a smile crept to her face and remained there without her noticing.


Thank you for reading!

Hope this wasn't a waste of your time and that it was what all the persons that may be reading this story for the "M" rating were expecting. If not, I apologize in advance.

A/N: Feedback is highly appreciated since I don't consider myself good to write this things counciously. ñ_ñ