Disclaimers: Invader Zim and all related titles belongs to Jhonen Vasquez & Nickelodeon. All rights reserved, etc.

Greetings! It's been a while since I posted anything at all. I hope you like this story I reciently came up with... and bare with me if it is not what you usally expect from a ZADR.


The " x " is a page braker.


CHAPTER 1. In touch with your feminine side.

"Take this, Zim!", the young paranormal investigator yelled when he threw a smoke bomb at the invader's feet.

"Punny human", the alien retorted while the spider legs in his backpack came out and immediately crawled away from the growing dusty cloud, "this is the best you can do!".

"I'm just warming up, space boy", said Dib, boldly. He didn't have any extra limbs, like Zim, to carry him wherever he pleased but he was confident on his own dexterity and wits, and years of fighting Zim had improved those skills. He also had a 'new' gadget he wanted to try with Zim's spider legs, called boleadoras. He swirled the gadget over his head and tossed it toward the robotic limbs.

While surfing the net one day, Dib had ended in a Spanish web page that documented the life of a gaucho and – even though he wasn't remotely interested in knowing anything about mankind – the image of two horsemen chasing a wild horse caught his eyes. The interesting part about that picture was the 'weapon' the men were using to immobilize the horse; they seemed to be swinging some ropes with weights attached to the ends of it. The boy had googled the name of the tool and had found a web site that explained how to make them and another one that sold them. He decided to try to make his own set with the resources available and test them with his nemesis at a later time… and there they were.

I hope they work, he thought. Zim was crawling up the wall of his underground base when the boleadoras caught three of the four spider legs and he fell rolling down. Yes!, Dib's mind cheered. Of course, the gadget was made of rope and the spider legs tore it apart with ease. Ups! Too soon to celebrate.

"Ouch! What was that!", Zim asked, while the spider legs lifted him up again and the alien rubbed the back of his head; he was angry that something so simple had made him vulnerable even if only for a split second. "You wanna play rough, Dib-stink? I'll show you ROUGH!"

Zim got close to a very big ray cannon that was resting a few feet away from where he fell. The cannon was fitted on a sturdy tripod so the alien only had to grab the handles placed at both sides of the machine and aim at the human.

"SAY YOUR PRAYERS, BIG HEAD!", the Irken laughed evilly… and shoot. Dib jumped aside and the shoot left a smoking burn where it hit.

"Whoa, Zim!", he said, "take it easy. Don't be a sore loser". That only enraged the alien even more, and he threw a rain of beams toward the boy; Dib ran attempting not to be caught by any of the shots. He jumped over one of Zim's working tables and grabbed a wrench that was laying on it; he swirled while in midair and threw the wrench toward the cannon. The last ray hit him on the chest making him fall to the other side of the table and on the floor.

"Ouff!", he grunted when his back hit the hard surface. He heard the wrench collide with the machine and some zapping, popping and electrical crackling came out of it. He even heard Zim say something in a weird dialect.

"Look what you have done, human!", the Irken started to complain, "my machine, MY BEAUTIFUL DOOM DEVICE!"

Well, it is not so great if it doesn't harm anyone, Dib thought while he started to stand. He checked what damage had the ray done to his chest and only found a pink mark, like a mosquito bite, where he had been hit. That's all?, he mentally complained, it doesn't even count as a battle scar!.

While Dib was disappointed, but relieved, about the results of Zim's deadly device, the invader came up to him and two of the spider legs pined the human and slammed him against the wall.

"You have damaged irken property, human", Zim lowly growled, clenching his teeth. "I should rip you up and use your skin as my Unwelcome front door mat".

"Gee, Zim!", Dib gulped but attempted to be serene, "if that machine was so important to you, maybe you should have… I don't know… KEPT IT IN A SAFER PLACE!"

"MY BASE IS THE SAFEST PLACE OF ALL!", the invader yelled offended.

If it were, I wouldn't be able to sneak in, you know?, Dib's mind replied silently.

"Well…", Dib said, while thinking of a way to get out of there while Zim's tantrum faded away, "… then maybe you shouldn't have use it! Did you think I wasn't going to fight back whatever you threw at me!"

Zim seemed to ponder that answer and shook his head. Repairing the cannon was going to take him a while and his supplies of spare parts were reaching an almost nonexistent level. Yes, he had a long way to go before that cannon was up and running again. He let the human loose and Dib sighed in relief.

"Get out…", the invader growled again, "GET OUT!... before I change my mind".

Dib didn't wait to be told twice to flee from the place and he soon found himself on Zim's kitchen and walked to the living room, where Gir was watching TV.

"Bye Gir", he said waving good-bye to the SIR unit.

The little robot didn't respond, it was very focused on the Monkey Show at the time. Dib grabbed the doorknob and before he stepped out he attempted again. "I suggest you not to bother Zim for a while, he is… in not a very good mood right now". Gir just nodded but the raven-haired boy was sure the robot didn't pay attention to a word he said.

"Well", Dib muttered to himself while walking to his home, "I think I should really feel sorry for Zim… I mean… I broke his machine. But he could have killed me with it! He had no right to do that, either!" Dib went on and on talking with himself about who of both had more rights to feel aggravated. In the end, it was a tie; he reached his doorstep when he got to that resolution.

"I'll offer Zim help to fix it", he said, "that way, I know he will say no and I will walk out guilt-free". Dib nodded in approval to his plan and went upstairs to his room; it was dark by the time he had come home and the table clock by his bed showed it was 10:30pm. He took off his clothes and changed into an old cotton shirt and his boxers; he let himself fall on his bed and closed his eyes. It was a much needed rest.

x x x x x x

Meantime, in Zim's underground base, the alien started to dismantle a section of the cannon – the part where the wrench had struck and gotten a part of its head in – to see if the piece replacement could be reduced to a minimum.

"Stupid, Dib", he ranted, "getting in my base and damaging Irken technology… it's a shame this ray didn't fried him and ended with him once and for all… and now, I have to fix it… the Tallest doesn't answer my messages… and I have no more resources but what I currently have here on this dirt ball".

What Zim didn't know was that the Tallest had purposely blocked any incoming messages from him, and even though the invader had always found a way to get through, the time was catching up with his technology while the massive had always the top-notch of it on board. For, you see, when Zim first arrived to Earth, Dib was 11 years old; now, 7 earth years had passed and even though Zim had grown taller he wasn't as taller as the tallest. Still, he was proud of his new acquired height. Dib was 18 years old and taller than him, but Zim wasn't going to let that stop his invasion.

Zim was stubborn and, even though he somehow knew that his mission had been a joke for his leaders, he wanted to prove how worthy he was by delivering to them the planet Earth, and he had tried to convince them more than once of sending him more supplies for his quest… all in vain.

"You will see, my Tallest", the alien whispered, "oh, you will see"…

x x x x x x

Brip!… Brip!… Brip!…

Dib's alarm clock ringed with a noisy tone. His hand came out of the bed sheet and turned it off. He slid out of bed and grumbled while walking out of his room and down the corridor to the bathroom. He let the water run from the faucet and washed his face; he looked at his reflection on the mirror…

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!, a girl screamed in horror.

"By Neptune!", his soft voice exclaimed, "this must be a really bad dream".

The image looking back at him from the mirror wasn't his own… but a girl version of it.


By the way, I don't have a Title for this story yet. If you like it so far (or not) I will be glad to read some suggestions for it, the one I like the most will be used as this story's name. Thanks!

A/N: No need for reviews unless you feel like doing so.