Chapter 4

One. . . Two. . . Three. . . Four. . . Five. . .

Keeping her eyes shut she inhaled and exhaled leisurely.

Five years passed by in a fraction of a second. She thought as she prolonged her breathing exercise. Five years that I have been living in New Jersey. I am studying in Montclair State University here in Montclair, New Jersey. It is school about dramatic arts and theater arts. I never told you but I always wanted to come here and study but you see . . . if you only stopped me. . .

"No, No" She opened her eyes and stood up and walked towards the kitchen and thought of what comes next after "if you only stopped me. . ."

"How's our superstar?" Scarlett, her auntie, teased.

So, if you do not know what is going on here it is. Mikan went to New Jersey not many years ago and she studied Theater Arts but something else turned up. Seems like she turned out to be a Model/Singer/Actress and why? You should blame her professor Daemon who noticed her and trained her. 2 years ago her career boomed and she is big now. I mean, making concerts and everything.

Mikan opened the fridge and poured some low-fat milk to her glass. "Our superstar is still glossy as ever!" She mocked as she glug down the glass-filled milk.

"Oh, Mikan, Raven called me and said that we'll be leaving for Japan tomorrow night." Hotaru showed up out of nowhere and leaned on the kitchen counter while scrolling her Blackberry.

Mikan who's gulping her milk all of a sudden spitted out the milk from her mouth to Hotaru. She literally spitted it out.

"WHAT THE? Watch it, Mikan!" Hotaru growled. She wobbled her wet phone in a very annoyed manner and left to perhaps replace her wet-ish clothing.

"OH MY. Auntie, I'm not yet ready. You know. . ." She bit her fingernails and started to walk around the kitchen non-stop.

"Why are you the one who's scared? He should be the one who's terrified!" she said with her expression filled with pride and poise.

"But, Auntie. . ."

"This is what you're gonna do." She paused and invited her to sit be next to her and so she did. "Once you returned there you should try to apply to endorse for their company and make him be repentant for everything he did to you. You know, you should make him feel regret for letting go a charming maiden like you." She smiled an assuring smile at her. She nodded and her eyes sparkled like a child that just heard a technique on how to win a game.

They don't know that Hotaru is in the other side of the door. Whew, a perfect revenge. She thought as she clutched her busted phone and smiled a malicious smile to herself.

"Mr. Natsume? Mr. Natsume?" Anne, his secretary, knocked at his door with a cup of Starbucks and stack of papers on her hands.

Natsume clicked on a button on his table and the door opened and then continued to jot down notes from his iMac to his notebook. She handed him the stack of papers and placed the cup of coffee on his desk.

"Anne, our sales in our condominiums and hotels appeared to be decreasing these past 4 months." He stood up and offered her a seat.

"Yes. Chief, our sales are. You know, the other residential buildings uses media and advertising through television, billboards and radios." She reasoned out.

For Natsume 5 years flew slowly. Unlike Mikan, he turned out to be their company's C.E.O. he barely had time for himself. He needs to fix things in the office and stuffs like that. His dad decided to retire due to old age and he wanted to hand over the company to his only son. He also has a little sister that is 4 years younger than he was and she is currently studying in Italy, major in culinary.


"Uhm, maybe we could advertise! It can work. You know, media influences many people."

"Hn. Look for models that could endorse our condos and hotels and report the day after tomorrow." He sat down behind his desk and started typing again.

While he is typing he decided to look for the currencies in when the page opens he saw a familiar face in Yahoo News with the headline "She's going back to her hometown!"

He clicked the Link and started scrolling down.

Mikan Sakura. . . He thought and started scribbling in his notebook again.

WHEW. I am so sorry to keep you waiting! My first chapter is like Playful Kiss but not most likely =)) you see, as the story goes on it will progressively not be Playful Kiss-ish but something else. I believe that Mikan gave up when he rejected her for the 2nd time. :)

SOO! WEDDING PLANNER IS UP :) it's my Second Novel :) it has a more complicated thing =)) I'm also having a hard time writing it but I am continuing the story and will end it :)

For those who are confused about the 1st and 2nd chapter. Natsume realized that he shouldnt be that mean to her and before he knew it he's slowly falling in love with her cause he like. . . felt guilt well due to the fact that he rejected many girls already and he only felt that way with Mikan. :) You know, Natsume has a heart in this story and you will know what is going on in the next chapters. When Mikan returns :)) I'm getting thrilled! =))

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