My new story, I'm really excited. I am still going to be using the poll results to write another one as well as this one and my Big Time Rush story but the story has been in my brain for a while and it just wanted to come out. Hope you like and please review :D And I'm really sorry that this chapter is so short but it will get longer.

DISCLAIMER: I regrettably don't own neighbours although if I did then this story would deffo be on the TV

I'm not in trouble am I?


I paced back and forth across dad's office. Why did he want to see me? What had I done this time? Dad came in his office and sat down.

'So dad. What's up?' I asked, I think the nerves showed in my voice.

'Don't worry Andrew; you're not in any trouble. Sit down.' I sat down in a chair across from dad. He had that look on his face that he does when he has been planning something. Good, I really wasn't in trouble.

'It's about Declan,' I smiled at this. Time to give him what he deserves. 'He has been going behind my back again. Trying to get employees to turn against me. Luckily my employees are very loyal and came straight to me. Unluckily some of them have turned against me. So we need to bring Declan down once and for all. And we need to do it so Rebecca can never know about it as she will leave for good.'

'I know how to do it dad. I used to have this friend back in Scotland; last I heard she had become a private investigator here. We were always getting people into trouble at school. She will do it and no-one will suspect anything.' Dad smirked. Finally I have got his approval.

'Phone her; see how long it will take her to get here.' I nodded and pulled my phone out. Time to visit the past.