Hey guys, so I'm back with a little story that was bouncing around in my head. I'm sorry its so short and that I have yet to update some of my stories but I haven't has the motivation to write. I'm in a rut, I hope this story isn't to bad and that you enjoy it.

I do not own Degrassi

There was nothing more that most people want, then to experience happiness. Everyday it seems like I feel it. I never knew that I could feel like I belonged in the real world. There were times when I did but that was different and fleeting. I don't know if it's because of the friends I have made or what but I feel happy. It's a little selfish but I wish I was happier, there is only one person that makes me feel the way I want to feel and that's the woman that is lying next to me right now. When I see her, hear her voice; even think about her, I feel myself start to smile uncontrollably. Its funny I didn't think it was possible to feel this way, sure I loved Julia but it wasn't like this. This love I felt is pure, I want to spend the rest of my life with Clare.

I close my eyes and instantly I replay what just happened with Clare. She told me she was ready to take the next step. I've wanted to make her mine for so long that I didn't even think twice about saying yes. We had been together for two years now, and haven't had gone all the way in all that time. There were times where we were close but the cold metal she wears on her finger always brought us back. But tonight I didn't care, I knew where she and I were going and soon I would make an honest woman out of her.

I reach into my bedside table and pull out the velvet box that held my commitment to her. It was a simple silver band, with an emerald stone in the middle and smaller sapphires around it. I reach over and put it in the place where her purity ring should have been.

I'm struck by how well the ring looks on her, and what a great ring Clare Goldsworthy has. I lie back down and pull her closer to me. I drift to sleep with an honest smile on my lips, which quickly turns to a smirk when I feel Clare shift and place a chaste kiss on my lips and cuddles next to me with a satisfied sigh.

I fall asleep next to the woman I love, my soon to be wife, and think yes I know what happiness really is.

So...Hit or miss? R & R it makes me want to write better stories