Hey guys, thank you for the reviews, favourites and what-not, I guess I'm doing something right :) the past few chapters I've forgotten to put in a disclaimer so…
I do not (as much as I may wish) own vampire academy, I only own the plot of this story and added characters. Michelle read owns everything and the ever so hot Dimitri (lucky girl)
Now that's done on with the story :)
Previous chapter…
My home is way darker than this.
"Are you guys just going stand there all day looking like fish or do you want to come down to the kitchen and ask all your stupid questions?" I asked them all, they've been standing there for ten minutes staring at me, it's kinda creeping me out…
"How do…"
They all started at once as I was going down the stairs.
"Like I said people kitchen, I'm fucking hungry and have a headache I need to kill with some vodka." And it was the truth, after pulling a stunt like I did out there I have a headache threatening to be a migraine and my whole body hurts like it's on fire, one of the many side-affects from being me.
I finally made it to the kitchen and went straight to the alcohol cupboard, I pulled out a bottle of vodka and hoisted myself onto the kitchen bench turning so I was facing everyone that were all standing around the island bench. I looked into each of their eyes seeing the awaiting questions and prepared myself for a long night. I took a long sip of my drink and their eyes got larger, if that was even possible. Dimitri was the one that spoke first,
"Roza that's Russian vodka I wouldn't be drinking that much if I were you." He had worry all over his face, I don't know if it was from me sculling the vodka or from the battle but either way I didn't like it, he has no right to worry about me. Whoa where'd that come from? I thought I was past this, I shouldn't care what he wants anyways.
"Comrade I've been drinking this shit since you left I think I'm fine and anyways my body doesn't get affected by alcohol as much anymore." I sent him a smirk and turned to Lissa. "Liss seriously I'm right here no need to yell so please tone it down abit in there." I tapped my head and took another sip, a smaller one this time but still not the normal size.
"Sorry Rose but what the fuck is going on?" everyone stared at Lissa, it's not every day you hear the elegant beautiful Vasilisa swear. I smirked if only they were in her head they wouldn't know what to do.
"Ok I'll tell you all the story but no interrupting." I said just as Lissa was about to say something, she looked down and I continued on, "Okay so the story starts back to before me and Lissa left St. Vlad's, I was in combat class, we had free time…" and on I went telling them the same story I told Dimitri an hour ago.
When the story was done and my bottle was finished I jumped down and headed for the fridge. I rolled my eyes, they were all staring at me again, seriously you'd think the fish face would get old and yet they still had it on their faces, except Dimitri he was sitting there quietly listening again but I could see he was thinking about something. I looked away before I could read into it, I don't want to know.
I opened the fridge and dug out some milk and eggs and went to the cupboard for the flour and sugar, I'm feeling pancakes at the moment. I mixed up the batter letting them think for a while when someone came up next to me, it was Christian.
"I'm sorry Rose but I'm not going to let you cook, I value my life, give it here." He smiled at me and took over so I got back up on the bench and waited for the questions. I looked to Lissa first, through the bond I could feel surprise, anger, worry and even a little fear and I could hear all these questions going round and round in her head, one of them being why didn't she tell me?
"I didn't tell you because I didn't know how to. What was I supposed to do walk up to you and say 'hey liss, I have wings and my eyes change colour with my mood. Oh and also I'm not actually from this world. Do you want pizza for dinner?' No I couldn't. So I'm sorry if I didn't tell you but please do not make this a repeat of last time you found something out about me because you opened your fucking eyes." They gasped and I could probably guess why, my eyes were red. But that's what happens when some snotty nosed queen decides she needs to know everything.
"Rose, I'm sorry for the way I acted last time and now I do understand why you never told me about Dimitri, at the time I was just angry and upset and I didn't know what else to do, but right now I do know what to do I am going to be here for you and listen to your story. I do believe you Rose and I don't doubt for a second that you would've told me if you could have found a way." Lissa said and for once I think she actually meant it.
Adrian decided to pipe up at that moment from his seat in the corner,
"You know Rose, you look really fucken smexy" he slurred out with a wink in I guess was my direction. I walked slowly up to him and he had desire in his eyes, I bent down so I was eye level with him and to everyone else you would think I was about to kiss him but to me, I grabbed the quarter full vodka bottle from his hand and push him to the side where he kept falling to the ground and promptly fell asleep. Everybody laughed and I made my way back to the bench to sit on it again. Just as I sat Christian handed me a plateful of pancakes. I quickly thanked him and shoved one whole into my mouth. He laughed at me and shook his head going to stand with the others on the other side of the island.
"well as fun as this awesome conversation is, I have to go eat." I jumped down from my spot on the bench and started to walk towards the back door.
"um Rose?" Christian pipes up and I turned to look at him, one hand on the door handle the other on my hip, foot tapping impatiently…yeah I'm a bitch, what of it? "Were you hit in the head or something? I just gave you a plate of pancakes why are you going out the back?"
I gave them all a smirk and winked, "I need souls right now not pancakes, after that little trick I just pulled I need to feed on some souls and before you go thinking I'm all evil and demonic I mean I need to feed on their happiness. Yes happiness. I help the confused souls pass over. After all I am the angel of death it's kinda in the job description. I'll be back by sundown. Don't wait up." And I turn and walk out leaving them all staring at me like I just sprouted a third head.