Author's Note: I am soo sorry it has taken me so long to update this story! Real life has been quite crazy for me these last few months. The holidays, my son's birthday, new job, moving...just down right crazy! Anyway here's an extra long chapter for you, and I'm hoping to have the next one out soon. I've got an idea of what is going to happen...I just have to fine tune it before posting it. Thanks to all my wonderful readers and reviewers! I love you all!
Never Again
Jasper and Becca lazily dried themselves off before making their way to the bed. Jasper sorted through the clothes that Alice had left on the bed. He quickly pulled on his boxers and pants before turning to Becca.
"You're obviously the one that packed this outfit." Becca teased when she saw what Alice had brought for her.
Jasper grinned sheepishly. "Hey! I happen ta enjoy seein' ya in it." he replied. 'But I love what memories I have o the firs' time ya wore it fer me. Do ya remember darlin'?' he added seductively across their bond.
'Mmm.. I think I do remember.' she replied moving over to him. 'Was this what you were talking about?' she asked, letting her memory float across their bond.
~~~~~~~~~~ FLASHBACK ~~~~~~~~~~
Becca was searching through her closet trying to find something to wear for her 'date' with Jasper. They were snowed-in so they couldn't go anywhere, but Jasper had promised her that 'a lil' snow' wouldn't ruin their date night. He had left earlier that afternoon in order to hunt before their date, and she had scrubbed herself until she glowed in the shower, blow dried her hair and brushed her teeth. All she needed was something to wear. In the far back corner of her closet she came across the dress that her mother had bought her in preparation for her father's promotion at the hospital. It was a knee-length, lilac sundress that clung to her in all the right places. She quickly pulled it on and went to stand in front of her mirror. She had just finished fixing her hair when she heard Jasper close the bathroom door and turn on the shower. She blushed at the thought of him naked and hastily banished those thoughts from her mind. She checked her reflection in the mirror quickly and made sure that she could see Jasper's mating mark clearly before she quietly snuck out of the bedroom.
She crossed the hallway and opened the bathroom as slowly and quietly as she could. She knew that he had heard her open the door, but that didn't stop her mischievous and sneaky feelings. She pouted when Jasper chuckled and turned around to look at her.
"What are ya doin'?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
She grinned up at him and sauntered across the bathroom to stand in front of him. She ran a hand down his chest and played with his abs just above the towel he had wrapped around his waist.
"What do you want me to be doing, cowboy?" she asked seductively, looking up at him thorugh her lashes.
~~~~~~~~~~ END FLASHBACK ~~~~~~~~~~
Jasper groweled softly when Becca suddenly stopped the replay. He pulled her to him forcefully. He held her tightly to him and kissed her, smirking when she moaned. He pulled away and quickly pulled the dress off of the bed and motioned for her to put her arms up. When she did, he pulled it down and let it settle into place. He pulled her back into the bathroom. He held her to his chest and kissed her again.
'It's what happened after that darlin'. Allow me ta show ya what I was talkin' abou'.' he told her over the bond before taking up the memory where she had stopped.
~~~~~~~~~~ FLASHBACK ~~~~~~~~~~
He purred softly at his mate's caress. He could feel her lust and it only served to spur his own. He was getting painfully hard already, and he desperately hoped that she wasn't just teasing him. He leaned down and caught her lips in a fiery kiss. Putting his hands on her hips, he pushed her up against the wall, and pushed his knee in between her legs. He pressed his erection into her hip and purred into the kiss.
She moaned into his mouth and ground herself against his leg. She wound one of her hands into his hair and the other wrapped around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer. She reluctantly pulled away just enough so that she could breathe, and looked up into her mates eyes which had turned black with lust.
Jasper grinned lazily down at his mate, and chuckled quietly to himself before leaning down and nuzzling her neck. He inhaled slowly, basking in the glorious scent, before trailing lingering kisses from just below her ear to his mating mark on her neck.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ END FLASHBACK ~~~~~~~~~~~~
An obnoxiously loud banging on the door broke them out of the memory. Becca winced at the sound and growled in response, causing Jasper to growl and turn to face the bedroom door.
"Easy now lovebirds! You've been in there for 6 hours! Esme wants you to come out now. She's worried about you guys." Emmett called from the other side of the door.
Jasper stopped growling when he heard his brother. He turned to his mate and put his hands on either side of her face. "Shh darlin'. It's alright now. It's jus' Emmett." He kissed her forehead as she slowly stopped growling. He favored her with a small smile when she buried her head into his neck. "We'll be out soon. Jus' give us a sec." he called over his shoulder.
"Not a chance bro! You've got three seconds, then I'm coming in. Alice saw what Becca's planning and we won't be having any of that going on." Emmett replied, jingling the door handle to see if it was locked.
"Don't ya dare Emmett!" Jasper warned, pulling Becca close to him and zipping into the bedroom. He quickly grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it up so he could help her slip into her undergarments quickly. He then settled the dress back down and made sure it sat perfectly before he zipped to his dresser and pulled out some boxers and a pair of jeans. He just got them buttoned when Emmett called out "Three!" and opened the door.
Becca growled and crouched when Emmett burst into the room, but she quickly stopped herself when she recognized him. She slowly rose out of her crouch and moved back across the room to where Jasper was standing near the dresser.
"Easy tiger." Emmett said, putting his hands up. "I'm just here to make sure you don't take off out of the window. Now, you two listen up, no one is angry with you, so get that out of your head right now. Everyone was a little upset that they upset you and about you getting hurt, but they're all fine now. Mostly they want to apologize to you both and make sure that you're okay. Oh, and to tell you that Bella has to come over tonight and stay for the weekend 'cause Charlie's working late and won't be home and Edward's worried about her being unprotected at home 'cause he really needs to hunt, as do we all."
"What!? You have got to be kidding me! I am so not ready to even catch her scent again, let alone be locked in a house with her!" Becca cried out, panicking .
Emmett held up his hands again, "I'm just the messenger lil' sis. They thought I'd be the best to break the news...cause I'm your favorite and you don't really want to hurt me...I hope."
Jasper growled angrily. "I should jus' put ya through the wall fer even tellin' me this! What are ya insane!? She is jus' a newborn! She is not ready fer this kinda test yet here ya are forcin' her ta confront a human!" he roared out.
"She'll be fine Jasper! I've seen it! She won't slip up, there's only one close call and even that's not really that close." Alice called from downstairs.
"That's one too many fer me Alice! I will not let ya put my mate through this emotional abuse jus' ta keep Bella safe!" He shouted, back, pulling Becca into his arms tightly.
"Trust me Jasper, she's going to be just fine! There's only one way to do this that keeps Becca from getting hurt and this is it. I've looked at all of our options and..." Alice replied huffily.
"Stop arguing this instant you two!" Esme shouted. "You three come down here so that we can talk about this properly!"
Becca held tightly to Jasper. 'I'm scared. I don't really want to go down there...but I really don't want to stay here with Bella. Can't we just go back to our cabin?Maybe Peter and Char could come with know...for more protection or whatever. Please baby? Don't make me stay here.'
Jasper looked down at her and kissed her forehead. 'Don't ya worry darlin', I won't let 'em put ya through this crazyness. Would ya rather stay up here?' He smiled when she nodded shyly. 'Ok darlin', jus' don't ya go anywhere.' he replied, giving her a loving kiss before shooing Emmett out of the room. He smiled at her again before disappearing out the door and down the stairs.