I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long! I actually had a chapter prepared before fanfiction decided to delete my document, which I had no backup to. I tried to recreate the chapter but writer's block took its toll and refused to release me. But, I'm back with a new chapter! Enjoy! Again, I'm so sorry guys!
Téa let out an annoyed groan as she saw her least favorite person waltz into the studio.
"Is this going to become a normal thing now?" She sneered as Kaiba approached her. A chuckle was her response before he shook his head.
"Believe it or not, I'm actually here to apologize for my rude behavior the other day. And to invite you to lunch." He replied before pausing to watch the effect his words had on Téa. From the look on her face, one might think that he had just said that he had decided to give up all his money, shave his head, and become a monk.
"What?" She finally managed to ask after recovering from the shock.
"I'm here to apologize. I was really rude the other day and I want to make it up to you by having lunch together." He said, internally smirking at the look on her face, which had undergone several levels of shock and horror. Finally, she was just left staring at him, mouth agape.
"I'll take that as a yes. I'll be back at the end of your shoot. Oh, and close your mouth before a fly flies in." He turned away just as Mai and Serenity approached her.
"What the hell is he doing here?" Mai growled, gesturing towards Kaiba's retreating form.
"He came to apologize to me." Téa replied in a daze like voice. Both Mai and Serenity turned towards her with wide eyes.
"He what?" They both yelled, unable to believe their ears. Téa nodded, still in her dazed state.
"And to invite me to lunch." At this, both girls looked back towards Kaiba's retreating figure before looking at Téa once again.
"And you said?" Mai was the first to recover from the shock of the words. Serenity looked towards her friend expectantly.
"Apparently, I said yes. At least, according to him." Téa replied before turning away from volcano Mai. However, she was not quick enough and witnessed the eruption.
"What? Have you completely lost your mind? How can you have lunch with that pig? After what he said to you? A simple lunch is going to fix that?" Mai was screaming and Téa could feel everyone's eyes on them. Mai, on the other hand, didn't seem to notice and continued her tirade.
"Mai, calm down." Serenity intervened, attempting to calm her blond friend down. "I'm sure he's realized his mistake and wants to remedy it. Besides, I think it's sweet that he wants to apologize and take her to lunch."
Mai suddenly forget about Téa and turned her claws towards the sweet, naïve Serenity, who shrank back under her friend's glare.
"You're so naïve, Serenity! You trust too easily! How do we know he isn't just playing her again? That this isn't some stupid trick? I'm sure he has something up his sleeve." Mai said, shaking her head. It just didn't seem plausible that Seto Kaiba, the same guy who left Téa at the altar and told her straight up that their marriage was supposed to be for his company's gain, would suddenly become this sweet and wonderful guy who not only apologized but took you out to lunch as well.
"That's not necessarily true. For all we know, he might have changed. He might have seen that he was wrong." Serenity argued in her optimistic voice. She always refused to see the worse of people, choosing only to focus on their admirable qualities. It was what made her sweet, but also what made her a victim to the evils of the world.
"Right. So, he just woke up this morning and suddenly decided that he was wrong and that he shouldn't have been a jerk and that he should fix all his mistakes. He just woke up this morning and decided to become a decent human being?" Mai asked in a skeptical voice. Serenity looked unsure but nodded.
"So, you're trying to say that Kaiba experienced a Scrooge moment?" Both women turned back towards Téa, apparently remembering that she, the cause of the entire discussion, was still present.
"Maybe. But, instead of an epiphany about Christmas, he had an epiphany about life in general. It's perfectly possible." Serenity shrugged, watching as Mai's eyes grew wide.
Serenity's next words set off the volcano once again.
"Just give him a chance, Mai. You seem to be the only one who has a problem with him." Serenity said before gasping and clamping her hands over her mouth. However, Mai already turned towards her, the blond's eyes wide and her face red with rage.
"What? I don't have a problem with him! I just know that he's a guy and he's a jackass. And if there's one thing I've learned growing up is that as long as a guy is a jackass, that doesn't chance. No matter how much you want him to chance, he won't." At this, her voice cracked slightly as her eyes watered. Blinking, she turned towards her two best friends and shook her head.
"I'm sorry, Serenity but you need to accept that a cheetah can't change its spots and a Seto Kaiba can't change that he's a complete jackass. I think that son of a-" Before Mai could finish, Molly's voice interrupted them.
"I'm sorry if I'm interrupting this animated discussion you girls are having, but we have a shoot to do. NOW." Molly said in her stressed voice, alerting all three girls that she was in a pissed off mood.
"This isn't finished." Mai grumbled as the three models made their way towards Molly.
"Well, that was downright horrible!" Mai yelled as the three models left the studio. Serenity and Téa both rolled their eyes, not even bothering to respond to Mai's complaints.
"Really! I think Molly has either lost her mind or she just did that on purpose. Putting me to model with him! His body so does not look nice next to mine." She continued her angry monologue while Téa and Serenity shared a look. They both knew that she wasn't pissed off because Jared wasn't hot enough. No, Mai was pissed off because Molly had put her to model with her slimy, good-for-nothing ex who had not only played her but also had a pregnant girlfriend.
"I swear, men are such jackasses sometimes. Oh, and here comes the biggest one of all." Mai said, causing Téa and Serenity to turn. Sure enough, Seto Kaiba was walking towards them, a smirk on his face.
"Oh, dear lord." Serenity muttered as Téa moved to stand besides Mai, who looked ready to kill.
"And what the hell do you want? Shouldn't you be off killing puppies and ruining lives?" Mai snarled before Kaiba even had a chance to speak. Mai really was brutal and nasty when she was angry.
"Hello to you too. I'm here to pick up Téa for lunch." At this, he turned towards Téa, who scoffed.
"And why would I go to lunch with you? I never even agreed." She mumbled the last part, watching as his eyebrow quirked and a smile crossed his face. Now that he was smiling, he looked like his usual devil self.
"Well, sorry if I thought this meant yes." With those words, he opened his mouth wide and looked back at her with a dazed look like a gaping fish, mirroring Téa's earlier action.
"I didn't even look like that!" Téa yelled in defense before he smirked at her.
"I'm not going to lunch with you, you parasite." She turned and began to walk away from him.
"Parasite? Now why am I a parasite?" He asked, his eyebrow quirked in amusement once again.
"Because you won't go away and every time you show up, I feel like I'm dying." Téa replied, a smug smile on her face.
"Well, you seem to have given that a lot of thought. Glad I'm in your thoughts so often." Before Téa could spit out the words in her mouth, he interrupted her once again.
"Now, can we speak in private for a minute?" He asked, smiling at her. Téa couldn't help but think that he looked like a predator, perhaps a wolf baring its teeth for the kill. And, to him, she was the kill, a helpless elk or caribou. She saw Mai stiffen besides her and put her hand on the blonde's shoulder before Mai had a chance to tell him just what he could do.
"Fine. But, one minute only." She said as she followed him. When they were out of earshot, he cleared his throat.
"Téa," He stopped as she glared at him before clearing his throat again and continuing.
"Can we start over?" He watched as her eyes grew wide before she shook her head.
"Start over? You mean pretend like the past never happened?" At this, her voice rose before he shook his head.
"No, of course not. We both remember the past and I know you hate me for it. That's why I want to start over and let us actually get to know each other and then," He stopped again, looking at her as she took in the information.
"And then what?" She asked, folding her arms across her chest.
"And then we can decide if we want to terminate the engagement or not." He replied, watching as her eyes widened in anger. Instantly, he saw his mistake.
"So, once again, you're using me? You just care about your company, don't you?" Téa asked, shaking her head in disgust.
"Yes, I do. But not only about my company. I'm giving you a choice, which was something you didn't have the last time. You're free to accept or decline this engagement. You're free to accept or decline this lunch. I'm not forcing you to do anything. Don't think that you're the only wealthy woman in the world." He replied, his own temper also flaring. He didn't see what the problem was. Many women would have jumped at such a match, especially with him.
Everyone knew that in the world of business, people didn't marry for love. It was either you did what you had to in order to stay on top or you moved over for someone else and he sure as hell wasn't ready to move over for anyone else.
"Unless," He knew he would piss her off but he also knew that this would no doubt get her to accept his offer.
"Unless what?" She snapped at him, her temper rising once again.
"Unless, you're afraid that you'll fall in love with me once again." He hit home as he watched her eyes narrow before she scoffed and laughed.
"As if. I learned my lesson about playing with fire." She replied before turning and walking away.
"Where are you going?" He called after her retreating figure.
"Your car is this way, isn't it?" She asked as if it were common sense. He smirked as he followed her. Her personality hadn't changed one bit. She still felt the need to prove herself, not that he was complaining. He would gladly use it to his advantage.
"Téa, where are you going?" Mai called as Téa made her way to Kaiba's car.
"Don't worry, Mai. It's only lunch." Téa replied as Kaiba got into the car. The car pulled out and drove away as a dumbstruck Mai and excited Serenity watched.
"Did she seriously just agree to have lunch with that thing?" Mai asked as she recovered her voice. Serenity smiled and nodded before giggling.
"And what's so funny?" Mai whirled on Serenity, her eyes narrowed. The younger girl, however, simply smiled and shook her head.
"Looks like people can change. Téa just agreed to go to lunch with Kaiba." She replied before sticking her tongue out at the blond.
"Shut your optimistic ass." Mai mumbled before she turned and headed towards her car.
"Need a lift?" She yelled over her shoulder before Serenity followed after her.
"So, what have you been up to in the last couple of years? You know, since you left me at the altar?" Téa smirked inwardly as Kaiba choked on the wine he was drinking.
"That was terse. Not one to beat around the bush, are you?" He asked as he wiped the wine from his chin. She shrugged before taking a sip of her own wine.
"I learnt it from you." She replied before signaling to the waiter that she was ready to order. However, she saw the brief look that passed on Kaiba's face at her insult.
"I'll have the Chicken Alfredo with Fettuccini Noodles." She gave the waiter her menu before taking another sip of her wine.
"One Lobster Newberg." Kaiba said before giving the waiter his menu.
"So, what did you do for the last couple of years?" Téa asked, turning her attention back towards Kaiba, who shrugged.
"Nothing really. I built up my business, acquired more partnerships and investors. Nothing you would be interested in." He said before turning away in an attempt to end the conversation.
"Oh, and when during that time did you build Kaiba Land?" Téa asked, earning another cough from Kaiba.
"I didn't know that you had such an interest in my personal life and kept such tabs on me. I'm flattered, Téa." He smirked at her uncomfortable face.
"Don't be. Your personal life isn't exactly personal. It was all over the news when you opened it. Besides, I have better things to do than think about you." She replied, causing him to chuckle.
"You know, it really did shock me though. I found myself wondering how such a cruel and malicious person could love children so much that he decided to open an entire theme park for them. The human mind really is an interesting thing sometimes." She turned towards him, expecting to see a scowl. However, her face grew confused as she took in his sad and almost dejected face.
Suddenly, she felt really horrible about what she said and cleared her throat before chuckling.
"I'm kidding." She chuckled in an attempt to ease the emotional tension between them. He looked up at her but didn't say anything.
"Hello, ma'am. Here is your Chicken Alfredo with Fettuccini Noodles. And for you, sir. Here is your Lobster Newberg. Enjoy." The waiter placed their ordered dishes before them and disappeared.
"Well, enjoy." Téa said before she began to cut her chicken. However, she saw that Kaiba made no attempt to eat his food. Sighing, she set her knife and fork down before looking at him.
"I'm sorry about the comment. It was really mean. It's actually sweet and amazing that you made an amusement park for children." She smiled in hopes of getting him to return to his old self before sighing as she realized that she wasn't helping much.
Defeated, she hung her head and resumed cutting her chicken.
"You know, I was adopted." Kaiba suddenly said, causing Téa to pause.
"What?" She asked, unsure what he just said.
"I was adopted. My parents both died in an accident and my relatives passed me around. They only took me in for my money. After the money finished, I was dumped in an orphanage." Téa watched as he took a stroll down memory lane. Although unsure why he was telling her this, she felt closer to him.
"I always wanted a home. Somewhere I would be loved and cherished. Just as before. My parent loved me and always made me smile. In the orphanage, I was miserable and soon realized that no one cared about a poor child. Every time, I use to watch as other kids were adopted and I was forced to return to my room. When Gozaburo adopted me, I thought that my life would change and I would be happy like other kids. But, he never wanted a child to love. He wanted a robot to program to learn to manage his company." Téa felt tears in her eyes as she listened to his story. She felt horrible that his childhood had been so loveless and cruel.
She had always had her father and Amanda. Despite how annoying they made her feel at times, she couldn't imagine her life without them. The day her father died had been one of the worst days of her life.
"When I decided to build Kaiba Land, I wanted a place for kids like me. I knew what it was like to have no joy, no happiness. What it is like to feel out of place and unloved. I wanted those kids to have a place where they could feel happy, even if it was briefly." His story about his life suddenly increased the intimacy between them as she suddenly saw him in another light.
Sure, he could be a cynical and cruel person when he wanted to be. But, underneath it all, he was scarred. He was an unloved child who was scared of getting too attached to something only to have it taken away. Téa wiped away the tears flowing down her face as she looked at him. She wanted to show him that there was love in the world and there were people out there who cared about you. She wanted to sho-
"What the hell are you crying for?" Kaiba's disgusted voice cut her daydreams short as she returned to reality and saw a horrified Kaiba looking at her.
"Well, your childhood. It was so sa-that is, it was horr-" She began before he scoffed.
"I didn't tell you about my childhood for you to cry me a river and feel bad about me. I told you about it so that you know that I'm only cruel and malicious to everyone but children. Now, wipe your eyes before someone thinks I told you something to make you cry and causes a scene." He threw the napkin in her face before picking up his fork and eating.
"I swear, you're such an asshole sometimes." Tea grumbled while he asked her if she wanted dessert.
She knew that she shouldn't feel sorry for him. Anytime she showed any sympathy towards him, the idiot always did something to piss her off and make her revoke it.
After ordering dessert, she decided that it would be best to spend the rest of the meal in silence. Halfway through, Kaiba ruined her plans by talking to her.
"So, what have you been up to these last couple of years?" He asked as he took a knife and began to cut up his cake into tiny pieces. Téa watched as he sliced the cake before putting a small piece into his mouth and chewing.
"Any day now. Unless, watching me eat is more entertaining than your life." Kaiba replied, causing a minor blush to creep up her face as she turned away.
"Well, not really a lot. I began modeling and then started my own fashion lines. I also have my own brand of perfume, but nothing big." Téa said as she licked her lips, which had ice cream on them.
"Really? And I take it that you relationship with Ryuu is nothing big?" Kaiba asked, causing her eyes to grow wide before she shook her head.
"How do yo-" She began before she began to piece it together.
"Do you spy on m-" She began before Kaiba's arrogant chuckle cut her off.
"Don't flatter yourself. I have better things to do than think about you. Besides, your personal life isn't so personal, now is it?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at her. She scoffed before shrugging.
"I never had a relationship with Ryuu. That was all Molly's doing. Although, I'm not saying that I don't like him." At this, Téa smiled to herself. Kaiba, however, caught the smile and felt a tiny stab of jealousy, almost as if a needle pricked him.
"If you say so." He replied before shrugging and looking away.
"What is that supposed to mean?" Téa suddenly piped up. Kaiba looked at her before sighing.
"Do you never let anything go? It was a simple comment." He replied, shaking his head in exhaustion.
"Whatever. I'm finished." She said, gesturing to the empty bowl.
"Shouldn't you watch your figure?" He asked, his trademark smirk returning to his face. He never missed an opportunity to insult her.
"I never said I wanted more, stupid. That was my way of telling you to hurry up, Princess." She smirked, gesturing to the small pieces of cut cake on his plate.
"You know, we should have a tea party one day." Téa said as they strolled out of the restaurant ten minutes later after arguing over who paid the check and then over the amount of tip the waiter should receive.
"Shut up and get in the car." He mumbled, clearly still upset that she insisted on paying for her meal and half the tip.
"What's the matter? Did my independence strike a blow to your manhood? Or your pride and ego?" Téa couldn't help taunting him as she got into the car.
Grumbling a few incomprehensible words under his breath and a few comprehensible curses, he drove off.
Téa smirked to herself as she looked out the window. Looks like Round 3 belonged to her.
"Well, good luck getting home with a flat." Kaiba smirked at her through the window of his car. Téa looked at the flat on her car before growling to herself.
Great. Her phone was dead, her car had a flat, and she just spent her cash on the lunch. On that note, her stomach cramped as it began a fight with the chicken she had eaten not too long ago.
"Damn it." She hissed through closed teeth before turning back to Kaiba, who was watching her and smirking. Was that all he ever did? Smirk?
He couldn't even smile like a normal person. Or even grin. No, Seto Kaiba always had to smirk! How she wished she could rip his lips off sometimes. Téa found that she understood 'The Tell-Tale Heart' much better now.
Inside of the black car with the leather seats, he looked exactly like Lucifer. Only, he was Lucifer in a white designer trench coat with brown hair, cobalt eyes, and a smirk that had 'Surrender' written all over it.
Apparently, the Devil wore white designer trench coats rather than Prada. How wonderful.
Moaning to herself, Téa made her way towards the car, watching as Kaiba leaned against the leather seat and looked at her.
"Can I help you with something?" He asked, making his voice sickeningly innocent on purpose.
"My car seems to have a flat." Téa replied, pasting a smile on her face.
"Really? And what does that have to do with me?" He asked again in that innocent voice. Téa glared at him and wished for once that looks could kill. However, she forced herself to smile again.
"Well, it seems my phone also died and I have no cash. Only credit cards." She replied, watching as he enjoyed her misfortune.
"I see. And what does this have to do with me?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at her.
"I need a ride." She grumbled.
"What was that? I didn't quite hear you." He replied, the smirk on his face telling her that he heard exactly what she said. How she wanted to slap the smirk off of his face. Her hand twitched at the thought before she calmed down.
"I said," Téa stopped and lowered her voice, smiling at him.
"I need a ride home." She replied sweetly, batting her eyelashes at him.
"Well, why didn't you say that? I'll definitely give you a ride." He smirked at her, reminding her of the Cheshire Cat.
"You egotistical bastard." Téa grumbled as she got into his car.
"Did you say something?" He asked, looking over at her.
"I said thank you." She replied, giving him another smile before turning away and retching as she looked out the window.
"You're welcome." He replied as he directed his attention towards the road, a victorious grin on his lips.
Téa glared out the window as she killed Kaiba a million times in her head.
However, it looked like Round 3 belonged to him. Damn.
Soo, reviews! I know I didn't update for so long and I hope this chapter was enjoyable! I'll update as soon as I get a chance to. Rejoice Jeda! I updated and it only took me… one year! Again, enjoy and be sure to review!