Marko fallowed Aislin into her room, it felt like such a long time since he'd been in it, there were no more posters on the wall no more strings of photographs and quite a few more books had been accumulated on her bookshelf. Her vanity held a lot more make up than he remembered.

Aislin let go of his hand and went to her bed. She bit her lip uneasily and began pushing her cuticles back from her fingrs. She knew he was looking at her, She was afraid to meet his eye. She looked up and watched his lips curve into a smile. One of those smiles she lived for. She returned itand pated the bed beside her. She crossed her legs up on her bed her dress moving up a little. She wait for him.

Marko sat a mirror image next to her. No smile would sway her he knew it. But he want her to remember why she loved him, why she chose to be with him knowing all the risks, almost ll the risks. But her eyes, those eyes. They spoke to him the first time he took the time to really see her. That girl that was always beside that irritating girl that talked way way to much. Aislin smiled and locked her fingers through his. "Hi,"

"Hi," He smiled back, "So are you going to yell at me or hit me or something? I'm getting very mixed signals."

Aislin shook her head, her hair falling in her face. "No. I'm not angry anymore, hurt still but not angry."

"That's worse."

"Is it?" Aislin asked. "Here I thought it was your mission to make me angry." She said only half serious.

Marko shook his head. "I don't want to do this little dance of yours Aislin. Say what you have to say." He said pulling his fingers out of hers. Her face still held no expression at least not before she put it down. "I love you Marko."

"But your not in love with me? Its not you its me? We're too different. Come on baby throw he best clichés at me." He stood from the bed faster than expected full vampire speed. Aislin didn't move she didn't look up. "That's not it at all Marko. I just don't know what want anymore….it scares me."

He didn't want to listen. He could change her make her one of them then she wouldn't have a care in the world. Sleep all day, party all night, its fun to be a vampire. "You never have to be scared of me."

She looked up her eyes were wet, "Not of you, I know you love me to much to hurt me."

Do i?

"Of life Marko, What ill I do with it? What will I become? What will happen if I don't become one of you, what if I do for that mater? What will my days be then? Will I sit on your bike every night on the boardwalk? Maybe I don't want that. I don't think that…"

"I thought being with me would be enough." Marko said.

Aislin felt the sting in his voice, She was a selfish bitch, that's what he thought and that's what she was. "Im leaving Marko." She waited for him to say something but he wouldn't turn to it. "For the break just five weeks." Still nothing "

"What do you want me to do? Wait for you? What?"

Aislin stood up. She went to him and tried grabbing his arm, he pulled away. He looked at her, his eyes were not kind, she couldn't read his face.

"Just go. "

He went to the door. "Aislin I may have screwed up, but I never intentionally tried hurting you." He looked at her and walked out. That was it.

Aislin watched him walk out, she felt an urge to fallow him, to say that she was sorry, she wasn't trying to hurt him either but what would it do what would it change? Nothing.

It was over.

…for now…

So that's the end for now. It was hard to decide how to end this part of the story without actually having to end it. I was just sure everyone would hate Aislin in the end BUT There will be a sequel! From mostly Aislin and Alinas point of view. So we'll see whats to come. And as always thank you for reading and being so patient. I know I hate waiting for updates on the stories I fallow but Im glad that you stuck by to the end. Reviews and criticisms are welcome.