Dedicated to Luna Moon18 XD

Ella~ Chapter 2~

It all happened in a matter of seconds.

Seth came forward, pulling me away from the scene and into Emily's house. Probably the only reason I let him even drag me that way was because of his promise of a hot mug of coffee. Eh, kicking some giant's ass could wait till later I suppose.

Emily greeted me with a smile, just like the first time I met her. She learned from the first and last time Kim brought me here to 'meet the guys' that I wasn't a very huggable person. So needless to say, I appreciated it when she refrained from engulfing me in one of those famous 'warming of the soul' hugs.

Quirking a brow at Seth, probably the only one I actually knew slightly before he went all weird gang oriented, I took the cup of coffee he poured easily from the maker. Honestly, the boy knew me a little too well.

Coffee was my weakness. And it could even get me down from one of my little…couhm…moods.

"What are they DOING out there?" I breathed around the cup, listening to them as they all made so much, well, noise.

" I wouldn't worry bout it." He shrugged, plopping down next to me on the couch.

"They better not be beating the hell outta Paul." I took another sip. "Bitch is mine."

Apparently Seth found that a whole lot funnier than it really should have been. Not that I was complaining.

"I should probably go." I announced, standing and handing the cup back to Seth. "I've gotta ass to kick."

Oddly enough, the coward must have run away, because he was nowhere in sight when I finally stepped out onto the lawn again.

"What. A. F-"

"Hey." I snapped around at the sound of the heavy voice. Paul.

"Bitch please." I accused, raising my fist, pulling it back eagerly.

"I wouldn't do that." Jared chuckled in my ear, grabbing the fist before it connected with the big asshole's face.

"Wanna do the honor's yourself, then?" I quirked a brow at Jared in anticipation. SOMEONE was beating the crap outta this guy.

"Kim's waiting for you at home. Go be with Lori." Jared nodded, leading me back to the car, well, more like carrying me back.

"You just wait buster. It's comin to ya." I pointed my finger hopefully menacingly at Paul before letting Jared drive me back to my place.

"Where's the body?" Kim grinned when I walked in. She was curled up on the couch, clad in her Sponge Bob Pajamas while Lori snuggled into her side, half asleep.

"Please tell me you didn't kill 'em." Lori sighed, trying to open her eyes enough to see me.

"I never got the chance." I side glanced angrily at Jared, ignoring it when Kim mouthed him a very unsupportive, 'Thank you.'

Rolling my eyes, I kicked the door closed and pushed Jared out of my way before I walked quickly towards Lori.

"Oh, by the way." I whipped my hand across my best friend's face. "ARE YOU FRIGGIN KIIDDIN ME LORI! YOU LOST YOUR V CARD! YOU'RE 16!"

She didn't seem to be any more awake then she did five seconds ago, even with the whack to the face. Then again, I didn't pack the hard of a punch.

She could have at least did a courtesy flinch.

"You just better hope you're not pregnant or your ass is disowned, bitch." I snapped, breathing deeply to try to calm myself.

"Thanks for being so supportive."

"I'm not a bra sweetie, if you want support, go to Victoria Secret."