You know that feeling? The one that feels like there's a huge block of ice in your stomach that is slowly melting and turning into lead? Then the ants start to scramble around in your belly, and you have to keep grabbing at it to stop the nervous feeling coming from it? Yeah, that feeling.

It was the feeling I was getting in the pit of my stomach as we pulled up to my new school. Why did I have to be the new girl? No, correction, why did I have to be the new misfit girl with the peach skin and the bright red hair?

"Got all your stuff Addie?" My older sister by one year, Sydney, asked. She looked more like the average Qurellette, resembling my father more then my mother. Her hair was pitch black, yet it was cropped at her shoulders, where as mine hung down to the middle of my back, and hers was pin straight, though mine was in large curls. Her eyes were black, making my green ones stand out even more, and her skin tone was a tad darker then mine. How come SHE got the right genes while I'm stuck with my mothers ugly Irish heritage?

"Yeah, I got everything." I said shakily. What can I say, it was my first day of high school.

"All the freshman are nervous." She stated, taking my hand in hers.

"I doubt it." I muttered as I hopped out of the car. I bet all those other freshman are doing just fine, I mean, they probably already had friends in this school.

"Hey, Sydney!" A deep voice called from behind us as my sister climbed out of her way too giant car. What the hell possessed her to get a jeep?

"Hey Em." I heard her graceful voice answer. Oh well wasn't she just miss sweetness?

I walked around to her side of the car, planning to tell her I was going home, that's when I saw the giant they considered a student.

"You must be Adeline." The giant spoke. I fought the urge to laugh in his face. Did this guy hit puberty early or what? I mean, he had to be what, sixteen? Seventeen? He didn't look like a high school student.

I simply quirked my brow at him, pursing my lips as I gave him a weird look.

"You can call her Addie." Sydney offered.

"The hell he can." I said, giving a small glare at Sydney. Why the hell was she being nice to this guy? "You have my schedule." I pointed out to her.

"Oh, yeah, right, sorry, here." She handed me the small slip of paper. I gave her an over the top wink, pointing my gun like fingers at her before walking forward towards the school.

"Is she always like that?" I heard the 'Em' kid ask. My sister sighed in return. I rolled my eyes. What. A. Butt face.

"I'm Embry by the way. Hey, I know some other freshman, maybe you could meet them, maybe then you won't be alone all day. I bet they have some of your classes." I tried my best not to jump as that creepers voice assaulted my from my left.

"Yeah, or I could, uh, not." I said flatly, giving him a quick glance.

"Oh, hey, there they are, come on." He then proceeded to grab hold of my arm and pull me towards the massive group of guys who all looked exactly alike. Did I mention I didn't like to be touched?

I struggled against him, but gave up after it seemed like he didn't even notice and went some what willingly over to the guys who looked like they all cloned each other.

"Seth, Collin, Brady, this is Addie." Embry stated, gesturing to the three giants.

"Who said you could call me Addie?" I questioned, looking pointedly at him.

"Uh, well, uh, your sister said-"

"My sister is a dumb ass." I clarified, in case he didn't already know.

A heard a low chuckle somewhere next to me and I turned to glare at the person. The minute our eyes connected I was lost.

Ew. His eyes were grey. What and ugly color. It reminded me of old people. Old people and clouds and rain and dust and thunder. Ekk, thunder. He continued to stare, his eyes not leaving mine.

"Grey is a horrible eye color. I pity you." I stated bluntly, not really caring what he made of that.

"Perfect match." I heard one of the other guys whisper. Must have been some inside joke. Butt faces.

The guy who was looking at me didn't look phased, it was as if he hadn't even heard me. Well, that was quite rude. Ignoring people is ten times worse then bluntness in my book.

"Addi- Adeline, this is Paul." Embry introduced hastily.

"Do I care?" I said, raising both my eye brows and turning away from him. Why the hell would I care what his name was?

"Dude, she's a freshman." Some other guy in the group whispered after another's possibly rude comment. I've had just about enough fun with these giants.

"Right, well, as fun as this's been, I'll just be going now." I said flashing a perfect crest smile at Embry before skipping off towards the front doors. Those damned giants were gonna make me late.