Naruto of the Sharingan

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Fairy Tail or anything else that might pop up in this story… Gotta hate Disclaimers…

"Hey there! normal speaking

'Man I'm hungry' – normal thinking

'Sup' bitches!" – Demon/Summoned Creature speaking

We are fucked!' – Demon/Summoned Creature thinking

Katon: Gōryūka no Jutsu – Jutsu

(Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique) – Jutsu Translation

Fuinjutsu For Advanced Users – Books and Scrolls

Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry! I apologize with every fiber of my being, for the giant delay between chapter 6 and 7. I wish I had some kind of excuse for it, but really, I've just completely forgotten about writing, and I kinda lost my love for it too. Anyways, for all of you who've reviewed, THANK YOU! I want all of you to know that I read all of your reviews and take them to heart. For those who had some thoughts about chapter 1, I agree completely. Naruto's reaction to Kakashi's death was rather unrealistic, and I might go back and rewrite parts of it later.

"Well then, with this, let the first round of the Chuunin Exam Finals… Begin!"

Kiba charged at Naruto, engaging in Taijutsu. Naruto easily dodged all of Kiba's blows before landing a heavy blow on Kiba's gut. Kiba coughed and slid back a little, a smile on his face. Naruto blinked until suddenly Akamaru rushed at him from behind with a Tsuga.

Naruto swiftly dodged as he frowned.

'I couldn't feel Akamaru's presence at all… What kind of training did he go through?'

The two ganged up on him, Kiba unleashing a flurry of punches while Akamaru repeatedly tried to scratch him.



'Low Kick.'

'Going for my eyes.'




'Sorry… But even without my Sharingan, I can easily see your moves.'

Naruto slid into Kiba's guard, giving him a devastating elbow to the gut. He coughed before going up in smoke.

'Kage Bunshin? But when did he…?'

Naruto's eye widened as several smoke clouds exploded around him, revealing several Kiba's and Akamaru's. As one they charged him with a cry of Gatsuuga. Naruto closed his eye before smiling lightly.

'So you've already grown this much, huh?'

As the first two clones were upon him he grabbed their arms mid spin and threw them into two other clones. An Akamaru came from behind him, but before the poor clone could blink, it had been completely destroyed.

Naruto jumped high into the air before creating two Kage Bunshin. One of the Kage Bunshin dropped down onto the ground. They all went through seals.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique!"

"Wind Release: Great Breakthrough Technique!"

"Earth Release: Binding Shackles Technique!"

The Earth Release technique bound all the clones to the ground making them unable to move as the wind enhanced fireball crashed down onto the stage, exploding in a wild firestorm.

Kage Booth…

"Hoho! That kid ain't half bad Sarutobi!" A boomed.

"Hmph, using Earth Release as a means to bind an enemy? He has no idea of how to truly use Earth Release." Onoki, the Tsuchikage, mumbled.

"But, isn't three Nature Types for a Genin a little overkill?" Sakura asked confused.

"Taicho is a Genin in rank only, his skill is quite a lot higher than that." Shino drawled.

"I see…"


Naruto looked around confused.

'I can't feel his presence… What in the world?'

The ground behind him exploded as Kiba came jumping out, his hands going through seals.

"Take this! Fire Release: Great Pressure Blast Wave Technique!"

Kiba exclaimed as he spit out a powerful stream of fire. Naruto dodged, and watched with slight fascination as the Technique tore through the ground.

'He's got a pretty powerful Fire affinity there.'

Kiba looked annoyed as he went through more seals.

"Fire Release: Hell Scorch Technique!" An enormous torrent of fire exploded from Kiba's mouth and out towards Naruto.

'He can do a jutsu like this, plus he can create several Kage Bunshin… What kind of chakra enhancing training did he do to get to this level?'

"Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!" He conjured a large water dragon from thin air which then collided with the fire torrent. At first they were equal, but because of the lack of moisture in the air, the water dragon was slowly losing.

Naruto sighed annoyed and did more seals.

'Let's go with a Uzumaki special then…'

"Water Release: Double Water Dragon Twin Bullet Technique!" Two massive water dragons appeared this time and charged at the fire torrent. After a minute they canceled out the fire and headed towards Kiba.

"Whoa!" Kiba yelled as he narrowly dodged. But Naruto was instantly upon him.

"Ice Release: Double Ice Dragon Twin Bullet Technique!" He called out as two ice dragons spawned and charged Kiba who once again narrowly dodged.

"Ice Release: Icicle Mayhem Technique!" Naruto called out. The ice dragons exploded into several hundred icicles which then proceeded to bombard Kiba who was now running around like a headless chicken.

Kage Booth…

"What the hell!" A roared.

"How can he pull water out of the atmosphere just like that! And since when did he have a Kekkei Genkai!"

Sarutobi chuckled.

"You might as well get used to it, A-kun. Naruto is full of surprises."

"Indeed… Besides it's not like Naruto-Taicho only has one Kekkei Genkai." Shino said. Then he froze, when all eyes were on him.

"Maybe… I shouldn't have said that." He sweatdropped to which Hinata facepalmed.

"Wait, then he has two like me?" Mei asked confused.

"Well… Technically, Naruto-Taicho has three…"



"Heh… Guess we'll have to use that technique after all huh Akamaru?" Kiba said, to which his partner barked.

'Hm… what technique?' Naruto thought confused.

"Here we go Akamaru!"

"Human Beast Combination Transformation: Werewolf!" He said as he and Akamaru fused in a large poof of smoke.

Kage Booth…

"Ho… So he finally used it huh?" Tsume smiled.

"It?" Shino enquired.

"Yeah, that technique is what we've been working on for the past month. Without it I would have written this off as Naruto's victory already."

"Hmm… Interesting." Shino said.

"Hm? What is?" Tsume enquired.

"Just now you made it sound like he would actually have a chance against Taicho if he uses this technique… How interesting."

Tsumes eye twitched as she mumbled.

"Damn Aburame. They always hear the things you don't want them to."

"I heard that." Shibi said beside her.


Hana sweatdropped.


The dust around Kiba and Akamaru settled revealing a being like none before it. It was tall, almost twice as tall as Naruto, covered in brown fur. It's wrists and ankles along with several patches of fur were white however. It had a long face with two ears on top, but it lacked a tail. It's eyes were a glowing green and its teeth were long and looked sharper than most Kunai as did its claws. It opened its mouth slightly.

"How do ya like this, Taicho?" The being growled out, its voice coarse like sandpaper.

Naruto whistled.

"Impressive, but intimidation won't help you win this fight, Kiba-kun."

Were-Kiba's face split into something reminiscent of a smile before he disappeared in a static blur. Not even a second later, he was standing behind Naruto.

"Wha was all Naruto managed before he was backhanded across the arena floor.

Naruto righted himself into a slide and looked up only to find Were-Kiba gone.

'Where'd he go!' He felt the werewolf behind him and turned, his arms coming up to block. There was no one behind him, however.

"Eh?" Suddenly a fist collided with his unguarded back, sending him flying.

Naruto was on the defensive now, Were-Kiba kept appearing and disappearing, randomly hitting him. At times he would appear, roar at Naruto and suddenly Naruto would get blown back from a shockwave.

Naruto looked up to see the transformed Kiba appear in another static blur.

"How'd ya like that!" He seemingly grinned.


"Hm? Say something Taicho or are you totally speechless in the face of my awesomeness?"

"I see…" Naruto suddenly said.


"At first I couldn't grasp it…"

"Grasp what?"

"The reason why you could move so fast just because you transformed, it didn't make any sense. Now I get it, however."


"The secret isn't your new body… It's the power you gain from it. More specifically, the power to manipulate sound."

'He saw through it!'

"And with the power of sound, one can turn normal sounds into shockwaves or move at the speed of sound… Like you just did."

Naruto smiled as he wiped away some blood from his lip.

"You've really become strong, so I guess I'll have to take this seriously as well."

With that, Naruto blurred out of sight. Were-Kiba's eyes widened as he raised his arms, narrowly blocking a drop kick. Naruto smiled as he went up in smoke. Kiba's eyes widened.

'Kage Bunshin!'

Suddenly, two threads of wire appeared and bound him. The large wolf being paled as he heard:

"Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique!"

"Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique!"

The two streams of fire trailed along the wire from both left and right, convening on and burning Kiba to a crisp.

Naruto looked on as the smoke cleared, revealing a slightly burnt werewolf.

"Tch, I guess I let my guard down…' He growled.

Kiba moved again, appearing at Naruto's unguarded left side. He punched Naruto with as much force as possible, but instead of coughing up blood, 'Naruto' disappeared in a puff of smoke. From the smoke Naruto appeared flashing through hand seals as another clone went for a kick at Kiba's head.

Naruto finished his hand seals.

"Earth Release: Earth Style Wall!"

A large earth wall rose behind Kiba. It was adorned with four toad heads. Kiba jumped back to avoid the chakra enhanced kick from Naruto's clone. The instant his back hit the wall, earth pillars erupted from the sides of the wall and locked him in place.

Were-Kiba's eyes widened in fear when he heard the familiar sound of birds chirping. He looked up to see Naruto's Chidori enhanced hand coming towards his heart. As a reflex he closed his eyes.

Kage Booth…

A's eyes widened.

"That technique! That's Hatake Kakashi's Chidori!"

Dust had been whirled up from the impact of the Chidori. Everyone was sitting at the edge of their seats, waiting to see what had happened.


The dust settled almost painfully slow, revealing that Naruto's hand was lodged into the wall a few inches from Kiba's heart.

Naruto smiled at Kiba.

"First death."

Kiba recovered quickly and with a mighty roar, made sound waves explode around him, cutting both Naruto and the wall to pieces. The dead Naruto turned into smoke.

'Another Kage Bunshin!' Kiba thought angrily.

Naruto reappeared across from Kiba on the floor of the arena.

"Why did you redirect that Chidori? You could've won the match just then." Kiba asked.

"Well, for one, it wouldn't be as much fun. Besides, I want to see how powerful you really are." Naruto explained.

Were-Kiba smirked slightly.

"Then I won't hold anything back at all!"

He attacked Naruto in a wild frenzy, his claws coming down upon Naruto again and again. Barely noticeably, Naruto was constantly tapping his limbs and body, lightly. Naruto jumped back to make some room between them.

"You know Kiba-kun, you should work on your sensing skills some more." He smiled.

Kiba looked confused.


Naruto made a hand seal and suddenly pieces of Kiba's fur disappeared, revealing several explosive tags stuck to his body.

Kiba's eyes widened.

'When did he-!'

It was too late however.


Kiba exploded kicking up dust. When it settled, he looked much worse than before, he was also breathing rather heavily.

"I see… When you kept lightly tapping me… You were setting the tags on me."


Kiba growled.

He blurred out of sight and appeared at Naruto's side, claws heading to shred Naruto's ribs to pieces.

Kiba's hand impacted, shredding Naruto who went up in smoke.


The earth right beneath his feet erupted as Naruto appeared, sending a sharp uppercut to Kiba's jaw sending his head and neck backwards. Naruto quickly jumped back, a Chidori appearing in his hand. The Chidori grew to twice its normal size before Naruto brought up his other hand and split it into two.

He dashed forward at blinding speeds, tunnel vision kicking in as he slammed the first Chidori into the dazed Kiba's stomach sending both of them into the air as he kept pushing the Chidori and Kiba forward. They flew across the sky in a large zigzag pattern, lightning trailing after them.

Naruto left Kiba hanging in the air as he flew higher into the air. He turned around to face down towards Kiba as he charged the remaining Chidori in his hand with extra lightning chakra. He then fell at incredible speeds, slamming the second Chidori into Kiba's stomach as both of them speeded towards the ground at ridiculous speeds. As they approached the ground Naruto's second Chidori cut through the lightning that had trailed after the first Chidori, giving credit to the more powerful versions name; Lightning Cutter.

They impacted the ground hard, creating a deep crater and kicking up dust.

Kage Booth…

The Tsuchikage blinked.

"Did he just defy the laws of physics and gravity?"

"Who the hell are you to talk, what with your flight technique and all." The Raikage mumbled.

"That's completely different! My technique is an advanced Earth Jutsu that takes away the weight and mass of who I wish it to, effectively making them able to fly! This is just plain ignoring physics!" The old man ranted.

Kurotsuchi sighed as she palmed her face.

"Way to give away your technique's secret old geezer."

(A/N: I know this probably isn't how his flight thingy works, it's just my theory.)

"Well at least Naruto-niichan held back. If he had gone all out he would probably had killed Kiba-kun." Hinata mused.

Shikamaru stared at her.

"How is that holding back, if I may ask?" He enquired.

"Well, Naruto-niichan can use an even more powerful version of the Chidori called Raikiri. It's an S-class jutsu. Also, I think if he hadn't powered down his Chidori as well, then Kiba-kun would be dead."

"So you're saying he's way stronger than what he just showed us?" Chouji asked, chips momentarily forgotten.


"… Whoa."


Kiba shakily got up, his chest bleeding rather heavily. He glared at Naruto.

"You held back! That's low Taicho!"

Naruto just smiled at him.

"Sorry Kiba-kun, but I'd rather not have Hinata-chan kill me after the match for injuring you too badly." Naruto apologized, making everyone sweat drop.

"Well then, I guess it's time for my strongest technique!" Kiba said as he reared back his head, sound waved gathering and compressing at his opened mouth.

Naruto's eye widened slightly before narrowing.

'That's one hell of a move, I'll have to bring That out' He thought.

Kiba had finished charging his move, and with a mighty roar, send a compressed beam of sound waves towards Naruto. The tip of the beam looked like a wolf's head.

"Wolf Head Moon Cannon" He called out his move.

Unseen to everyone, Naruto activated his P.E.M.S. behind his headband as he went through hand seals and then breathed in deeply. Then he breathed out as he called out his technique.

"Blaze Release: Blaze Dragon Onyx Bullet Technique!" He breathed out a gigantic dragon of pure black flames. It was missing one eye, but the other was in the shape of Naruto's P.E.M.S.

The two attacks collided in a enormous explosion that blinded everyone. The dust slowly settled revealing Kiba and Akamaru lying on the ground, burns on their clothes/fur and looking absolutely beat. Naruto stood over them.

Kage Booth… Of Doom!

Everyone was speechless, except Shino and Hinata.

"B-blaze Release! What in the world!" Temari asked.

"It's one of Naruto-Taichos Kekkei Genkai. Black flames that will burn for seven days and seven nights, extinguishable only by Taicho himself." Shino explained.

"Yeah… It seems like he banished it before it could do any real damage to Kiba-kun." Hinata said.

"It was probably his plan from the start to push Kiba-kun to his limits." Sarutobi mused.

"That would be like him." Shino agreed.

Most of the other contestants just blinked at their casual talk about inextinguishable black flames and how Naruto held back.

A's eyes narrowed suspiciously at the elderly Hokage.

"Are you sure he's just a Genin?"

Mei smirked.

'Strong, kind, intelligent and handsome to boot… Nice.'

Arena… Of Doom!

The proctor slowly walked forward, bending down to check on Kiba.

"We're gonna need a medic team to take care of this kid."

Then he stood and announced as loudly as he could.

"Winner of the first round of the Final Chuunin Exam: Hatake Naruto!"

The crowd cheered, excited about the awesome match they had borne witness to.

Kiba cracked open an eye, looking groggily at Naruto.

"Damn… So I lost completely huh?"

Naruto eye smiled.

"I wouldn't say that Kiba-kun."


Naruto raised his arm revealing a long gash going from his wrist to his elbow. Kiba's eyes widened.

"I-I did that?"

Naruto grinned at him.

"Yup! You've really grown strong Kiba-kun! This'll heal in a few minutes but it'll leave a permanent scar. You've finally done it… You managed to permanently wound me, so from now on I'll see you as my equal in combat."

Kiba's grin couldn't have been wider as he slowly passed out, his two other teammates and his sensei all grinning widely as well.

Naruto Shunshinned to the Kage booth after persistently refusing any kind of medical attention, saying he'd be fine in a minute or two. His team greeted him upon arrival.

"That was a splendid match, Naruto-Taicho. You didn't even have to use that or your sword for that matter."

Naruto grinned.

"Yeah, I've done some heavy duty training over the month in order to strengthen my more lacking areas."

Shino raised an eyebrow.

"You had lacking areas?" He questioned, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Naruto just stuck out his tongue at him.

"Well, at least you aren't a monster loser anymore" Sasuke said as he walked up to Naruto.

"Awwww, careful Sasuke, that almost sounded friendly!" He grinned at his longtime friend.


"Will Temari and Nii Yugito please step into the arena, so that the second match of the Chuunin Exams can begin!" The proctor said.

Kage Booth…

The two blonds glared at each other as they walked towards the stairs down into the arena. Naruto smiled brightly at both of them.

"Good luck, and try not to kill each other!" Temari huffed, but smiled, and walked down the stairs.

As Yugito tried to pass Naruto, his arm shot up, locking onto her arm, instantly paralyzing her whole body, unknown to everyone. He whispered in to her ear:

"If you're going to use the Nibi's power, do it in moderation. I would hate to have to… Put you down, miss Nii." And then he smiled again, letting her walk past her, her face a wall of stone.

The second she made it down the first set of stairs however, she clutched her chest, breathing heavily.

"What the hell was that! That malicious feeling! That didn't feel like the Kyuubi! It was definitely human… But it was so cold!"

"That was his killing intent, kitten… That boy, to have such a cold and "true" killing intent at his age… Most likely, he has been close enough to death to see the Shinigami itself... And there was traces there, familiar traces…"

"Familiar traces?"

"It's nothing Kitten. Get to the arena, you have a sandy ass to kick. A rather delicious, well-shaped as-"

"NIBI!" Yugito blushed and hurried into the arena.

The large cat however, wasn't smiling at all inside her cage.

'I've felt that before… That was the same feeling… As when the old man got angry… Less powerful by far, but still… Hatake Naruto… No, Uzumaki Naruto… Could you possibly be…?'


Yugito and Temari faced off in the half destroyed arena, both completely in their ninja mode.

The proctor raised his hand lazily.

"Second match, START!"

And… That's it! I hope this chapter wasn't too disappointing seeing as you've had to wait what, half a year? O.O

Anyways, this officially marks my coming back to . I'm definitely going to update! Definitely! And for those reading my other stories, I will launch chapter two of Sonzaiseifukugan sometime soon, and I will go back and rewrite Chimera no Naruto because I didn't really like how it turned out, and several reviews made me realize that it was a really sloppy chapter.

Anyways, I'm back, and this time, I'm staying for good!