Naruto Of The Sharingan

By Krozz-101

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto the series belongs to Masashi Kishimoto I don't own the name for Narutos sword Tenza Zangetsu either! That belongs to Tite Kubo.

Summary: After a vicious beating by the villagers of Konoha, Kakashi decides to adopt Naruto and train him in the path of a true Shinobi, but on a mission Kakashi dies getting his teammates to bring back to the village his Sharingan along with a wish… That Naruto shall become the new wielder of his Dojutsu.

"Hey there!" - normal speaking

'Man I'm hungry' – normal thinking

"'Sup' bitches!" – Demon/Summoned Creature speaking

' We are fucked!' – Demon/Summoned Creature thinking

Katon: Gōryūka no Jutsu – Jutsu

(Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Technique) – Jutsu Translation

Fuinjutsu For Advanced Users – Books and Scrolls

(A/N) Alright hello and welcome to my very first Fanfic ever! This is an idea that's been in my head for some time now and I really wanted to do it! Now Naruto IS getting a Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, and at the same time as he gets Kakashi's eye too! But he will not be a total Sharingan whore that relies on it completely… He will however be a Chidori/Raikiri whore XD god I love that jutsu!

Well let's get on with it!

A child no more than 6 was desperately running down the streets of Konohagakure No Sato (The Village Hidden In The Leaves) breathing heavily, why was he running you ask? Well this child was a little special… He was Uzumaki Naruto Jinchūriki of the greatest demon ever to walk the world: The Kyuubi No Youko that attacked the village 6 years ago and caused massive destruction, killing many Shinobi and civilians in the process and it wasn't until Konoha's greatest hero and the strongest ninja in the village: The Yondaime Hokage Minato Namikaze sacrificed the himself to seal the Kyuubi inside his newborn son Naruto, sadly few knew of his heritage and the villagers and most of the Shinobi of the village saw Naruto as the Kyuubi reincarnate and not the one actually holding it back, therefore he was hated, beaten spit upon and lonely since no one wanted to talk to him or help him for that matter.

The young boy made a sharp turn to the left in order to shake the villagers currently pursuing the young child while screaming things like

"Kill the demon brat!"

"Time to end what the Fourth started!"

And the occasional "I'm gonna feed you to my pigs after I've sliced you up!"

Now the Fourth had hoped that the villagers would see Naruto as a hero… Which they quite obviously didn't.

The kid came to a stop as he came to a dead end, seeing no way out he turned and would've run back into the street were it not for the mob that had cut him off from his only escape route, one of the Shinobi that occasionally joined the mobs threw a Shuriken that imbedded itself in the poor boys chest and send him plummeting to the ground coughing up blood, the villagers then closed in on him and with glee stabbed him, punched him kicked him, and generally tried to create as much physical damage as possible on the young child. Said young child just cried and repeatedly whispered

"Why are you doing this? What did I ever do to you? I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry"

At that very instant the sound of a thousand angry chirping birds was heard along with a cry of Raikiri!(Lightning Cutter) and then several dull thuds as some of the villagers fell, dead even before they hit the ground.

In front of Naruto stood a tall man clad in a full ANBU getup with a dog mask and gravity defying silver hair, his hand was crackling with electricity and one of his eyes were crimson red with three swirling tomoes in it.

"By order of the Sandaime Hokage all of you are under arrest! ANBU get them!"

Suddenly 10 masked cloaked persons appeared and knocked out the people and then Shunshin'd(Body Flicker) away leaving only the boy and the dog masked ANBU. The man kneeled down and picked up Naruto as he silently spoke

"Arigato Inu-san"

While he couldn't see it he could feel the man smile at him

"It's okay Naruto no one is going to hurt you anymore"

His voice was filled with confidence and reassurance and Naruto felt that he could trust the man

"So… what happens now?" he asked in his tiny voice.

The man's smile seemed to widen as he spoke his next words, the words that would forever change Narutos life:

"First I'm gonna take you to a hospital and make sure they treat you, then I'm gonna head to the Hokage and then I'm gonna request that I be allowed to adopt you"

Naruto's eyes widened so much they looked like they were gonna pop out of his skull

"Se-seriously?" he asked shakily

"You want to adopt me?"

He was really hoping that the man spoke the truth, if he lied Naruto wouldn't be able to handle the disappointment.

"Of course" the man answered happily

"after all that's what big brothers do right Naruto-kun?" the man said as he moved his mask revealing his face to the boy.

Narutos face lit up in recognition "Kakashi-niisan!" he shouted happily and would've moved to glomp the older man had his body not been wracked with wounds.

"Alright alright let's get you to the hospital before you kill yourself" he said with a sigh.

He already knew this was gonna be one hell of a hassle.

After dropping Naruto off at the hospital and promising them untold amounts of pain should they refuse to treat him right, Kakashi made his way to the Hokages office and marched right on through ignoring the secretary and kicking in the office doors as he slammed his hands onto the Hokages desk.

"Hokage-sama I want to adopt Naruto! He's suffered way too much already and as his father's student I should be more than qualified for the task!" he nearly shouted into the older man's face.

He was half expecting to be turned down since many of the Jounin in the village had tried to adopt Naruto just to get shot down by Danzo and the despicable civilian council. Therefore the Sandaime Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi's answer were quite unexpected.

" Very well I already have the adoption papers ready for you all you need to do is sign them and we're good to go"

"Listen I don't care what the council say- wait what! I thought the council refused to let Naruto get adopted?" Kakashi stated surprised.

The Third smiled knowingly

"Naruto-kun is like a grandson to me and I have let this village step on him Minato's last wish and myself long enough! Worry not about the council I'll deal with those fools! They shall learn why I am called the Shinobi no Kami!"

The old man stated as a fire that had long been thought doused, burned brightly in his eyes. Kakashi smiled, it seemed that they finally had their Hokage back.

3 years later

Naruto panted heavily as he stared down the group of shadow clones he was currently sparring in taijutsu with, to his left 100 clones were practicing advanced chakra control and to his right 100 additional Shadow clones were practicing the Katas associated with his Chokuto (Straight single edged sword without guard – the same kind as Sasuke uses in Shippuden) his observations was cut short as the ten shadow clones in front of him spread out to cover all sides and then charged at him some with their fists poised and ready to crack open his skull while others had Kunai and two of them had even drawn their Chokuto, the first one came from the left and tried to bash in Narutos skull but he tilted back and grabbed the outstretched arm and then in one deft move cut the clone in two with his sword just as three others closed in, Naruto quickly dropped to the ground and kicked two of them far up in the air, he then sweep kicked the last clones feet out from under him, Naruto quickly got on his feet and punched the still falling clone hard in the stomach, not missing a beat he grabbed the two airborne clones by their ankles and smashed them into the ground making them disappear as well as the one he had punched square in the stomach, the last six charged from the front weapons drawn, Naruto dropped low and in a blur flashed through the hand seals sucking in wind as he called out his technique

"Katon: Gōkakyū no jutsu!"

An enormous fire ball erupted from his mouth and connected with the group of clones easily destroying them.

With a sigh he fell on his ass trying to catch his breath, he had been sparring with the shadow clones for hours and even with his chakra reserves, the Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu cost him a lot of chakra, he WAS after all only 9 and for a nine year old being able to do an elemental jutsu as well as being able to spar for hours were quite impressive, he was even aware of his three affinities: Wind, Lightning and Fire, he had indeed come quite a long way since Kakashi-niisan had adopted him he mused, right now he was home alone as Kakashi was on another mission this time it was an s-rank and along with a squad of the best ANBU in Konoha he had left about a week ago.

Still Naruto didn't get lonely since the other Jounin would come train with him he especially liked training with Maito Gai and his apprentice who was a year older than Naruto, Rock Lee him and Lee had instantly become friends and helped each other when they learned Goken(Strong Fist) from Gai, Naruto had no doubt that Lee could become a great ninja only with Taijutsu, he also enjoyed training with Asuma, the man was skilled and helped him with his Wind manipulation, he had even taught Naruto how to channel his wind chakra into his sword since it was made of a material that could be used to enhance the chakra channeled through it, he preferred this over his Lightning channeling as the Wind chakra was invisible making it easy to catch the opponent off guard.

He was brought out of his musings as his skull felt like it was gonna crack! Typical! Of course his clones had to dispel all at the same freaking time! And they did it just so that he'd have a headache damn bastards! He groaned as he willed his worn out body to move as he got his stuff and headed home, he caught sight of himself in the mirror of one of the shops in the business district and liked what he saw, about a year after he had been adopted by Kaka-Niisan the Third had called Kakashi and Naruto to the Hokage Tower and there something amazing had happened.


Kakashi and Naruto walked into the office of the strongest man in Konoha as he sat with a contemplative look on his face, he snapped himself out of it and asked them to take a seat, once they were seated the old man begun

"Naruto, what I am about to tell you is an S-class secret that must not leave this room"

his voice was serious but his mask of seriousness fell at Narutos next words

"are you talking about the Kyuubi old man? 'Cause I already know about it and I even met it a few months ago! Pleasant fellow when you get past all the death threats" he said as if they were discussing the weather.

The Third sweat dropped at that "

I see… Then moving on I believe it's time you know about your parents Naruto-kun"

This caught his attention completely, he knew next to nothing about his parents only that they were great ninjas

"your mother's name was Kushina Uzumaki also known as the Red Death… One of the greatest kenjutsu specialists ever to grace the earth and a fearsome woman"

he said as he showed Naruto a picture of a woman with long beautiful red hair and violet eyes smiling at the camera with a hand on her belly that showed clear signs of pregnancy.

"As for your father… Naruto, your father's name was Minato Namikaze."

The third looked at Naruto for a reaction as tears fell from the young boys eyes

"My father… was the Fourth Hokage… That's so… so… COOL!" he exclaimed happily!

The third was slack jawed.

"So you don't hate him for sealing the Kyuubi inside you…?"

"Nope" Naruto said with his trademark grin

"I know he had a good reason for doing so, besides I'm too awesome too bear grudges!"

Both the Third and Kakashi chuckled at that.

"Now Naruto-kun, the reason why you were never told was that your father still has enemies especially in Iwa"(Rock)

Naruto nodded his understanding as the Third continued

"now for your inheritance! Your mother left the Katas for her Kenjutsu style as well as her Chokuto: Tenza Zangetsu."(no this is not gonna be a Bleach X- over! The name is just cool so I chose it)

"Cool! But old man…? What happened to my mom?"

The third sighed "She died protecting you from an attack by the Kyuubi after Minato had sealed half its chakra, so you see you were loved by both your parents"

Naruto smiled and wiped away some tears before they fell, he then examined the sword and was awestruck by its beauty.

The sword was a masterpiece: the scabbard was black with red and white symbols resembling flames reaching from the tip all the way up to the handle which were white with the same pattern only with red and black flames, both the sword and the handle was longer than a normal Chokuto though not by much it also lacked a guard something the old man told him was common for a Chokuto, the blade itself had a beautiful unscarred silver color making it look like it was never used.

He frowned "Hey old man? It feels like theirs something special about the metal but I don't really know what."

Here Kakashi decided to speak up

"It's a special brand of metal that amplifies the power of the chakra affinity you channel into it, something I'll teach you later, it also has the power to cut through most regular metal like a knife through butter"

Naruto looked at the blade in awe "But how do you know that Kakashi-niisan?"

Kakashi looked like he was remembering something when he spoke

"My father had a ninjato of the same metal it earned him his name Konoha's White Fang but it broke during the war since it wasn't as strong as Kushinas, it's quite a rare metal so you'll probably never meet anyone with a weapon like it."

Here the old man started again

"along with the Kyuubi's seal Minato also placed a seal on you that changed you physical appearance but I believe it is time to end it now."

Flashback end

And change he did, before he had due to malnutrition been smaller than most kids his age but that wasn't the case now he stood almost a head higher than all of his peers the only one coming close to him was Sasuke by half a head, his body had become muscled due to both the seal getting removed and because of his training, he had lost the baby fat and he were now a bit more chiseled but it was his face that had changed the most, the whisker like marks on his cheeks had grown longer and had moved now they started at his collarbone and went all the way up and stopped just as they reached his face, his face was devoid of all baby fat and were more chiseled as his muscles were. His eyes had changed dramatically or at least one of them had… His left eye were still the beautiful ocean blue that made it look like a sapphire but his right had become green! A beautiful azure green that had the same depth as his other eye, it looked like someone had taken to beautiful gems and stuck them into his face, his hair however was the thing that had changed the most.

It was now orange! A warm orange color that the Third had said were because of his mother being a redhead and his father being a blonde thus Red + Yellow = Orange! (think Ichigos hair color) it had white highlights and streaks of blond going through it. He had let his hair grow out and therefore it now reached his midback it was tied in a low ponytail, his bangs were now grown out to the collarbone and were crimson in color due to the Kyuubi it made his hair look like a fire slowly freezing because of the white highlights, it now spiked downwards instead of upward but he made sure to keep the front hair in check so that it didn't go into his eyes, all in all he looked quite handsome especially since Kakashi had knocked some reason into him and his wardrobe, he now wore dark blue or black but all in the same "ANBU style." Shaking himself from his musings he went home and prepared dinner, little did he know that in the hours to come he would inherit power so great that it hadn't been seen since Uchiha Madara.

Later that night

Naruto had just cleared the table and was preparing for bed when an ANBU appeared in front of him

" Hatake Naruto, Hokage-sama requests you're presence in his office immediately"

after the message was delivered the ANBU Shunshin'd(Body Flicker) away leaving Naruto alone, he quickly closed off the house and Shunshin'd to the tower, he was greeted with a scene that held an atmosphere of death.

The Third looked up his eyes filled with sadness as he spoke "Ah Naruto-kun good you're here, this is about you my child."

The boy looked around, in the corner stood a tall man with long white hair in a ridiculous outfit with sadness painted all over his face next to him stood a beautiful blonde woman who looked to be 25 in a rather unassuming - if you looked away from the kimono style blouse that eagerly showed off her cleavage - of course attire with a grass green robe with the kanji for gamble on the back and a HUGE bust and next to her a dark haired lady with a small pig in her arms.

They all looked at him wide eyed at his appearance and a faint blush made its way on the two women's faces

"Yo old man! So what can I do for you? You know you better have a good reason for calling me so late!"

Hiruzen smiled sadly and then spoke "Naruto-kun… Kakashi's team just came back from their S-rank mission… I'm so sorry Naruto… He-He didn't make it. Kakashi is gone…"

Naruto's eyes widened as tears started forming in his eyes "N-no he wouldn't just leave me like that! H-he wouldn't!"

Naruto fell to his knees as he sobbed unable to stop the steady flow of tears that racked his body, after what seemed like hours he finally got himself together.

The third spoke "Naruto while Kakashi didn't make it something of his did" he said as he withdrew a scroll

"This is Kakashi's will and a scroll containing his two prized jutsu the Chidori and the Raikiri both of which are for you AND in his will he has one last present for you" Naruto looked at him in confusion as he gripped the scroll tightly

"He… Has decided that you should be the one to receive his Dojutsu… He has given you his Sharingan."

Naruto's eyes widened when he heard that. "Kakashi-niisans Sharingan?"

"Indeed, apparently Uchiha Shisui one of Kakashi's best friends went traitor on the mission and Kakashi had to kill him, if what I've read is true he awakened the second stage of the Sharingan the Mangekyo Sharingan because of this."

"in some files I found way back when, I read about the Uchihas history and their Kekkei Genkai and after snooping around I found information about both the Mangekyo Sharingan and the extremely powerful Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, you see while the Mangekyo Sharingan is powerful it leads the user to blindness each time it is used furthermore to awaken it one must slay a person precious to you, but by taking a siblings Mangekyo Sharingan you can forever avoid the blindness, Shisui was the brother of Uchiha Obito the one whom Kakashi received his Sharingan from."

"I have also found out that before they left the village Shisui killed his best friend an Aburame named Mibiki and awoke his M.S (Mangekyo Sharingan)…

Naruto I want you to get Kakashi's eye implanted and then we'll implant both of Shisui's eyes into your one eye, I don't know what'll happen but it might just give you an even greater power than that of the E.M.S" (Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan).

"This woman" he gestured towards the beautiful blonde

"is my old student Senju Tsunade of the Sannin and a medical genius and she has agreed to do the surgery so that you'll be able to get a Sharingan that drains as little chakra as an Uchihas and also will be able turn it off"

He bowed to her "Arigato Tsunade-Sama"

She blushed and hurriedly waved him off "it's fine it's fine, prepare yourself Naruto, I'll commence the surgery tomorrow"

he nodded and after saying good bye headed home he could tell that this were gonna be a looooong week but at least that pretty woman Tsunade would be there he thought with a smirk.

Alright that was the first chapter of my new Fanfic, I know Shisui isn't Obito's brother but I had to do something! Narutos E.M.S are gonna have all the techniques we've seen as of yet that means:





I will also add my own which will give him the ability to manifest his elemental chakra physically for example a sword of fire or a spear of lighting a shield of ice or an armor of lava. This power is NOT limited by his three affinities meaning he can use this with every element and sub element. I'll explain in detail once he uses it.

I would love if you would come with suggestions for possible E.M.S powers

This will be a Naruto x harem fic

Review and tell me if there's something you like or hate and if you have any ideas regarding powers of his E.M.S

Krozz-101 out!