Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or associated characters. They remain in part the property of Mirage Studios and Nickelodeon (Viacom). I make no financial gain from this fiction.

Sometimes the enemy is closer then you think.

The Folds of Darkness

The shadows.

My domain.

I wait, my senses heightened.

I can feel his presence now, my mortal enemy. He is coming closer, closer.

I hunker down into the darkness, my every muscle ripples with fevered anticipation as I battle against the most primeval of urges.

Fight or flight?

The choice is made. Burning light floods in all around me, he is upon me now. There can be no other way.

Hissing with rage I burst forth. The element of surprise is mine alone, but my enemy recovers quickly.

All but one glancing blow misses my intended target as my enemy matches my every move. Locked together in a perverted dance for our very survival

His hands are reaching, grasping out towards me. I cannot let him catch me.


He is too fast.

I wriggle and squirm in his tightening grip, sinking my teeth deeply into his soft warm flesh.

I am falling, twisting. I land soundlessly on soft feet, scattering them in all directions I flee. My enemy's anguished cries ringing in my ears until I am once again safely enveloped within the folds of darkness.

My panting breath stills as I watch silently from behind the sofa, gently I begin to wash my ears.

We will meet again, the time will come.

Raphael winced as he sucked the welling blood from his hand. "Stupid cat!".

A/N: Inspired by my own cat Lola who exsists in two worlds. One where you're her bestest friend and the other where you're her captor and must be eliminated