Title: Covering Your Bases
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Sam, Dean (Gen, Drabble, Humor)
Rating: K+
Summary: A good hunter should always be prepared.
Author's Notes: For supernatural100, this is "Gear."


"Got everything?"

"Almost," Sam said, "just let me pin this on..."

"What is that?"


"No," said Dean.

"What do you mean, No?"

"I mean Hell, no!"

"It's not for you anyway! Who died and made you king?"

"You're embarrassing me, Sam. No respectable hunter would ever—"

"It was Dad's."

"That's ridiculous!"

"I found it in his storage facility. So I figured—"

"Oh, for crying out loud. Just because something's lying around doesn't mean it has special powers."

"Are you sure?"

"It's a troll doll, Sam. I'm positive. Now for the love of God, take it off!"

- fin -