All characters belong to whoever happens to own the show nowadays.

Zak looked down in disbelief in what he saw.

"Who are you? WHAT are you?" The fox girl looked up at him.

"My name is Lita. I'm a kitsune." Zak's eyes grew even wider.

"If you're a kitsune, then why do you only have one tail? Kitsunes have like a hundred or something." Lita smiled.

"That's what you read in Japan, kid?" Zak nodded. The kitsune grinned evilly. "Well; if you want to learn more about me, you're gonna have to follow me." She stood up and swiftly ran out of the cave. Zak stood there for a moment, then ran full speed after her. He didn't make it that far before he ran out of breath. He leaned up against a tree and just stood there; the fox girl out of view. "Run out of breath?" Zak looked over at the fox girl leaning against a tree to the right of him. He nodded. She walked over to him. "Don't worry about it. The club's only about a mile down. I'll walk with you." Zak nodded, and the two headed off. Along the way, Zak looked over at Lita.

"Uh Lita?" She looked at him.


"Where are we going?"

"I told you; we're going to the club." Zak looked at her confused.

"What's the club?" Lita stopped walking and glared at Zak.

"I can't believe you don't know! Aren't you Kur?" Zak looked away.

"Not anymore." Lita tilted her head.

"What does that mean?"

"I lost my powers. I'm not Kur anymore." Zak admitted. Lita giggled. "What's so funny?"

"Just because you lost your powers doesn't mean you're not Kur." Zak glared at her.

"How do you know so much about Kur?" Lita grinned.

"We have books on this kind of stuff. I don't get out of the club much." The rest of the trip was silent; as least it was until Zak picked up the sound of music. He looked at Lita.

"That music; what is that?" Lita grinned.

"It's Sandstorm; I think Darude wrote it. And if that's playing; the commander has to be in." Lita ran off through the brush, and Zak followed suit. Suddenly, Zak was in front of a large mansion pulsating with lights and filled with people. Lita grabbed Zak. "C'mon. I want you to meet the commander." Lita dragged Zak into the mansion. As he rushed through to the stairs, he noticed that most of these people weren't human. Some looked like hybrids, some had fairy wings, some were lizards, and some were glowing. Lita and Zak made their way up the stairs and down a hallway to a door. The door was guarded by two fairies. One of them looked at Zak and then Lita.

"Who is this boy?" the fairy asked.

"He is Kur. I request an audience with the commander." The fairy shook her head.

"Negative. Nobody is aloud to see the commander. You know the rules." Lita looked at the fairy.

"Please? I think he should meet with Kur." The fairy shook her head. Lita switched tactics; she tackled one of the fairies and started beating her up. The other one tried pulling her off, but ended up becoming part of the brawl. Suddenly, the door opened. Lita, in mid punch, looked up. In the doorway was a girl with cat ears and a cat tail. A neko, so to speak. Lita let go of the fairies and stood up. The neko girl looked at Lita.

"Your request for an audience has been excepted. You may enter." Lita and Zak walked into the room, getting dirty looks from the bloody fairies. The door shut behind them. The room was empty except for a ladder. The neko girl pointed at it. "This will take you to the commander." Lita nodded, and the two climbed down the ladder. It was a long climb down, easily below the basement level. When they finally hit ground. It was the beginning of another hallway. The two walked through the dimly lit concrete catacomb to another door. At this door stood another two guards, these ones were robots. They looked at Lita and Zak with their piercing red eyes.

"State your names," they said coldly.

"Lita and Kur," replied Lita.

"My names Zak."

"Shut up." Lita looked at the robots.

"You may enter," they said in unison as they opened the door. Lita and Zak walked in. The room was lit with black lights. There were creatures chatting at a side bar, and a DJ blasting of techno. Straight ahead was a conglomerate of couches forming a half circle facing another couch. The couches were loaded with people chatting away. As Lita and Zak walked over to them, everyone looked at them.

"We wish to speak with the commander," Lita said calmly.

"You have something important to tell him?" asked one boy, about 15, with long spiked brown hair and blue eyes, with grey and black cat ears and a tail.

"Yes," Lita responded.

"Then, I am the commander." The boy looked at the people on the other couches. "Leave." Every stood up. The commander looked at Lita and Zak. "Sit down." Lita and Zak sat on the couch across from him. "So, what do you have to tell me?" Lita pointed at Zak.

"This kid is Kur." The commander's eyes grew wide.

"This kid? He's Kur?" Lita nodded. The commander leaned forward. "Wow; you don't hear that everyday." He looked over at Zak. "So, you're Kur?" Zak nodded. "Do you have a name, Kur?"

"My name is Zak." The commander smiled.

"Well Zak, my name is Jett." Lita's eyes grew wide.

"Commander, did you just use your name?" Jett nodded.

"Stop listening to the pricks upstairs, girl. I'm not the king of the world. I use my name all the time. I would use it more if I was allowed outside, but allegedly it's too dangerous for me." Jett rolled his eyes and took a sip of his drink. "If life was dangerous; I would've died a long time ago. Speaking of life, where the heck is my girlfriend?"

"I'm right here." Lita and Zak looked over at a girl with purple and red hair, and cat ears and a tail in the matching color. Even her eyes were a glowing purple.

"Ah, there you are. Zak, I would like you to meet my girlfriend, Raye." Zak stood up and extended his hand for a handshake, but Raye grabbed him and hugged him. Zak spazzed for a second before falling back on the couch. "Sorry about that, Zak. My girlfriend is a little emotional." He placed his arm around her. "Anyways, what do you say to staying here?" Zak looked at him.

"I wish I could, but I gotta get home for dinner." Zak looked at his communicator for the time. It was 6:30. "Aw shit! I'm late! My mom's gonna kill me!"

I'm just an evil little author aren't I. Review. Oh, and if you can figure out what anime I got the girls' names from, I'll put your screen name in the beginning of the next chapter.