Disclaimer: I don't own the twilight: saga or the characters but I do own this story because I'm the one writing it!


I was reading next to Edward at his house, just a normal day. Well, by normal I mean; Emmet whining at Jasper for a rematch, Rose tinkering with her car, Esme working on redecorating a house, Carlisle reading in his study and Alice shopping online.

Out of no where Alice screamed, making me jump out of my skin due to the sudden noise. Lucky, Edward court me before I fell of the settee.

"Oh my god!" Alice screeched, "We're going Phoenix!"

Dread gripped me, "What?"

"Bella what's wrong?" Jasper. Oh god that meant he knew something was off.

"Oh … er … nothing," I muttered quickly, "What do you mean we're going to Phoenix?"

After a moment of silence, Alice replied "When you get home you'll have a message from an old friend in Phoenix, saying there doing an exchange sort of thing at your old school, and she wants to know if you'll do it. She'll also say "it's time to face old fears," and to bring some friends too," (A/N Renee doesn't know about Bella being bullied 'cause Bella didn't want to worry her, that also the reason why she went to forks)

Bonnie Murphy, my one and only friend back in Phoenix. As she said that I slumped back down knowing my old best friend was right, it was time I faced my fears.

With a tried smile, I announced "Well then, I guess it's about time we went back to my old school,"

You see, when I was in Phoenix things were a bit different to how they are now, and I don't mean vampires and werewolves different, I mean being bullied daily with only one friend to help different. That was the only time people, especially boys, noticed me. (A/N Renee knows all about this and has got a ticket for Bella, and the Cullen's get them selves tickets to go)

(A/N I thought about leaving it here)

1 month later

Well, here we are, on the plan back to Phoenix, back to the school that was my own personal hell. Everyone's been trying to get me to tell them what Bonnie meant by "it's time to face old fears," my reply was always the same, "you'll see," and so they will.

So, what do you think? Good, bad, what? Reviews if you want me to continue, please(hopeful smile). I'll make the next chapter longer.