Daisy's Point Of View

Ever since meeting Emiko, I've been feeling more and more depressed. Although, Angelo was really comforting towards me for these passed few days, and I'm very grateful for that.

It turns out Oliver has explained to me how he meet Emiko. Well, in his old town he used to live in, there was a shrine that he went in, and he met Emiko through it. To clarify things even more, he told me that some certain shrines were connected, so that's how he met Emiko again. I'm still very confused about the entire thing, honestly…

Everyday seemed like a routine towards me now. I somehow ran into Oliver every day, starting a conversation, and not to mention I've been hanging out with Angelo more.

Winter was now the season. It's always such a depressing and lonely season. Although, sometimes the snow looks beautiful, I just sometimes wish it wasn't so cold, and that my hair wouldn't get so messed up so easily.


Today was a bright beautiful sunny day and it looked so beautiful out, especially since the snow.

I was now in the lobby of the hotel, dusting the sofa, and suddenly the door opened.

A young woman had entered the hotel and she had a gloomy expression on her face.

Her hair was a light creamy yellow, also having a sky blue barrette placed in her hair, and her hair was about medium length. The young woman had amethyst colored eyes. She was also wearing this cute looking hat with this feather attached to the side of it. In the front of the hat, it had a cute flower design, then the background is pink, and in the back of the hat it was a light purple. She wore this hot pink long sleeve jacket that had some pretty flower designs on the edges of her arms, but the rest of the jacket only went up to her chest, allowing you to see that she was wearing this sleeveless top under, which was the color of sky blue at the top of the shirt, but then faded into white, and on the bottom it had a hot pink flowered design. Her shirt almost seemed like a dress, honestly, it was so cute! Well anyways, she also wore light purple shorts, had long pink socks, along having the same flower design as her hat on her socks, and she wore these cute black shoes. Oh, and she had this brown rucksack that she carried like a purse!

She suddenly noticed my presence and smiled sheepishly at me. "Um, hello, do you work here?"

I nodded and giggled happily. "Yes! I'm the maid here, but my two bosses are out on a date right now. How may I help you?"

"Oh okay. Well, I kind of needed a place to stay, considering I wanted to work here on this town's farm, but it seems someone is already managing the farm… So, I need a place to stay for awhile…" she explained slightly embarrassed and she laughed nervously.

I giggled even more and gave her a welcoming smile. "Don't worry! Of course you can stay here! I'll set you up with a room right now and I'll let my bosses know! I'm sure they won't mind!" I reassured her while giving her a perky smile.

She smiled back shyly and said, "Thank you so much. My name is Anita and it's very nice to meet you."

I laughed and told her in a bubbly tone, "Likewise and my name is Daisy! I hope you enjoy your welcome at this hotel!"

She nodded while smiling. "Thank you."

"Well, Anita, let me show you your room!"

We both nodded and headed up the stairs.

I put my index finger to my chin and began to think what room I should put her in. A gasp of happiness then escaped from my mouth as I saw available room for her.

I guided her to the left side of the hallway and her room was all the way in the corner of the hallway.

"Here we are! Well, I'll just unlock the door and you can get settled in!" I exclaimed joyfully and unlocked the door.

We both walked into the room and Anita looked around.

"This is nice. Thank you," she said politely.

"Awe, don't mention it. Don't worry about paying yet either. We shall get that all settled later," I stated and she nodded.

Wow, I feel like such a professional or something!

"So Anita, where are you from?" I asked, trying to start a conversation, and I continued to smile at her.

Anita suddenly looked a little uneasy at my question and she grinned bashfully. "No where really special…" she replied quietly.

Oh gosh, I shouldn't pry, and she probably thinks I'm a ditz by now or something.

"Oh I'm sorry! I shouldn't have asked! How very rude of me!" I apologized and laughed nervously.

"It's okay."

Suddenly, I heard a voice from downstairs saying, "Hello? Is anyone available at the moment?"

The voice was deep, like a man's, and he sounded very attracted.

"Wonder who that could be…" I whispered to myself and I then turned to Anita while saying, "Anita, let's go check it out."

She nodded.

Both of us had headed out of her room and went downstairs towards the lobby.

I suddenly felt my cheeks turn slightly pink at seeing this young man walking towards us. Oh gosh he was handsome!

He was dark skinned and had the most gorgeous icy blue eyes. He had silver bangs that covered his forehead and kept half of his medium length hair down while the rest of his silver hair was up in a ponytail. This handsome young man had an icy blue and white jacket on, along with wearing a red shirt under it, and a neat looking yellow band was wrapped around his waist. His pants were the color of snow and he wore black shoes.

Not paying attention, Anita had accidently bump into this mysterious young man, and a tiny gasp escaped out of her lips.

She looked up at him and I saw her cheeks turn rosy red.

"S-Sorry," she apologized shyly and didn't look him in the eyes.

"Are you okay, madam? I didn't mean to harm such a beautiful lady-"he suddenly paused while talking, blushing slightly, and stuttered, "I-I mean, it was my fault for not paying attention and I had no intentions in harming you in anyway."

Wow, he sure is formal and cute…

Awe this is so cute though! Anita is all blushing, well, I don't blame her. I'd probably blush too if I bumped into him. Oh, I should so match them up together!

He then turned to me. "My name is Amir and I'll be staying here for awhile. The mayor is paying for me to stay here. May you please guide me to my room?"

I nodded while blushing and said stuttering slightly, "O-Oh yeah, sure! O-Of course!"

After I got Amir settled in the hotel, the three of us were all in the lobby, talking.

It turns out Amir's room is right next to Anita's.

Suddenly, Oliver had entered the hotel.

As I saw him, I felt my cheeks heating up, and I tried my hardest not to blush.

I still can't believe I have a tiny crush on him! I keep trying to not have feelings for him but for some reason I can't stop! Oh why did he have to come now?

Oliver walked up to me and said calmly, "Hey Daisy. Ethel wanted to give me some seeds for the next season. Is she here?"

I shook my head nervously. "No. She's on a date with Grandpa. But I'm sure she has the seeds around here somewhere, here, I'll look around."

So my eyes started to scan the room and from the corner of my eye, I saw a bag of seeds on the counter.

"Oh, there they are!" I exclaimed and ran over to the counter; however, I had tripped, causing my head to collide into the counter.

I swear I'm such a ditz!

My head was pounding immensely and everything was spinning. I felt pain surge through my head as I fell straight on my back against the floor.

Everyone gasped and I heard Oliver running up to me.

"Dude, are you okay?" he asked me and I wanted to growl since he called me a 'dude' but it hurt too much to even put on a face expression.

"J-Just dandy," I said weakly and sarcastically.

Oliver's arms suddenly wrapped around my body, picking me up bridal style, and I felt my face instantly turn neon red.

I can't like him! I can't like him! I can't like him! Oh gosh, my heart is beating so fast!

Angelo had suddenly entered the hotel and I heard him say, "Hey Daisy-"

I saw him suddenly pause in his sentence and he started to glare at Oliver.

Oliver glared back at him and I was now in a pond of confusion.

What the heck is going on today?

Oliver suddenly dropped me and I squeaked in pain as I fell to the floor.


He then walked over to Angelo, glared at him, and walked out the door.


My eye started twitching and I felt absolutely paralyzed.

Anita knelt beside me and gave me a concerned expression. "Are you okay, Daisy?" she asked worried.

My vision started to grow rather weird and I started to see all of these colors.

"But I'm too young to live…" I whispered under my breath and then everything went black.

Author Note: Poor Daisy!

Sorry for such a lame chapter you guys. I suck at describing things. So sorry.

Well, thank you for all of your reviews last time. Means so much to me! You guys are awesome!

And yes, I bought Amir and Anita into this story! There shall be some romance with them too!

Well, thank you for reading, and please review!

I shall update when I can!