Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters.

Timeline: Jason never left the Peace Conference, but Zack did.

A/N: For those who are reading my story You Never Knew . . . don't worry I'm still working on that, I just happened to run across this odd work of mines.

Going Home???

The sun began to set over the horizon. The sky darkened and the cool night breeze made its way pass the trees. The scenery was beautiful and the place was as peaceful as watching waves crash onto the sandy beaches back at Angel Grove. Trini didn't know what she would miss more the mountain sunset at Switzerland or the sunset back home on the beach that she's been missing since the day she left Angel Grove. Sighing Trini hugged her legs as she continued to look out into the horizon.

"Hey, why so sad?" a voice behind replied as a handsome guy approach her. Trini turned around as Jason stopped right behind her.

She smiled, "Hi Jase."

"Hi you're self" Jason smiled back as he looked down at her. She motioned to Jason to join her on the soft patch of grass. He accepted her offer by sitting down right beside her. "Why aren't you at the dance?"

"Why aren't you?" questioned Trini as she glanced at her long time friend.

He shrugged his shoulders relaxing a bit. "I was until I couldn't find the beautiful Asian I had my eye set on for tonight" Jason slyly said as he gave her a smile. Trini blushed as she turned away as she returned her attention back to the sunset that was occurring right before them. "So tell me, what's on your mind?"

"Just thinking," sighed Trini as she leaned her head against Jason's board shoulder.

Jason glanced at Trini reading her mind. "We're leaving for Angel Grove tomorrow. It's what you've been waiting for, for the past year. It's what we've both been waiting for. So why aren't you jumping for joy?"

"Everyday since I was here whenever I could I would watch the sunset in this very spot. Back home I use to watch the sunset on the beach, I wonder if what I see here and what I remember be the same" Trini replied partially answering Jason's question.

Jason remained silent for a while before replying. "You're scared that you've changed too much over here. That what Kimberly and the others remember of you is the complete opposite of what you've become," Jason said, chancing his theory. Trini didn't move or respond at all, she just continued starring out at the sunset that was about done. "Trust me you haven't changed that much, you're still the same old Trini. So am I right?"

"You know you are," Trini said with a small smile. "But it's not just that."

"So what else is there?" asked Jason with a sincere voice.

Trini paused before answering, "I'm scared that I'm not the only thing that changed. That the lives that we lived in Angel Grave with our friends aren't going to be the same lives we're going to return to. We started a new life here, but when we left our friends just had to continue theirs."

Jason sat there in silence, he never thought of that. He always figured that life would pick off where he left it. As he took in what Trini had just said he started getting rapid thoughts. She was right, they weren't Power Rangers anymore and that was a big thing because when they return their friends would still be. He didn't really have to worry about his friendship with Tommy because he knew that Tommy hadn't grown too close with the other guys, but he did start to worry about Trini and her friendship with Kimberly. Since they left Aisha was only able to be there for the team for a couple of months and was replaced with a girl by the name of Katherine who seem to have the same interests with Kimberly.

"Maybe Zack had the right idea," sighed Trini breaking Jason's train of thought.

"What? You mean leaving six months into the Peace Conference?" questioned Jason as he looked at Trini.

"Yeah, I don't know. I mean he wasn't the only one who was home sick," challenged Trini who was letting her thoughts get to her. "And it so happens to be the same time period where the guys were struggling the most with Zedd and Rita. It was the perfect one way ticket home."

"You mean the perfect excuse? Zack saw a reason he could use to go home without revealing the fact that he was home sick," Jason fought not only against Trini but himself as well.

"We all saw it. So why didn't we take it?" questioned Trini who had no idea why she was having this conversation with Jason because it wasn't like they could go back in the past and change what they did. "I mean if not for us being home sick, but our friends were in trouble."

"Zedd and Rita could have used us to get to the others . . . There was nothing we could do, we weren't power rangers anymore" argued Jason who seemed to be losing the fight.

"I know, but I always think that there could have been something we could have done to help them. We could have been there to at least have to comfort, listen, or lean on. They fought a hard fight for three long months," replied Trini as her voice weakened; she didn't feel as angry with herself as she did a few minutes ago. "And we did nothing, but stay here while our friends were out there risking their lives to save the world."

"Trini, listen to me. What's done is done. We can't go back in time and get a second chance. So we just have to learn to just let it go and move on. We stayed maybe because we couldn't live there and not be a Power Ranger, so Zack was lucky and Adam left a month after Zack went home. Maybe it was because we wanted to finish what we came here to do and we accomplished that. We're going home tomorrow so let's go to the dance and make the best of our last day at this Peace Conference, okay?" Jason suggested as he looked at Trini. What he said was true and he began accepting it himself.

Trini looked at Jason and smiled. He was right. "Okay." Jason stood up, holding out his hand. His communicator was still on his wrist and so was hers they never really had the heart to take it off, occasionally using it to communicate with the others or each other. Trini placed her hand in Jason's, with a smile. "Thanks Jase."

"Your welcome" he replied as he offered his arm. Trini let out a small laugh as she took up on his offer.