O_O I'M SO SORRY! I promised to have this chapter out before Sunday…and today obviously is past that date. I have a good excuse though. My computer's life was almost taken by a…stupid freakin' virus! (Stupid music websites…) So I had to redo my entire harddrive. Then, all hell broke loose. All of my music on my ipod was deleted. I almost created my own version of mass genocide, but instead of doing something that could get me arrested, I decided to cry in the corner for a good three days while clutching my Edward Elric body pillow, cursing the world. Luckily, my computer just came back to life. Lovely, isnt it? XD
Oh! And then the air conditioning broke upstairs in my house. Every time I walk up the stairs, it's like traveling through different layers of hell. So my room would basically be Satan's headquaters of DOOM!
Me: I do not own Percy Jackson…
Percy: I kinda wanted to give the disclaimer *sobs*
Me: Too bad, buddy. Heal your sorrows with your TEARS!
Right after Percy declined immortality—
Annabeth POV
After Percy declined immortality, I'll admit, I was relieved . I'm not going to gush out my undying love for the guy, but there's a definite possibilty that something good can happen in the near future. Right? I've always been about girls being tough and not needing a guy to complete them, but having one stand next to you isn't all that bad.
I sighed in content as I made my way over to where my mother was standing. "You don't have to look so relieved." My mother smirked in her own way as she shrunk down to my level.
I tried to cover up a blush by coughing. "Mother," I drew out the word, sounding slightly annoyed. "don't announce it to the world."
"If I wanted to announce it to the world, I could definitely do so in a matter of seconds." I glared, but smiled anyways. "Something is bothering me though...but I'm not quite sure what…"
My mother put her finger on her chin and her face contorted in concentration. This act of confusion actually started to worry me. It's not everyday that the goddess of wisdom gets confused. The worst part was, she didn't even know what she was confused about.
"Whoa, wait a minute." I lifted up my hands and pointed at my mother. "You're confused? Is that even possible?" I asked.
My mother frowned and looked sharply at me. "Well, its certainly not impossible, but something about that boy has me on edge."
I whipped my head around and stared at the only possible 'boy' in Olympus, Percy Jackson. He was currently being congratulated by his father. Nothing looked wrong with him as far as I knew, but you can never know what might be in that seaweed brain of his.
"You are talking about Percy, right?" I asked, just to confirm my suspicions.
My mother simply nodded and continued to stare at him. "Something is off. I'm never wrong about this stuff."
I didn't get the chance to respond to my mother because of the resounding "HEY WISEGIRL!" was heard all throughout the building. Idiot.
He trotted near me and I could feel the death glare my mother was giving him. I shook off my mother's and my own worries and responded. "Hey Seaweed Brain. Pretty fun day, huh?" I smiled and ran over to him, hoping that my mother was just being cautious.
We walked over to the elevator and just by looking at Percy's confused face, I could tell he was trying to come up with a name for it. I smiled to myself and decided to ask a dificult question.
"So, why did you say no to immortality?"
Why would anyone say no to a chance like that? It's immortality, for gods sake! All of the greatest heroes in history were offered immortality and accepted it.
"Because I have a lot of life left in me. I didn't want to leave you…" I blushed slighty at the comment, though I won't admit it to anyone. "and my friends!"
I smiled wide. "Good, you better not." I punched him in a friendly way.
The elevator doors dinged and opened. Percy, being the idiot he was, waved me forward saying "Age before beauty."
I exited and smiled wide, responding with "Stupid, I'm younger than you!"
I laughed and went to punch Percy in the arm, when all of a sudden he crumpled to the ground. All of my senses went on high alert. I ran over to him and started to shake his shoulder.
"Percy, Percy!" I shook a few more times. His face was being drained of blood as he clutched his head in pain. "What's wrong, Percy! ?" I screeched in a hoarse voice. "What can I do for you?" I didn't realize I was crying until I felt the tears land on my hands. Percy looked up at me, and I basically had to shove my fist into my mouth to utter the scream. Those weren't Percy's eyes. His green eyes were a dangerous looking gold that could shoot terror into anyone.
He stood up and looked at me with a cocky grin. His hand reached into his pocket for Riptide.
"Percy, what are you doing?" It took all of my willpower to force my voice not to shake. I knew this wasn't Percy.
"Hello, daughter of Athena." Kronos's voice hissed out of Percy's mouth. I started to back away in fear, uttering a pray to my mother.
"True love never lasts." And with that sentence, Kronos or Percy….or whoever it was, lunged at me, swinging the sword with full force.
I was too stunned to do anything but shut my eyes and wait for the pain, but there was no pain. Only a clash of metal was heard. I looked up and saw my mother parry Riptide's attack with a sword of her own.
"Ah, my own little granddaughter. How's life been treating you?" Kronos's voice growled.
"What the Hades are you up to?" My mother stared down Kronos, but even I could see the glint of fear in her eyes.
"Wouldn't you like to know." He smiled his evil grin and lunged again, but before he could land a hit, my mother grabbed my arm and teleported us back to the safety of Olympus. Well, I hope this place was still safe.
Mother began to pace back and forth, then gave me a stern look. "I knew something was up with that child!" She grounded her teeth. "Father!"
She ran over to Zeus, where he was still celebrating with Poseidon about their victory.
"Father," She repeated again, and hearing the fear in her voice, Zeus stood up and made his way over to her.
"Kronos has returned."
And there we have it! Sorry about any spelling mistakes. Somehow…spellcheck isn't on this version of microsoft…and boy am I mad! GAH! I SUCK AT SPELLING! Anways, review…favorite…whatever makes you happy! The next chapter will have better crap in it…not just recaps…I usually hate recaps too, but I had to have the suspicious Athena… O_O forgive me!
Whoa, I also just noticed one of my earlier reviewers told me to make this chapter where Kronos kidnaps and tortures Annabeth….hardcore man, hardcore.
BUT COOL! I UPDATED ACTUAL STORY STUFF! *beams of happiness and delight*