For the people who haven't seen it yet: I'm working on the sequel of 'A Hidden Appearance', it's called 'Spotlights'. Honestly, it really isn't that good, but I'm hoping it'll get better. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what to do with that story just yet, so in the mean time I'm going to work on another story as well. Underneath this, there are parts/information about four stories. The first three are about the Covenant, the last one is about Supernatural. Please tell me which one you want to read more about. You can vote on my profile, or, in case you don't have a profile yet, just sent a review. Of course new ideas for stories are welcome as well. Just telling me I'm a crappy writer is alright as well, but not as much appreciated :)
Also, if there's something wrong with these stories, please tell me. Ideas for Spotlights are welcome as well!
Alternative 'A hidden Appearance' (No real title yet)
Rachel/unknown (OC or Tyler)
Rating: M
Sometimes Rachel wondered if there was a point of her life. She had no dreams, at least no realistic ones, no purpose, no people to live for. She listened as the people around her laugh at another one of Reid's jokes. The blond boy, one of her brother's closest friends, seemed to enjoy making people laugh, even more if it annoyed the teacher as well. Again, he seemed to have reached his goal. Rachel tried to pay attention to the man in front of the classroom who was desperately trying to get everyone out of the vacation-mood and back into school mode. So far, it didn't go so well, although he was definitely making progress.
English never had been Rachel's favorite subject, not in the least, because it was one of the few classes her and her brother shared. It wasn't that she hated her brother, she thought. It was because he hated her.
Pogue Parry was one of the most popular kids in school. He and his three friends, Caleb Danvers, Reid Garwin and Tyler Simms, were the 'Sons of Ipswich', the descendants of the five men that had founded Ipswich back in the seventeenth century, seemed to share the place on the top of the food chain. Everyone wanted to be friends with them, to talk and joke with them. Every girl dreamed about them. And to everyone Rachel was nothing more than Pogue Parry's little sister, if they even noticed her existence.
In the past, there had been people who had tried to use her to get close to the sons, but it hadn't taken them long to realize their mistake. To Pogue, Rachel wasn't his little sister. She hadn't been in a long time. She was just the girl who happened to live in the same house as him, who cooked when his parents were out and who occasionally helped him with his homework, or did his homework for him, when Caleb was too busy for tutoring. Befriending her would take you further from the sons rather than closer. And so, everyone of her 'friends' had dropped her as soon as they figured that out.
She still remembered back when she was young how they used to play. Before Caleb and the others came into view, before he became a 'son', they were siblings. They played hide and seek and all sort of games Pogue used to come up with. He was good at that, always keeping her entertained. She had never been bored back then. Now she was so bored she hardly did anything beside schoolwork. Of course, she had tried, a long time ago. Her brother had started ignoring her when he turned thirteen, but the real trouble hadn't started until high school where people had soon learned to stay away from her if they wanted to stand a chance with the sons.
Sometimes Rachel wondered what it was that made people fall down at their feet. Even Reid, who acted like a man-whore, sleeping with almost everyone he wanted and who had made it clear various times that he didn't care about any body's feelings except for his own, was still treated like royalty. Alright, Rachel couldn't deny it, he was handsome, but he was a jerk. There was nothing in the way he acted that made him any different from Aaron Abbott, yet the latter was the school's jerk while Reid was one of the most wanted singles. It just didn't make any sense.
Anyway, Rachel had tried to make friends. She had gone to some parties, talked to people and did everything in her power to catch someone's attention, in a positive way at least. But it just didn't seem to matter, so she had given up and accepted her invisibility. And so here she was, sitting in the back of the classroom, scared about the future. It was her senior year, the last year of high school. This year she had to pick a college, while she still didn't have a clue what she wanted to do in life. She didn't even know if her parents were going to pay for it or if they would just kick her out of the house as soon as she turned eighteen. Well, probably not the latter. They were one of the richest families in Massachusetts, and they had kept up appearances. Kicking their daughter out of the house might cause some problems for them.
The bell rang, and Rachel grabbed her stuff joining the line of students on their way to their next class.
The Spencer Academy was a school for the rich ones, something Rachel wouldn't complain about. Sometimes a small voice in her head would ask her if she really thought it was fair, building a school with an indoor swimming pool and recording studio while there were people starving somewhere, but it wasn't like she could change anything about that. She was only seventeen after all, so she had decided to just let it go.
The music department of the Spencer Academy had its own building. There were three classrooms, two record studios and a 'music-room', filled with various instruments. Rachel didn't do much with the instruments. Although she could play a few standard tunes on the piano, she wasn't very good with instruments. Singing, however, was another story.
Miss Anderson, the teacher, gave Rachel a small wave and then pointed to one of the groups in the corner. Rachel nodded in understanding and walked to the group. This was Ms. Anderson's usual way of teaching; she'd divide the more experiences students into groups and let them go their own way, as long as they'd be ready to perform three songs at the end of the semester. She'd teach the other students, the new ones or the ones who really didn't have any talent, a few things. How to stand when you sing, how to read notes, that sort of thing. Of course they had some theory to learn, but Ms. Anderson was convinced they could learn that by their selves, since it was just a matter of reading the textbook once in a while. Most students were very content with that method. In her freshman year, Rachel had a teacher, Mr. Brook, who spent all their time reading from the textbook. Most people had fallen asleep during those lessons.
"Hey Rachel." Tom, a nice junior, greeted her. Rachel remembered she wasn't as invisible as she had told herself before. She had the tendency to forget that after spending almost an entire vacation moping in her room. In her music class and her dance lessons after school, she was acknowledged.
Rachel looked around the group. Tom was the guitarist and the only junior of the group, Macy played the piano and Andrew drummed. She realized, with some pride, she was put into the best group of the class. Ms. Anderson always tried to put people with people of their own level, saying it was more challenging that way. She graded people by looking at their progress rather than their music, another one of the reasons everyone liked her.
"Do you think this is everyone?" Macy asked curiously. Andrew looked at a list in his hands and shook his head.
"No, Tyler is supposed to join us." Rachel groaned softly. Just her luck. She didn't doubt for one second it would be Tyler Simms. If it had been another Tyler, his last name would've been said as well.
Macy looked rather happy with that news. Rachel didn't need to ask why. Most girls were happy when a son was near. Rachel tried to think of different routes to escape. She could still swap classes, right? Or she could just pretend to be sick for the rest of the year… The door wasn't too far either.
"Hey, am I late?" Damn, too late.
"Hey Tyler." Andrew greeted him. "And no, you're just in time. Does anybody have any ideas for songs?" Rachel saw Tyler's eyes flickering her way and quickly looked away trying to focus her attention on Tom, who was searching for some songs on his phone.
"Nickelback is cool." He suggested. Andrew's eyes lit up. Rachel remembered he had played 'savin' me' last year. Everybody knew he was a fan of Nickelback.
"Sounds good." Macy agrees. "I love 'far away'. Can we play that one?" Andrew turned to look at Tyler.
"You okay with that?" Tyler nodded. "Rachel?" For a second, Rachel felt her heart flutter. She hadn't expected Andrew to ask her too.
"Sure." She answered quickly.
They spent the rest of the time searching for songs, listening to them, and writing the notes down. Luckily, the four that played the instruments could play a song after hearing it once, and lyrics were easy to find, so that didn't cause any problems. After some discussion, they choose 'Broken' by Seether and Amy Lee and 'I do not hook up' by Kelly Clarkson. Broken was a duet, so Tyler would sing there as well.
"One more thing." Andrew said, a few minutes before the bell. "In the last period, we have to perform a song we wrote ourselves. I suggest we all start working on that one as soon as possible." Tom smiled sheepishly.
"Agreed. Last year we couldn't come up with a song until about two days before the performance." Rachel couldn't suppress a grin. That did sound familiar. She looked back down at the pages with lyrics in her hand. Then the bell rang. Rachel put the papers in her schoolbag and walked out of the classroom, as fast as possible without actually running.
"Rachel! Rachel! Wait up!" When Rachel heard the voice calling her name, she stopped, simply because she was surprised anyone called for her. By the time she recognized the voice and started walking again, Tyler had caught up with her. He grabbed her arm and pulled, turning her around. He was smiling looking… happy.
"Uhm… hi?" Rachel asked carefully, wondering why he would ever come after her. In the five years he had been friends with her brother, she couldn't remember ever talking to him. Alright, maybe they had exchanged a few words, like 'hello, how are you?', simply to be polite. But they had never actually talked.
"Hey. You were gone pretty fast." Rachel simply shrugged. Tyler waited a few seconds to see if she'd say anything to explain herself, but when it was clear she wouldn't, he continued. "It's been awhile since I last sung, so I was wondering if you'd like to practice someday." He gave her a small smile. "I'd rather not screw it up in front of everybody."
Rachel hesitated. She really didn't feel like spending time with Tyler when it wasn't absolutely necessary and if she did, it probably wouldn't take long for the gossip to spread. On the other hand, it wasn't as if Tyler had actually ever done something to hurt her. Alright, he didn't talk to her much, but when he did he was always nice. She sighed softly.
"Fine. When?" Tyler hesitated.
"Uhm… how about this afternoon? Right after school at your house?"
"Sure." Rachel muttered, eager to end the conversation as soon as possible. "See you there." She tried to walk away, but Tyler stopped her by grabbing her arm again. Rachel tried to suppress a groan as she turned around.
"What?" She asked, slightly more agitated than she had intended. Tyler clearly wasn't used to people speaking to him like that.
"I… I just wondered if you'd like to sit with us at lunch." Rachel pulled her arm out of his grip.
"No thanks." She disappeared before he could stop her again. Tyler stared after her in confusion, wondering how two siblings could be so different.
"Hey, baby boy!" Tyler groaned as he heard his nickname again.
"I told you not to call me that, Reid." He snapped at his friend. Then he continued, in a friendlier voice. "Did you know Rachel sung?" Reid lifted an eyebrow.
"Rachel who?" Tyler stared at him in unbelief.
"Rachel Parry. You know, as in 'Pogue's little sister'?"
"Oh, she! She sings?" Tyler rolled his eyes, taking that as a 'no'.
"Yeah. Andrew says she amazing." Reid frowned and then shrugged.
"Huh. Good for her. I wonder what's for lunch." Tyler rolled his eyes and then followed Reid to the cafeteria.
Rachel had two hobbies: Singing and dancing. Singing had proven to be a challenge this year now that Tyler had joined the 'band', but she had sworn to herself that she wasn't going to let Tyler ruin it for her. But now that the final bell had rung, that didn't matter anymore. It was time for her second hobby.
As she walked into the gym she looked around wondering who else had signed up for dancing. There were about fifteen students, all waiting for the teacher to arrive. Rachel knew most of them, but there was one girl she hadn't seen before. This girl didn't seem to fit in with the rest, but not in a bad way. She was pretty enough, with blond hair and a body most girls would kill for. But Rachel could quickly see why the other girls seemed to avoid her: She was too real. Most girls in Spencer were tanned because they spent their entire afternoon in the sun bed. They were thin and had perfect faces because they had plastic surgery at least once a year, and their hair was blond because they dyed it. Especially the dance- and cheerleading group seemed to be filled with these girls for some reason. This girl was too real to fit in with the rest.
Rachel took her eyes of the girl and walked to the grandstand. She made sure to take a chair that wasn't too close to the others, to avoid their teasing. Although Rachel knew she was good, it wasn't enough for people to like her. In fact, it seemed to be the opposite: It made people jealous, so Rachel had soon learned to avoid the other girls.
"Uhm… Hey." Rachel looked up at the girl in front of her and recognized her as the new girl.
"Hi." She replied. The girl seemed to take that as an invite to sit down.
"I'm Sarah Wenham." She introduced herself.
"Rachel Parry. Are you new here?" Sarah's eyes lit up and then she nodded.
"Yeah, I transferred from Boston public. Are you by any chance family of Pogue Parry?" The fact that she said the last name of one of the sons proved just how new she was. Anyone with a little bit experience knew everyone would know who she or he was talking about by just saying the first name.
"He's my brother." Rachel said, trying not to make her voice sound to cold. After all, it wasn't Sarah's fault she and her brother didn't get along. Sarah looked surprised.
"Really? I didn't know he had a sister." Rachel shrugged and watched the teacher come in, carrying a couple CD's .
"Well, he doesn't really like me, so he mostly just tries to forget about me." She replied without really thinking about her words. Normally, she'd try to avoid saying things like this because it would most likely be the cause of a lot of gossip.
"What do you mean 'he doesn't really like you'?" Sarah asked confused.
"He hates me." Rachel simply replied while jumping up from the stand. The lesson started.
She is just the daughter of his father. She doesn't want to know him, or his family, he doesn't want to know her. But as it turns out, that's harder then expected when you are forced to live in the same house. And just to make it worse, his worst enemy tries to use her against him.
(these last two might change, there are times when I really hate Kate and Sarah.)
Rating: T/M
"Hey Abbott. You look happy today. What happened? Did you finally realize that Kira is cheating on you?" Aaron gritted his teeth, knowing he would get kicked out the swim team if he would start a fight during training.
"Kira can't cheat on me if there's nothing between us. But how about Tyler? Has your lover finally figured what you're doing when you're not with him?" Personally, he was quite content with that comeback. That feeling only grew when there was no response.
"Garwin! Abbott! Get your asses in the pool! NOW!" Aaron cursed when he realized that he had missed the previous warning. He and Garwin quickly took their places, waiting for the signal. Then all the swimmers dived in, swimming as fast as they could.
Aaron closed his eyes as he felt himself flying through the water. The rush of the game. He was fast, he knew that, but there were more fast swimmers. And, reluctantly, he had to admit Garwin was one of them.
He touched the wall and started the last length, not wasting any time by checking how far the others were. Instead he just pushed all his strength into his movements. He knew he was flying through the water, and he couldn't suppress a grin. He really loved swimming. He touched the wall, panting as he looked around him to search for his teammates.
He was the first.
The coach pulled him out of the water, patting him on the back before telling him his time. Aaron started to grin. As he had predicted before the training started, swimming had helped him to feel better. He watched as the others climbed out of the pool. Reid was clearly angry about loosing, even though there barely was a difference between his time and Aaron's. Again, Aaron couldn't suppress a grin. Not that he really tried. After looking at Reid for a second, with a huge smirk on his face, just to rub his conquest in the blonds' face, he turned his back to the pool and walked away. He wanted to get rid of that chlorine-smell around him.
"It was a mistake, alright? How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" Aaron looked up from his schoolwork when he heard the yells coming from downstairs. What were his parents talking about? He quickly jumped us and rushed downstairs, anxious to find out. It wasn't unusual for his parents to be fighting, but they usually didn't scream that loud, wanting to keep it hidden from 'the kids'.
"Mom? Dad? Something wrong?" Simon, Aaron's older brother by two years asked with a frown on his face. Their father, Matthew, looked slightly startled. He hadn't realized that they had been that loud.
"Now, Simon, it's nothing." He quickly tried to reassure his children. Their mother, Anna, huffed.
"I'm sure it's nothing to suddenly find out that my husband for nearly twenty-five years has had a relationship with another woman!" Simon and Aaron stared at their father, full of unbelief.
"Dad?" Aaron asked after a minute of complete silence. Doubt filled his voice. "Dad? Is that true?" Matthew hesitated for a second, trying to avoid the glare from his wife and the hurt looks of his children.
"It's complicated." He finally whispered, so soft that Simon and Aaron could barely hear it. "but yes, in some way, it is true." Aaron shared a look with his brother.
"What do you mean, in some way?" Simon's voice became harder and Matthew could hear the anger in it. Matthew looked at his wife, searching for support, but she simply looked away. Then she walked out of the room. Matthew sighed softly and then motioned his children to sit on the couch. Aaron and Simon looked at each other again, silently discussing what to do. Then they walked forward and sat down, side by side. Their father took place in front of them.
"It happened about eighteen years ago. Aaron, you were just a baby. About three months or so. Your mom and I got into a fight, and she left. Took you with her. There never was a divorce, but to me it felt like one. And I just couldn't cope. So I tried to work as hard as I could. Finally, one of my colleagues came to me and asked me if I was alright. It was late, everyone else had already gone home. And I guess, I just broke. I started crying, and she supported me."
Simon huffed silently, and Matthew send his children an apologizing look before continuing his story.
"She took me out for dinner to talk to me, and I agreed. After that, we agreed to meet again. And then… we'll, you can guess that part. After a few months, your mom came back again, giving me another chance. I broke things of with Cindy, but never told Anna about her."
"So why now?" Aaron asked gruffly. His father looked down at the floor, and Aaron suddenly realized that the message would get worse. Way worse.
"She died in a car accident a few days ago. Leaving her daughter behind. She's almost seventeen." It didn't take the two children long to do the math.
"You sure?" Aaron asked with a whisper. This was just too much to take. He had a sister. His father looked wretched.
"They did a test." His answer was even softer then the question. Simon jumped up without another word, running upstairs. Aaron hesitated for a second before following his brother.
And the last, of which I only have a small idea: (which isn't a very original idea, or anything.)
When Reid was fifteen, he made a girl think he loved her, just to get her to sleep with him. She moved away, but now she's back: And she isn't alone. Does she speak the truth when telling him he's her little brother, or does the covenant have a new generation? And if they do, how will they convince the girl to let them help her with her witchy son?
Hidden in the dark
No known pairings. Might change.
Rating: M
Summary: There are things hidden in the dark, things you never want to know about. But she was forced in this life, leaving her no choice as to what she wanted. And as time passes, she only learns that she truly is a puppet of faith.
Tom sat on the couch as they watched their third movie, Mission Impossible, again Tom's choice. He had one arm around Maria's shoulder, and she leaned against him. Suddenly he heard a soft cry.
He quickly turned to Maria, and realized she was asleep. He carefully lifted her up and carried her to her bed. She cried again, this time a bit harder.
"Please…" She whispered. "Don't… No! AHH" She screamed out in pain. Tom sat down beside her.
"Shhh." He tried to sooth her. "It's okay. You're save now." At that moment, Tom felt a gust of wind, and he turned around.
His eyes found the open window, that had been closed before. And then he saw it.
The Shtriga.
"Maria! Wake up!" He quickly screamed, causing Maria to jump out of the bed. Tom stepped in front of her, as his father had taught him. Behind him, Maria grabbed her cell-phone and she started to call her father. She laid it on the bed, without saying anything or hanging up. She knew her dad would get the message.
Tom pulled out his gun, though he knew it was useless. Bullets couldn't harm the monster, unless he was feeding of someone.
Something Tom wasn't about to let happen.
Behind him he heard the sound of someone taking a gun of its safety, and he thanked whatever god existed for not giving him some weak damsel in distress.
He pointed his gun to the Shtriga, who was still just standing in front of them, waiting for them to make the first move.
Tom nor Maria did, both realizing they should try to win as much time as they could. The cavalry was on his way.
And then it flew forward. Tom started to shoot, as did Maria, but it was pointless. Both were swept aside. Tom hit the right wall with a loud bang and fell unconscious on the ground.
Maria hit the left wall, but she wasn't as lucky as Tom. She remained conscious, and was all to aware of the pain in her leg, that was laying in an unusual position underneath her.
She saw the Shtriga come closer, and she started to search for her gun. Finally she located it.
At the other end of the room.
The Shtriga bowed over her and Maria screamed, before gasping as the monster pulled away her life-force.