My first Shino/Ten! I'm sorry it's short and sad, it will get better I promise :)

Secrecy was the key to the survival of the Aburame clan, and after that of the individual ninja. As the heir, these lessons were instilled even more in him than his peers.

The bugs he used that made him a long-range ninja meant that she would never know his touch as he grazed her skin or grabbed her limbs in training.

The high hood covering most of his face to give no facial expressions away meant she would never see the smiles that graced his lips at her bubbly personality.

The layers of clothing with which he hid behind meant she would never know the initial shock and subsequent physical reaction to her whimsical hugs.

The sunglasses to protect from harsh lighting and prevent others knowing where they were glancing meant she would never know he was always looking at her; and looking for her when she wasn't around.

The temperature regulation of his body meant she would never know how her presence at his side set his blood boiling and hormones raging.

The composure in which all clan members were trained meant she would never know the impulses he felt but never gave into, especially those with her in mind.

The eloquence and fluency with which he spoke meant she would never hear the raw emotion he failed to convey in his words to her.

The very traits that gave the Aburames their advantage in battle turned out to be his downfall in a battle of an entirely different sort.

That is why she can never tell what he is thinking, what he is feeling.

That is why she's marrying someone else.