
Disclaimer: I don't own Dino, KHR or you. If I owned you, I would have chained you up in my basement already. Nyuk-nyuk-nyuk. If I owned KHR... fangirls all around the world would rejoice. I think.

"Mm, Dino-san," you purred seductively, snuggling into said man's sweaty chest with a content smile, "I never thought you could be so good in bed. I honestly thought you would be a little… clumsier."

"They don't call me the Bucking Bronco for no reason," Dino joked timidly — the nervousness in his voice was too obvious to miss — and wrapped his arm around you. You pouted and punched his arm, not hard enough to hurt or bruise, obviously.

"That's not funny."


A little yellow light suddenly went off in your brain.

Maybe it was paranoia, or maybe even your brain still in overdrive from the mind-blowing, blood-pumping sex, but you had a crazy thought. Dino was normally a complete klutz whenever his men weren't around — and he normally kept Romario by his side because of this, right? So then…

You screamed. "Ohmigod, Romario get out!"

You never actually expected to see Dino's most trusted man jump out from behind the curtains and make a mad dash for the door.