When the World Stands Still

Prologue – What She Must do

A/N: Hello Everyone, this is officially my first twilight fanfiction and is actually more of a 'test' run than anything else, so don't be too disappointed! Please review if you like it, even just to say 'Hey I like this!' would be great. Reviews inspire me to write :)

IMPORTANT: Zafrina doesn't play a huge role in the story as she is just the one who will create the illusion, this story is NOT about Zafrina.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything Stephanie Meyer wrote, nor do I wish to, I like my own creativity.


"Do you understand what you are to do?" The solemn, emotionless voice of Jane echoed over the forest of Forks as they stood motionlessly on the hills; both of them staring out across the little town that held one of the biggest secrets of the world revolving 'monsters'. The only place where both werewolf and vampire coexisted; and this, Aro didn't like.

In fact he didn't like the power they had or threat the Cullen clan posed, they were far too talented and far too concerned about humans to his liking. He had great respect for Carlisle but he also wanted to recruit him and hopefully turn him into the visage of what a Vampire was meant to be. He knew if he had Carlisle the entire clan would fall apart; Carlisle was, after all, the glue holding them together.

"I don't have a choice." Came the exotic voice of the Amazon Vampire, her bronze skin shimmering beautifully in the moonlight as she refused to look at Jane while they spoke. "You gave me little." She finished as she closed her eyes; she didn't want to face what she was about to do. It would bring her no joy.

"Tell me what you must do." Jane pressed, a sadistic look in her eyes, the only feature on her betraying how she felt, showing her glee at the situation.

Zafrina opened her eyes, her eyes the color of a thousand gems as they sparkled, she was beautiful, like everyone of her kind, though the pain she felt at what she had to do made it unbearable to acknowledge her beauty as she felt like a monster.

"I must go to the Cullen clan and take up residence far enough that they cannot sense me, I must invade the mind of Carlisle and give him visions of his family that is dead, killed by the wolves. I must take him through the trial of going to the Volturi to seek support. I must destroy him." She said, as if quoting it directly from Aro's mouth.

"Then go Zafrina." Jane said with a smile, as if seeing the obvious pain on the Amazon's face brought her great joy. Just as she saw Zafrina was about to leap down to the town she spoke again. "Be aware that Aro made no idle threat to you." Jane said and Zafrina froze as she still refused to acknowledge Jane with her eyes.

"I know." She said as she leapt down towards the town, silently wishing one of the wolves would sense her presence and kill her before she killed the gentlest Vampire she had ever met. Before she murdered the spirit and love in him, causing him to change into something he had worked his entire life to avoid, worked his entire life to teach his family.


A/N: This is a very short chapter, though it's only the prologue, to see how you guys take to the story, if it's worth it I'll write on and much longer.