Title: Stir-Crazy
Author: wildwordwomyn
Word Count: 240
Fandom: Leverage pre-slash
Pairing: Eliot/Hardison (unrequited), Hardison/Parker (possibly requited?), Nate
Rating: PG-13 for some bad words
Author's Notes: Unrequited love is always fun to write. Does that make me a bad person? Told in 2nd person Eliot POV. And feedback = love and cookies!
Disclaimers/Warnings: No spoilers. No own. No harm intended.
Summary: Eliot is going a little stir-crazy...
No cons to pass the time lead to all sorts of shenanigans. You know this. But it still doesn't explain why you're watching them banter back and forth like a dysfunctional old married couple. Hardison is so obviously in love with Parker, while Parker is so obviously whatever-she-is. There are moments when she gets it. When she knows how he feels and she may (possibly) feel some of the same. And then are other moments when her brain has gone off to have its own little party, leaving the rest of her floundering like a fish out of water.
Now is one of those other times. Because Hardison is throwing that sweet, soft smile at her like he likes to do. Parker, though, is poking him in the side instead, badgering him with the same phrase over and over again.
"…You're gonna poke yer eye out yer gonna poke yereyeout yergonnapokeyereyeout…!"
You would rip her tongue out if you didn't love her so much. See, she's damaged in some permanent way that Hardison can't fix no matter how hard he tries. And you want to tell him to give up, to move on. Hell, you shouldn't even care. That's the real bitch of it. You aren't supposed to care whether or not the kid is happy. But you do. And to make matters worse? You find yourself wanting to fix him.
Nate better find another client awful damn quick...
The End