Hiyaa! now this is a story that's actually related to our name:))) iWishUponAShootingstar!:DDD sorry if you guys out there get offended! we mean no harm!:))

Anyway we hope you like it!

We do not own Gakuen Alice!

"Hey! hey! Mikan! if you won't wake up I'd take it upon myself to splash water on you." Hotaru said as she tapped her foot on the floor. "cold water..."

"ugh! Hotaru why won't you just let me sleep! I mean It's such a nice Saturday morning! Mikan whined as she lazily sat up from her bed.

"well that's the point baka! It's a nice Saturday so stop wasting it! It's already 12 in the afternoon! pick yourself up, go take a bath, wear a nice dress ,were going out." Hotaru said with authority.

"But Hotaru, Ruka's gonna come with us right? why'd you want me to go? your just going to be all lovey dovey again!" Mikan complained as she was pushed inside her bathroom.

Hotaru rolled her eyes. "who said It's only gonna be him? she smirked and slammed the bathroom door at Mikan's face.

Mikan blinked a few times and sighed before going inside the tub. She filled it with her favorite bath soap that smelled like strawberries. she stripped out of her clothes and got inside the tub.

Mikan and Hotaru were living together in their own house. Ruka is Hotaru's boyfriend and well for Mikan her love life's isn't all that great. 2 months ago she broke up with her third boyfriend, turns out he was cheating on her with a girl named Luna... again. And well for the first two, they just want her for her looks and body. After that break up she swore to herself that men are morons. period. Although her best friend has other plans for her, Hotaru has been trying to hook her up with some guy who also happens to be Ruka's best friend.

As she finished her bath feeling alive and fresh, she wrapped a towel a round her and headed for her walk-in closet. She decided to wear her periwinkle tubed dress that lands just above the knees and her white doll shoes. She went out of the bathroom and sat on her chair facing her vanity mirror, After her hair was dry she tied it up to a high pony.

"Mikan! are you ready?" her best friend yelled from the living room.

Mikan sighed again. "yeah! almost done."

She looked at the mirror and sighed... again. "I don't see why your doing this... I've already decided that men are just lowly creatures who think they can manipulate girls at the palm of their hands." she just snapped out of her reverie with the sound of her best friend's voice.

"Mikan?" Hotaru said as she walked inside Mikan's room wearing a purple spaghetti strapped dress that landed above the knees. "come on already, they're already at the restaurant."

"Ya sure, let me just get my purse." Mikan replied with a smile.

They got out of the house and Mikan was the first to get inside the car, Hotaru had to lock the door.

Hotaru looked at her best friend whose looking out the window. Don't worry Mikan I' sure this one won't hurt you and if he does I'll personally send him to the hospital and Ruka your no exception If your wrong about that friend of yours just you wait. Hotaru thought.

"Hey Hotaru! done already? come on, your the one who forced me into this!" Mikan complained.

A small smile came up to Hotaru's lips then she also got inside the car. She faced Mikan who blinked back and started pinching her cheeks.

"Oww! Hotaru stop it!" Mikan said as she tried to pry Hotaru's hand off.

"well It's your fault were late baka!" Hotaru retorted.

"Ruka 15 minutes is up, I'm going." A boy with raven hair wearing a white polo shirt and black pants said as he pushed his chair backwards about to stand up.

"Wait! come on Natsume just 5 more minutes please?" Ruka begged.

A vein popped on Natsume's head. "You've been said that 3 times already" Natsume said obviously annoyed. He isn't annoyed with his best friend but because of the women who keeps on trying to get his attention like for example giving him some seductive looks which is super disturbing by the way.

"come on, please?" Ruka started giving him pleading looks. "My girlfriend is going to do who knows what to me if you leave!"

Natsume sweat dropped. " You know sometimes I think you're the girl in your relationship."

"Am not! Of course I'm the girl! - I mean guy!"

Natsume stared at his best friend and sighed. "fine! I'll stay... only because I pity you with that weirdo you call your girlfriend."

"hey! she's no-" Ruka was cut-off by a voice.

"who you calling weird?"

The two guys looked behind them and saw Hotaru glaring at the two boys intently.

"uh... hi Hotaru" Ruka awkwardly said as he stood up to greet his girlfriend, but instead Hotaru gave him evil looks which made him sit down again.

Hotaru looked towards Natsume's direction. Natsume raised an eyebrow. Hotaru glared at him. Natsume shrugged. Hotaru rolled her eyes at him. And that ended their greeting with each other.

Ruka laughed awkwardly between the two and saw Mikan behind Hotaru.

"Hi Mikan-chan!" Ruka greeted.

Hotaru stepped aside revealing Mikan, Mikan immediately blushed, not because of Ruka but because of the he was with.

" Hi Ruka!" she greeted back.

Natsume's POV

"Hi Mikan-chan!" My best friend greeted.

Mikan? who the hell is Mikan? I thought to myself.

My question was answered when Hotaru stepped aside revealing the most beautiful girl I've seen.

Her long brown hair looked so soft I was tempted to touch it, Her big Chocolate eyes was held innocence and she had the body to match. She looked towards my direction and I gaped a bit making sure no one would notice. She looks so angelic! If she's the girl Ruka was talking about then count me in! I mean who wouldn't? With the girl like her?

I just hope she isn't one of my fan girls...

Mikan's POV

My eyes widened seeing the most gorgeous guy I've ever seen. His Crimson red eyes were so tantalizing I couldn't help but stare back at him and Oh my gosh! his body was just like Woah!

realizing what I just thought I blushed and I knew Hotaru saw It when she shot me a questioning glance. I shooked my head and smiled at her.

Mikan NO! you can't fall in love! they are just selfish people that use girls for their own pleasure, they're just gonna hurt you again! I said to myself.

"Oh! Natsume I haven't introduced her yet." Ruka gestured towards Mikan.

"She's Mikan Sakura she's Hotaru's best friend." Ruka looked towards Mikan. "And Mikan this is Natsume Hyuuga my best friend." Ruka gestured towards Natsume.

Mikan smiled towards Natsume. "Nice to meet you Mr. Hyuuga." She took out her hand for a hand shake.

Natsume looked at her hand and grinned. He took her hand and instead of a hand shake, he kissed it.

Mikan and Ruka's eyes widened. Hotaru remained stoic as ever.

"call me Natsume." little girl.

Mikan pulled her hand from his hold. "uh... okay... call me Mikan then." She blushed but suddenly felt a dark aura surrounding her, oblivious to the glares the girls in the restaurant are giving her.

Natsume grinned.

"u-um w-why won't we sit down and order?" Ruka said awkwardly.

Mikan sat down beside Hotaru so she's facing Natsume.

"So what would you guys want? my treat!" Ruka asked while looking at the menu.

"I'll have a couple sized strawberry parfait with additional syrup please!" Mikan happily said.

Ruka smiled and called for a waiter.

"you Natsume?" Ruka asked.

"she did order couples right? than we'll just share." Natsume looked towards Mikan's direction and smirked.

Mikan blinked a couple of times before processing what he just said in her head.

"WHAT? NO!" Mikan said immediately, her face blushing red.

"why the hell not? I mean it is couples right?" Natsume asked and leaned on the palm of his had that was placed on the table.

"b-because i-it's mine! If you want one then why won't you order for yourself!" Mikan stuttered still blushing.

Natsume smirked that made Mikan twitch.

"Well it's a couples right?" Natsume asked as he sat back at his chair.

"y-yeah so?" Mikan asked feeling a bit nervous, she saw a glimpse of his abs when he leaned back and hell was it hot.

"couples mean two you know." Natsume said with a matter-of-fact tone.

"w-wel-l..." Mikan stuttered finding the words to say.

"hmm?..." Natsume leaned forward.

"i-it's c-cause y-ou." Mikan felt more nervous, his face were just inches away from hers.


All the attention turned to Hotaru who had just put the menu down.

"huh..." Ruka commented a bit confused because of the things happening.

"I want the crab house special." Hotaru simply said.

"oh.. okay sure. " Ruka said and got the menu to check. "wait how muc-... WHAT!" Ruka exclaimed.

Hotaru raised an eyebrow. "what what?"

Ruka turned to Hotaru." Hotaru this is a full course meal for two and it's so..." Ruka stopped talking.

"And it's what?" Hotaru asked.


Hotaru rolled her eyes at him. "You know I didn't say I would share it with you, I could finish it all by myself. you can order whatever you like." Hotaru said simply.

"u-uh." Ruka stuttered.

"what is it?" Hotaru looked towards Ruka with a hard emotionless face.


"I thought so." Hotaru said and got her phone.

It's not that he didn't like crabs or not share it with his oh so loving girlfriend. It's because, let's just say that his wallet would be empty once they got out of the restaurant.

Natsume just rolled his eyes at the two. Mikan smiled at them totally forgetting what happend a little while ago.

"A little more and your girlfriend's gonna turn into a fish."Natsume commented.

"hey! that's not nice you know!" Mikan retorted at his rude comment.

"And her best friend is gonna be a parrot." Natsume said adoring her cute-mad face.

"hmph!" Mikan crossed her arms. "well you're the rudest guy in the whole ocean!"

Natsume was about to say something when Hotaru beat him to it.

"speaking of oceans, Anna invited us to a beach opening this Sunday." She turned to face them. "Were all going."

"A beach really?" Mikan said excitedly.

"sounds good" Ruka nodded.

"hn" Natsume said.

Hotaru and Ruka exchanged knowing looks and nodded.

After they were done eating Hotaru said they were going ahead so they could pack. Ruka and Natsume were left behind.

"Hey Natsume." Ruka called out to his best friend.


"you like her don't ya?" Ruka teased.

Natsume looked at his best friend. "who?"

"Don't play dumb with me Natsume! Mikan! that's who!"

Natsume didn't reply for a few seconds. " maybe...maybe not."

Ruka rolled his eyes at his best friend." ya sure..." Although just the smirk on Natsume's face says it all.

"well I'll just see you tomorrow then, bye." Ruka said and left.

I guess I do like her... Natsume thought and left.

He was walking towards his car but stopped mid-way.

He saw his car and the tires on his car was gone. There was a note on the windshield, he twitched.

...I'm not a fish...

so... whaddya think? thi is just gonna be two chapters if you wanna know...:)))

And oh ya don't worry were not abandoning our other story, It's either gonna be updated tomorrow or the day after that:)

Anyway, review please!