content edited as of April 14, 2011; author's note untouched.

When he sees the building, his immediate reaction is dislike. It looks more like a prison than a mental facility. Technically, though, it is an institution for the criminally insane and therefor both. It is also the current home – no, not home. It is also the current residence of one Doctor Zachary Uriah Addy, whom he has come to visit.

The guards let him in and escort him to what they call the 'visitation' room. Once in front of it, he thinks that the word 'interrogation' is much more appropriate. Except he doesn't want to think of it as an interrogation room, because those kinds of rooms were for questioning suspects – likely criminals – people who had killed or tortured or raped or kidnapped or any combination thereof.

And he doesn't want to think of Zach Addy as one of those people.

Through the Plexiglas window, he can see the man, young, intelligent, and perhaps insane, sitting at the steel table in the center of the room, his gloved hands resting on the surface. The only thing missing, he thinks, are cuffs. He breathes deep and the guards open the door and he steps inside.



"How are you?"

"Well enough. What happened to your leg?"

"Nothing important."

He fidgets uneasily as a clearly awkward silence develops. (In a situation involving two people with extreme social awkwardness, there is a possibility that there will be the same, if not a higher, level of awkwardness than in a situation involving only one socially awkward person because simply being in the presence of one who is socially awkward does not lower the level at which one is deemed socially adequate on the spectrum, he mentally scolds himself.) And as silent seconds stretch into silent minutes, he begins to think that maybe he shouldn't have come.

And then Zach speaks: "You didn't have to come here, you know. I know how scared you are that you'll end up in a place like this."

His responding smile is fleeting. "We're friends. I owe you as much."

Then they're talking like the geniuses they are, using long words and scientific terms, showing off but not really showing off their intellect because they can talk smart and not worry about the other not understanding. They talk about si-fi, about Einstein, Homer, theories of creation, and whether the average human being sees darkness or simply does not see.

In the end, he only leaves because his cell phone beeps and it's a message from Morgan telling him that the team is needed in Kentucky.

In the end, he's glad he came.

Author's Note: Because if Criminal Minds has Spencer Reid, Bones has Zack Addy. They met at some obscure university while the latter was working on his engineering degree. Angela thinks it's nice that Zach has a friend outside of work. Morgan thinks it creepy that there's another Reid-like personality out there.