Okay, so here is a new story! Tell me what think.

Summery: Archie has given up on Atlanta and is looking for a 'real' relationship and finds Kikki. But when Atlanta is about to tell Archie how she really feels, is it too late? And who is the Kikki anyways? How will Atlanta cope? Is it all for the best?

"Hey Atlanta, whats new?" Theresa asked Atlanta

"Nothing." Atlanta replied

"Funny, we all come to the roof to think of things but say nothing is wrong, when there is something." Theresa said

"Yeah." Atlanta began, "Don't tell anyone about this okay..."

"Okay, I won't." Theresa promised

"I'm thinking of... well... who I like... you know... like like..." Atlanta said

"You mean to see if you like Archie?" Theresa asked

"What? No!... maybe..." Atlanta blushed

Theresa giggled and said, "All I can say is that he does like you."

"Yeah... but how can I tell if I like him..." Atlanta asked

"It comes from the heart." Theresa told Atlanta

"Yeah, coming from the person that is drooling over the leader and won't even admit it." Atlanta joked, Theresa blushed a deep red.

"Well, I need to go and have a shower... before Neil gets to it." Theresa said avoiding the subject.

"Good luck!" Atlanta yelled

"Unfortunately Neil is the good luck one..." Theresa sighed

Atlanta giggled and went back to looking at the stars. I guess I could be Archies girlfriend... but what if it doesn't work out? sighing with frustration Atlanta thought, What do I feel for Archie? Okay, what are five things I like about him? Well I like his hair, eyes, the way he laughs, his smile, his dagy jokes, the way he makes me smile, the way he blushes... wait... that is seven things...

"Atlanta?" Archie asked

"Yeah?" Atlanta replied

"What are you doing?" Archie asked

"Just thinking." Atlanta said, Archie walked over to Atlanta and sighed

"Mind if I join?" Archie asked

Atlanta giggled and said, "As long as you don't read my mind."

Archie laughed and said, "By the power rested in me, I will not read your mind... until I have mind reading powers." Atlanta laughed and then looked at the stars.

"Atlanta, can I ask you a question?" Archie asked

"You just did." Atlanta smiled

"Then can I ask you two questions." Archie asked

"One to go!" Atlanta said

"Who do you like?" Archie asked

"What do you mean?" Atlanta asked

"Like, who do you like like?" Archie asked uneasily.

"Umm..." Atlanta began, she started to get butterflys in her stomach

"Well?" Archie asked

"I like..." Atlanta began

"Dinner is ready!" Athena yelled

"We will talk about this later." Archie sighed

Dinner was over and it was time for bed, Atlanta used her super speed to head to her room.

Atlanta quickly got changed then rushed to Theresa's door and knocked on it.

"Come in!" Theresa sang

Atlanta rushed in Theresa's room and said, "What do I do!"

"What? What is happening?" Theresa asked

"Archie... he asked who I like." Atlanta blushed

"Tell him." Theresa said simpily

"Oh yeah I can see it now... 'Hey Atlanta remember that talk on the roof? Well who do you like?' 'Oh I like you Archie, who do you like?' 'Oh... I like Theresa...'" Atlanta imattated

"Why would Archie like me?" Theresa asked

"That is besides the point. What do I do!" Atlanta yelled

"First you need to stop yelling, second figure out if you like Archie." Theeresa said, "You know, it took him a lot of couarge to ask you that."

"Yeah, yeah..." Atlanta sighed

"Now if you don't mind, can I go to sleep now?" Theresa asked

"Oh sorry!" Atlanta yelled then ran out. She just relised that Theresa was in her bed trying to fall asleep

Atlanta ran back to her room and sat on her bed. Okay so do I like Archie?

Yes, of cause you do!

But what if it ends badly? We won't talk to each other!

But isn't it better to have loved once then to never have loved at all

But shouldn't we fight Cronus!

Love will always find a way.

"Urgh!" Atlanta sighed then landed on her pillow

"I'll think about it in the morning." Atlanta said to herself outloud

Cronus's Lair

"Kiki! Kiki come out!" Cronus said

"You called." Kiki sang

"Ugh... yes, now I have a quest for you." Cronus said

"What is it master?" Kiki asked

"I want you to make this kid to fall in love with you..." Cronus said showing a picture of Archie

"Oh, why is that master?" Kiki asked

"They don't know all of the profesy." Cronus said

"Can you tell me?" Kiki asked

"I have, one hundred times." Cronus replied

"But I love the sound of your voice." Kiki said

"Ugh, fine..." Cronus sighed

'There will be seven young heros,

one from each decendant will stop

Cronus from destroying the world

But before they do, two of each gender

will fall in love

and together they stand

hand in hand

and will send Cronus back to ther underworld

"Don't worry, I won't allow that!" Kiki said

"Thank you... I guess." Cronus said

And at that moment Kiki disappeared

Okay what do you think?

If I get at least one review, I will do the next chapter!