Hey guys,
This is to officially tell you all that this story has been abandoned and will never be completed. Yes, I am a monster. I am so sorry for breaking your heart. I broke mine too. :(
Good bye.
Edit: Some people were really pissed and asked me for the reasons. Well, the biggest reason is that life got in the way. There's just no time to do this anymore. Other than that, I realized that my writing style has changed way too much and that in this story, my characters seem kinda OOC now. I loved this story, don't get me wrong. And I loved writing it. I believed the plot was very new and full of potential at that time. But I just don't have the energy to keep writing it anymore. I have been in denial for years. No honestly, YEARS! I thought someday I'll get the time and motivation to update this fic, but I couldn't. And I had to pull the plug today. I am really sorry to all those who have been with me all this time, reading, reviewing, and giving me motivation. It's not fair to you. I know how it feels, because I used to be sad about unfinished fanfics all the time. But I hope you all understand that sometimes, people just can't go back to things as the way they were. Most of the times, it's because of multiple reasons, as in my case. I wish you all a wonderful life.
Oh, and this story is up for adoption. Not that anybody would want to continue it, I think.