You Made A Fool Of Me
Kagome sitting in her room on the edge of the bed waiting for Inuyasha to come back so she could talk to him she really needed to ask him something . Hearing a knock on her door she waited for it to open just knowing it was Inuyasha . As the door opened her heart stopped just for a second . She couldn't take her eyes off the person at her door .
"Kagome you can stop looking at me now ." Kagome shook her head why was he here why was he in her room . " I would like to have dinner with you and Inuyasha before he goes back tomorrow." Walking to a chair to sit down she watched every move he did her mind was racing .
"He's living …Tomorrow." It felt as if she couldn't breath if he left then who would she talk to . She had Sango and Miroku but it wasn't the same she couldn't tell them everything .
"Yes so I would like to go out and say our last good byes." Crossing his legs as he watched Kagome reaction .
"Well I mean couldn't you move him to the company here then he wouldn't have to leave ?" She needed him their with her just talking on the phone was not the same as being face to face .
"Why? I mean what's wrong with him staying close to Family and friends ."
"Because I need him over their not here I have enough help over here plus he has my business doing really well over their ." Uncrossing his legs just to cross his arms .
"Sesshomaru please !" Kagome was going to get him to let him stay .
"No Kagome and we will not bring it up again ." Getting up walking to the bed to stand in front of her. "
"Why take him away from me why send him so far so the only contact we have is phone?" Pushing past Sesshomaru as she stood up to be in back of him .
"Do you not want that because I can stop the phone calls to if you want me to." Turning around to see confusion in Kagome's eyes .
"Why would you do that ?"
"Well stop bitching I'm letting you continue talking to him .You should be happy I brought him here for this long because I could have sent him back the night he came here ." Walking up to kagome so that they were only inches from each other . "It's a shame that even though he is not the one you married you act as if you did ."
"I do not !"
"Hn….. Like I said we will be having dinner later on so I want you to look presentable I want you to be ready and on time . I do not want to have to come in here in get you ready myself. Do you understand me ?" with that he started walking toward the door
"Do you really hate me ?" She had to know
"I have no reason to answer that question you know the truth .' Opening the door only to see Inuyasha standing out side the door listening to what was going on . "Its very rude to ease drop little brother." Pushing past Inuyasha . "I will expect every one to be ready at 7:30"
Sitting in the limo both looking sad sitting across form each other Kagome and Inuyasha they couldn't believe that this was happing to them so fast getting pulled apart again it really did suck . Pulling into their destination Sesshomaru being the first to get out followed by Kagome and Inuyasha .
Going into Aragawa one of Tokyo most expensive restaurants spending at least five hundred dollars per person it was to much for Kagome taste and she hated going its like wasting money when you can go to another stake house and get stake for less or anything for that matter .
"Sesshomaru why must you take us to such a place ?" He knew how much she hated this place and yet he brings them here .
"Why not bring Inuyasha to this place this is one of his favorite spots …is it not ." Kagome looking at Inuyasha with a stunned look . That was something she did not know about him it had to be a lie….Right .
"Yea it really is …its pricy but it has really good food ." Inuyasha looked at Kagome smiling its not that he didn't want her to know its just something that he didn't think he should have brought up .
"Oh really …I guess I will have do this for you then ." Rolling her eyes at the subject she continued to walk into Aragawa .
"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Tachibana its nice to see you your privet table for three is waiting ."
"Thank you." the followed the waiter to their table it was away from everyone it was really nice but Kagome had set at this table so many times before that it was just a table . They all set down Kagome sitting next to Sesshomaru by choice she wanted to look at Inuyasha and in order to do that She had to sit next to him .
As Inuyasha and Sesshomaru talked Kagome just couldn't bring her self to be into the conversation Sitting with her hands in her lap picking with her nails .She couldn't bring herself to really look at Inuyasha because it seemed like if she did he would just disappear like he was an illusion the whole time and she would be stuck hereby her self With her husband Sesshomaru. She really did hate that this was the last day she would see him in probably a long time . Feeling a hand on top of hers Thinking it was Inuyasha for a moment until she noticed how Soothing they were , Inuyasha hand were warm but they weren't as soothing as these .
Looking at her captured hand then her capturer she couldn't believe how at one time his hands could be so hateful then another time so calming to her body . Feeling him letting go of her hand she grabbed for it again placing it back in her lap.
'If only for this time let me hold you' Kagome thought gripping Sesshomaru hand hard only to loosing the grip . Seeing that a waitress was walking to their table also seeing how she was looking at Sesshomaru and something about that pissed her off .
"Hello Mr. Tachibana what would you like to order …" The waiter started to say
"I guess you don't see me then shh .' Rolling her eyes she looked the girl up and down her was a pretty girl a nice figure nice legs , But she wasn't what she thought she was and that would be a good fuck for Sesshomaru .
"Do accept my apologies Miss…" The waitress looked at Kagome as if she was so much better than her .
"Mrs. Tachibana to you little girl it would be best if you were to remember that ." Kagome now pissed who the fuck did this bitch think she was .
"Kagome that will be enough this is not the place or time." Both Kagome and the waitress looked at Sesshomaru, Kagome nodding still glaring at the girl and if looks could kill she would be dead 10 times over .
"Well if we are done with that can I order now I'm starving ." Inuyasha now making his self known
"Oh yes I am sorry …." Now her attention was on Inuyasha and for some reason Kagome didn't care about that as long as that's were it stayed and for the time they were their it did she even gave Inuyasha her number which Kagome made him throw it away cause she said she was nothing but a whore looking for money . About time they made it home it was about 11:15 .
Kagome was laying on Sesshomaru lap like she use to do when she was tired and he stroked her hair it seemed really nice for the time being when she got out of the limo She noticed it was just Inuyasha that stayed in the limo .
"What are you doing ?" Kagome walked back to where Inuyasha was .
"I'm leaving tonight Kagome ." Sesshomaru continued to walk in their mansion leaving the two out to talk.
"I thought you were leaving tomorrow ,why don't you just stay here ?" Kagome eyes feeling with salty tears
"Because I have to get back …It was fun while it lasted , but I have been gone for longer than I thought I would be and I have a lot of thing I have to finish ." Stepping out the limo to hug Kagome .
"I want to go with you ." gripping her tiny hands around Inuyasha .
"NO!" Pulling her off of him looking deep into her eyes .
"Kagome you can't come with me your heart wouldn't be in it ."
"What does that mean ?"
"Your still in love with my brother you think I wasn't paying attention to how you acted with that waitress and how you held his hand and laid on his lap …" Letting Kagome go .
"I'm not either …"
"Yes you are I can never love you enough because even when I try to get your love you always give me half and I can't say here because I would die loving you and you cant come with me cause you would die loving him do you understand ?" "My love grows deep in the roots for you and it can never be dug up ."
"Lets not fool our self Kagome you need him and as much as it kills me you need to stay and work it out with him ." Hugging Kagome one last time
"Inuyasha ?" Feeling his lips brush hers one last time letting her go he got into the limo and the Chauffeur shutting the door Kagome stood their lost for words ..before she knew it he was gone just like that he was gone and she was again alone .
Sorry it took so long to update i be working alot of doubles i be so destoyed to even think lol but tell me what you think Criticism makes me wanna do better ok loves ttyl