(A/N): Hi! This is my first try at a Twilight Fic! I really hope you like it! And please show some appreciation by telling me what you think, even if you think it sucks :D constructive criticism is always welcome!


Summary: Bella had the perfect life. She had amazing friends, loving parents and she was married to the love of her life. She was deliriously happy, right until the day she an accident that changes everything.



"The dawn is breaking, a light shining through, you're barely waking, and I'm tangled up in you"

The sunlight streaming through the drapes woke Bella up. She squinted against the light and turned around to avoid it, but mainly to gaze at the man sleeping peacefully beside her. Edward, her husband. How long has it been since she fell hopelessly in-love with him? Three years to the day. Today was their anniversary. The anniversary of the first day they met and also their wedding anniversary. They'd been married for a year now and Bella couldn't have been happier.

She reached over and traced his face with her fingers. Handsome didn't quite cover Edward Samuels. With his bronze hair and stunning green eyes and a perfect physique, he was the very definition of gorgeous. It was the first thing that attracted Bella about him. The fact that he looked like one of those heroes from the romance novels her friend Alice was addicted to, that and the fact that whenever he walked into a room, he immediately commanded everyone's attention. That's one of the reasons he successfully ran a multi-million dollar corporation. She'd always been amazed that even though he had beautiful women practically throwing themselves at him, he picked her.

When she actually got to know him more, bit by bit, she realized that she just couldn't live without him. The very idea was inconceivable to her. He became her best-friend, her lover. Her everything.

Bella started as Edward captured the hand that was still close to his face and kissed her knuckles. Her eyes flew to his face in time to catch his devilish smile.

"Morning, love," He murmured huskily.

Bella smiled. "Good morning."

Edward pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her. "Happy anniversary, sweetheart," He whispered in her ear.

She kissed him. "Happy anniversary, don't forget our plans tonight." Bella reminded him.

She had arranged a dinner party tonight for them and a few of their family and friends so they could celebrate their anniversary with them. Afterwards, they'd both head to the airport to catch a flight to the Caribbean where they'd spend a week just the two of them.

He leaned over to kiss her. "Would I ever?" He grinned.

Bella chuckled and started to get up but Edward pulled her down again.

"We're going to be late." She reluctantly protested.

"I love you." He said, while smothering her with kisses. How could she resist that?

A few minutes later, when Bella was finally able to break free of her husbands' hold, she whispered back, "I love you too," Then she quickly got up before he could, again, make her forget the world outside of this bedroom.

The party was a lot of fun. Bella's parents and Edward's father were there and so was Bella's best-friend, Alice, who teased her mercilessly about being an "old married lady". A few of Edward's friends were also there.

"So how does it feel being married for a whole year?" Emmett, Edward's best-friend asked.

Edward gazed at his wife standing with Alice across the room, apparently laughing at something she'd said. "Heaven," He replied with a contented smiled.

On the other side of the room where Bella and Alice were chatting together, Alice continually sighed.

"Seriously Bella, that man of yours puts McDreamy to shame."

Bella glanced at Edward and found him watching her. She winked at him. He grinned and winked back. "Yes, he does."

The party went on for a few hours and after the last guest left, Edward and Bella prepared to head for the airport. They got in their car and Edward started driving towards the highway.

All it took was a single moment. Just one moment when Edward's gaze was otherwise occupied with watching his wife and not paying attention to the road. He didn't see the other car swerving towards them from the opposite direction. The next thing he knew he was in excruciating pain. Every bone in his body felt as though it had been crushed. Suddenly he felt terrified.

The car had turned upside down. He glanced sharply towards the passenger seat, hoping against hope that his fears were unfounded. His terror intensified when he saw his wife. She was lying, deathly pale against the broken glass strewn everywhere. He tried calling her name but to no avail. She didn't move an inch or respond.

"No…" He cried in anguish. "Bella…No…"

And that was the last thing Edward remembered before his world turned black.

Author's Note: Sorry that it was too short, this was just the introduction to the story…Following chapters will be longer, I promise

So, Make my day and tell me what you think!