Chapter 29: My Fault

"No!" Eric shouted at Russell with fury in his voice, but he couldn't do anything he couldn't move. Russell could end Lilli in one move.

"Take me," he pleaded.

Russell just laughed maniacally.

"I told you. Lilli, Pam, Sookie then you. Don't rush I'll get to you."

Eric and Russell hadn't noticed Alcides wolf from had sneaked up closer to them. He quickly ran to Russell's side and bit his leg. Russell lost his balance and fell to the ground in pain causing Lilli to escape from his grasp. Lilli mustered all her strength and shoved Alex and pushed him through a wall.

Russell screamed in pain as the wolf continued to bite him. Russell took the wolf by its head and tossed the wolf away from his injured leg. The wolf whimpered as it hit the wall with a bang. Lilli plunged her fangs into Russell's neck. With all her might she took a chunk away of his neck. Russell and Lilli both fell to the ground. Russell held onto his neck trying to stop the bleeding. Eric took the opportunity to run to them. He grabbed the stake from Russell's hand. Eric pinned him down on the ground, with his knee digging into Russell's bloody neck.

"I should have done this a long time ago," Eric said to Russell.

"Die you sadistic fuck!" he screamed.

Russell cried out as Eric stabbed the stake through his chest. His body slowly falling into pieces of flesh and then suddenly exploded into blood.

"Oh my god," Lilli gasped in shock, she had never seen a vampire die before. She was covered in Russell's exploded blood that had scattered everywhere.

"Russell!" Eric heard Alex screamed in agony outside. Eric growled, turned to the young vampire through the hole in the wall with the stake still in his hands and with adrenaline pumping through his veins he could end him in a second. This was the vampire that sold Lilli out to Russell. He took a step forward ready to stake the vampire. Alex knew that he was no match for a thousand year old vampire. So he turned and fled as fast as he could.

"I will find you, you son of a bitch!" Eric screamed.

"Eric," Lilli called out from the ground, trying to tug at Eric's shirt to get his attention. Her body was still wrapped around in chains.

"He's gone Lilli," Eric said as he stroked her face as if he was trying to wipe away the pain.

"I—I Alcide," he said and looked around for the white wolf that had helped save Lillis life. The wolf walked over and shifted back to a human as he walked closer to Lilli.

"I'm sorry," Eric said placing her head on his lap and stroking her hair.

"You're naked," Lilli choked out looking over at Alcide.

"I am," Alcide smiled and removed the chains from her body, "sorry about that."

"I think you should have bought me dinner first," she stifled a laugh. "Thank you," she winced as the chain was lifted from her neck.

"Are you ok?" Eric asked placing his hands on her face.

"I am now," she smiled at him. She felt her eyes closing from exhaustion, "you came for me, I didn't think you'd come, I didn't want you to come."

"I'm sorry it took so long," he muttered pushing away the hair on her face. He felt a pang in his chest while he looked at her face. He touched her cheek where her tears had dried up. She was in pain for so many nights and he didn't know. He could have gotten to her sooner. Eric picked her up from the ground and carried her in his arms.

"I am in debt to you," he said to Alcide.

Alcide nodded in return.

Eric held Lilli in his arms as they flew back home. Eric feared for what this would do to her. She had suffered enough as a human and he had dragged her into this. She looked so peaceful resting on his chest as if nothing had happened to her. He didn't know what was going to happen next.

Eric rang Pam to line up five humans for Lilli to fed from once they arrived in Fangtasia. He zoomed past everyone and went into his office. He slowly dropped her into the couch.

"Oh my god, Eric," Pam said trying to reach out for Lilli but stopped as if her touch would hurt her. Her body had cuts made by silver and was covered in her blood, she looked so weak and so frail.

"I know Pam, just bring in the first one."

He shook her slightly, "Lilli wake up, you need to feed."

Lilli's eyes shot open and her fangs drew out. She groaned, she was so weak she couldn't even turn her head. Eric realising this he bit the humans neck and positioned Lilli's mouth and fangs over the bite.

"Drink as much as you can, I'll tell you when to stop," he said holding into the humans wrists to feel his pulse.

After feeding Lilli's wounds healed. But still, she was exhausted, she closed her eyes again her was body ready to go to ground already. She needed to rest.

"Eric," she called out.

"Shh. Don't say anything."

Before finally succumbing into her sleep she yawned and said, "Thank you."

"For what?" He just had to ask.

"Saving me."

Eric carried an exhausted Lilli on his arms and flew them home. He placed her on his bed as she slept. He lied right next to her but not letting himself fall asleep. He wasn't going to ground today, not until he knew she was fine. He was going to watch her. To make sure that she will live through the day. That she would have no chance of waking up and staking herself. He had to be careful with her now. She had endured torture because of him and she was an very unstable baby vampire to start with who had tendencies to kill herself and now she had another reason to want to end her life, the memories of being tortured by Russell. He just hoped that now that she is a vampire that she understood that everything heals skin, bones and memories. Even if it takes time. It was going to take a lot of work but this happened to her because of him.


Is it my fault, is it my fault?
We've been missing each other
My fault, is it my fault?
We've been missing each other

'My Fault' - Imagine Dragons


Authors Note: It's a short one. I realised I probably could have added this on the last chapter but you know suspense and all that jazz. I'm still struggling to find my voice again so I'm sorry if the writing isn't that good. I hope you still get the picture. I may find a beta soon so if you know any good one let me know. Finally please review good or bad just so I sorta know there's still some love for me :)