Alright so here is the very last chapter of our little project. We hope that you liked it.

Please read and review.

Friday the 13th was possibly one of the most pointless and boring holidays that was ever created. It was a day for superstitious people to come out of their hidey holes and claim that bad luck would hit anyone that walked under a ladder, crossed paths with a black cat, spilled salt, or anything else in their arsenal of superstitious hoopla. It annoyed the crap out of her to have people walk up and claim that she was doomed for a day full of bad luck because she stepped on a crack in the side walk. They lived in Boston for crying out loud, you couldn't help but step on a crack with the state that the sidewalks were in. So she would always just push past the 'crazies' as she dubbed them and go about her day. She had never really experienced a Friday the 13th where she actually had bad luck, until now.

Normally she didn't spend all that much time with Walter since she and Peter were the ones that ran around after criminals while the older man stayed behind at the lab with Astrid, but that had changed for the day. Astrid had needed Peter's help with something at the lab so Olivia ended up getting stuck in a car with Walter beside her, doing a stake out of a suspects house. It wouldn't have been so bad if he would just be quiet for five minutes! The whole time that they had been sitting was spent with him singing the 'hula song' over and over again under his breath. The repeating chorus of "are you aching, yep, yep, for some bacon?" Kept being mumbled over and over again to the point where she was tempted to launch at him with a roll of duct tape or a needle and thread, which ever was more convenient.

"Walter, stop singing." She eventually snapped and saw his startled look. "Sorry."

"That's okay dear; I didn't know I was singing." He smiled and looked out the window, a blissful two minutes passing with no singing before he started up again, this time with a different song from the movie that Peter had caved and rented for him.

"I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts..." Walter started mumbling, causing her to close her eyes and count to 100 before opening them again and glaring at him.

Peter looked up from the table he was working at to see Olivia storm through the door with a roll of duct tape on her arm and a terrified looking Walter ambling in behind her. Deciding that it would be best to not ask why his father was suddenly fearful of the petite blonde, he kept to himself until he was sure that Olivia had calmed down enough to approach her without needing protective gear. Though as soon as he got to her office he realized that maybe the protective gear was still needed, she was sat at her desk practically spearing a whole case file on her pen.

"I'm assuming that Walter was…Walter." Peter stated, closing the door behind him.

"I think I'd rather lock him in a closet full of his experiments than take him on a stake out ever again."She retorted.

"Let me guess, he was singing again." Peter sighed.

"Yes." She huffed, successfully putting her pen halfway through the file before he gently took it from her hand. "Damn." She groaned when she saw the damage she had done to the file.

"It's replaceable." Peter said, moving the file away from her. "Sorry to have stuck you with Walter."

"How do you deal with him every day?"

"I'm not around him all that much really. Most of my time is spent around you." He stated, giving her a look that spoke more than he may have planned. Both had given up the game of pretending that they were not attracted to the other, but neither had taken the step needed to go from friendship to something more.

"You could always make it up to me if you wanted." She stated, not wanting to play this game any longer, her need and want for him having grown to the point of self destruction if she didn't do something about it and soon.

"Really, how?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, standing when she did the same. He stood still and watched her walk over to him, her hand reaching out and cupping his jaw. He watched her eyes flick to his lips quickly before locking with his again and she leaned in, her lips gently brushing his.

He groaned at the unexpected contact and brought his hands up to cradle her face between them, sealing his lips with hers tightly and feeling her run her tongue over his bottom lip asking for the entrance that he quickly gave her. She then walked them backwards until her knees hit the edge of her desk and she hoisted herself up wrapping her legs around his waist where she could feel his arousal for her pressed to her thigh. Her hands ran down his shirted chest and under the hem of the thin fabric to travel up and over his muscled chest while his hands rid her of her shirt and dropped it to the floor, his lips leaving hers and going down her neck and over her chest to take a hardened nipple through the fabric of her black bra. Their breathing came out raspy as they shed their clothing until they stood in front of the other completely naked.

Olivia sat on the desk and pulled Peter back to her. He gave her a look as if to ask "are you sure?" and got a nod in response. She placed him at her entrance and he slowly entered her pulling deep, low groans from them both. Their rhythm started slowly but quickly picked up speed until they were panting and covered in a fine sheen of sweat. Olivia's nails scratched over Peter's back and she tilted her head so that her face was in the crook of his neck where she muffled her scream of his name when she came around him pulling his own orgasm from him. They stayed joined, panting each other's name and enjoying the feel of finally being together. It wasn't until they heard Walter walking close to the office that they separated and quickly got dressed not wanting the older man to walk in on them. Once they were dressed they looked at each other and smiled.

"I guess I need to stick you with Walter more often."Peter teased and saw Olivia saunter over to him until she was a breath away.

"Do that and what just happened now will never happen again." She whispered in his ear and walked away hearing him chuckle behind her.