Hey everyone! :) I did a poll on my profile as to which story I should upload next, and this was the highest voted story. You can still vote for the poll for which story to upload next.

Here's my new story 'When I Grow Up'! :) Yay! It's set around 17/18 years after the series 3 final.

I would like to thank 'H2OGirl101' because I got the idea for the name 'Cara' off of her! Thanks heaps :)

Anyway, to the story! I really hope you enjoy the first chapter & please review it! :)


CHAPTER 1: Sunshine… and school

No-one's POV

It was a normal, warm January summer afternoon on the Gold Coast.

The water was cold, and the sun & sand was hot. The beautiful beaches on the coast were packed & populated by teenagers, despite the fact that the summer holidays had just finished and school was back.

Four fifteen year olds were walking out of the school gates and across the road to a park which overlooking the busy beaches.

The teenagers -3 girls and a boy- were talking about their first day back at school, while on their way home.

Ruby Samantha McCartney was talking about her favourite subject -Art- with the others. Her long, slightly curled, dark brown hair was blowing gently in the wind.

Ever since she was born, Ruby's appearance has been an almost exact 50/50 match of her parents. Her dark brown locks and face were exactly like her mothers, and her blue-green eyes and light skin was a match of her fathers.

Cara Isabella Benjamin's tanned skin was glowing in the light from the sun. She was being her usual positive self; finding the benefits of every teacher, every class and every topic. She was a bubble of happiness & energy like her mum.

Cara shared the same facial expressions and features as her father, but she had long, marginally wavy hair like her mothers. Her hair was the same colour honey blonde hair as both parents, along with the same tanned skin. Her eyes are the same shade of blue as her fathers, just slightly darker than her mothers blue water eyes.

Ryan Harrison Bennett was comparing his timetable with the other girls that he had known basically since they were born.

Ryan's straight spiky blonde hair was filled with hair gel. His hair's shade of blonde was a few shades darker than his mothers and twin sister's white-blonde shade. Ryan's face & features were identical to his fathers, along with the same chocolate brown eyes, and slightly darker than pale, skin complexion.

While Alexa Jade Bennett was bored. She absolutely hates school… with a passion!

Alexa had inherited her mother's looks and personality. Her long, straight, light blonde hair was identical to her mothers at her age, except her mother's was very curly, -as Alexa's would normally be- except she preferred straightening her hair, like she had done today. Alexa & her mum also shared the same pale, pasty skin and beautiful baby blue eyes.

Ruby, Cara & Ryan continued their disgustingly thorough discussion about their day, timetables, teachers and subjects as they were walking home, while Alexa was yawning, trying to keep her brain from going to sleep and shutting off completely.

Sure Alexa loved her childhood best friends and twin brother but she was so different from them.

Ruby was much, much more sensitive and soft-hearted than her.

Cara on the other hand was carefree, but she knew boundaries & limits and stayed inside them. She was also aware of others feelings and compassionate, but didn't suffocate them, like Ruby had the tendancy to do. Cara just had a good balance in life overall.

Then there's Ryan. He and Alexa were almost complete opposites! Despite being twins, the similarities are few and far between. Ryan was lucky. He had inherited the best of the twin's dad like his passion & brains, but was lucky enough not his ego, jealousy and anger. But Alexa is exactly like their mum; fiery, short tempered, sarcastic & sassy but also adventurous, loyal & very witty.

Alexa interrupted the current topic of 'Fastest routes to class' by saying "Sorry to rain on you guys' freaking-boring parade, but I was already force-fed an entire day of school, and you guys are making me feel like I am regurgitating it… which I would only consider if I was in a life or death situa-" but she was cut off by her 3 minutes older brother saying "What a charming analogy Lexi!" as he wrapped his arms around his sister playfully joking around with her, as she struggled to release herself from her brothers stronger grasp.

Once Ryan had let go off Alexa, he continued talking to the other girls and Alexa mentally counted the amount of times that she had actually liked school, before she realized her friends must be getting to her. She was actually thinking about school, out of school! Alexa would have left school the minute she was old enough… but when your dad is a teacher at your school, it kind of makes life harder...

The four friends continued walking through the park, with the hot, harsh afternoon sun beaming on them. Cara, Ryan & Ruby's conversations continued with the school theme.

Alexa was now mentally debating over whether or not to repaint her currently red room. Her debate was interrupted when she realized that they had reached the street Ruby's house was on and that the others were saying their goodbyes to her, so she joined in.

After they left Ruby; Alexa, Ryan & Cara continued walking towards their houses in the heat. Cara and Ryan were now talking about their favourite teacher, leaving Alexa aching to get to their street faster.

The trio walked into 'Barrundy Street', a street that is filled with large, stunning homes, that are overlooking a canal.

Ryan and Alexa said goodbye to Cara, who stopped at her family's home at number 13, before they then continued making their way further up the street, to number 47.

There we are! First chapter of 'When I Grow Up' finished! :) What did you think? Should I continue on with it? Let me know or else I'll feel inclined not to.

Also, do you think I should upload a rough timeline of what happened in those 18 years? ie, births, weddings etc... You will find out some significant things of what's happened in that time soon though. So timeline or no timeline?

Chap 2, will be set in the Bennett house, from when Ryan & Alexa get home from school. I had fun writing Chap 2! :D Review & I'll upload :)

Have a good one!