A/N: sooo.. EmpressOfSarcasm told me that she was willing to let me have the rights to one of her one-shots from her story Flock Oneshots. (if you haven't read it, I strongly suggest you do XD) But this isn't my work right here. sure I tweaked it a teensy bit, but other than that, this chapter is all EmpessOfSarcasm's. :D woooooo!

Disclaimerr: if I don't even own the beginning idea of this story, how the heck am I supposed to own Maximum Ride? lol, James does. : (

Chapter One:

Max POV:

I lay on my bed sobbing.

Fang was gone. He'd broken his promise to never leave me, and had broken my heart along with it.

I had left my window open to let the cool night breeze dry my tears.

I heard a soft rustling. I sat up and saw Fang standing near my window.

I felt a new wave of anger and misery wash over me. "What are you doing here," I asked, my voice cold and stony. "Did you come back to mock me?"

He looked at the floor. "I didn't come back to make fun of you," he said quietly. "I… had to say good bye face to face."

I examined my hands, which were neatly folded in my lap. "Oh."

Fang walked over to me and touched my cheek. "I don't want you to believe the wrong things, Max. I'm not leaving because I'm a distraction."

I stared deep into his eyes. "Then why are you leaving? You broke your promise to never leave me again." My tone was steely.

He winced. "I know. And I'm so, so sorry. But if I stay, I'll end up killing you."

I stood, enraged. "You're killing me now! By leaving, you're saying that you don't care if I live or not!" The volume of my voice was steadily increasing, but I didn't care.

Fang looked away. "Max, I can't tell you cool I'm leaving… but I can show you."

He pulled back and took several steps away from me.

I couldn't help it. I let out a gasp as he morphed into an Eraser. His fur was jet-black. His eyes looked sad, like a dog that had been starved. "Do you see? Every single time I take this form, the bloodlust is so bad I… I'll kill you if I stay," he said in the deep, gravelly voice of an Eraser.

I walked right up to him. Without thinking twice, my hand reached up and touched his muzzle. "I don't care. I know it's you under there, Fang. Not some sick, weak-minded fool like other Erasers. And I'll always love you, muzzle and all."

He frowned. "How can you love me if I look like our worst enemy? I'm even more of a freak-show than I was before."

I smiled gently. "I've known you my whole life, Fang. It's not what's on the outside that counts, but what's on the inside. And I know you'd never kill me, or the Flock."

Fang looked away. "But the others-"

"Will understand if I let you stay," I interrupted. "But you'll have to take it up with Iggy. He'll be pissed with you for quite a while."

He stared deeply into my eyes and chuckled. Then he morphed back into his old self. "Max…" he began, suddenly serious. The light-hearted mood was gone. "If I hurt you, when I'm an Eraser, then you have to promise to let me leave."

I hesitated.

"Please, Max!" Fang was half-begging now. "No matter how small it is, I'll still have hurt you! I wouldn't be able to stand that!"

I thought for a moment before saying, "Yes. I promise."

Fang pulled me to him and kissed me for a moment, his lips gazing mine with the utmost tenderness.

I felt my heart begin to knit itself back together. I stared into his eyes. "But if you ever leave me again," I said in my best leaderly voice, "I'm going to find you, and drag you back here myself."

He gave me his half-smile. I felt my knees go weak. "Yes ma'am," he said, mocking me. He must've noticed how tired I looked, because he picked me up bridal style and laid me on my bed.

He lay down next to me. "So you'll stay," I asked.

"Of course I will."

I closed my eyes and curled tightly against his chest. "Thank you," I murmured.

He kissed my forehead. "I'll never leave you again."

I laughed darkly. "That's what you said the first time."

He chuckled again. "I seriously mean it this time."

"Mmmm…" I mumbled.

Then I fell asleep, safe and warm in Fang's arms.

A/N: soooooooo what'd people think! know how I figure that out? by REVIEWS! woooo! yea… (: I'll update faster if people review! * hint hint *
