Hi its me again here is another story that i am writing it is a work in progress tell me if you like it

Chap 1

Leo heard the door to the lair slide open. "Raph, where are you going?"

Raphael jumped around, he obviously thought that Fearless Leader had fallen asleep while meditating. When his eyes zeroed in on Leo they immediately narrowed. "What's it to you Leo?" he snarled.

"I don't want you going out tonight Raph it's not safe especially since bishop seems to be up to something" Leo retorted

Raph scoffed "just cause bishop is up to something doesn't mean we should stay underground. If anything we should go up more to see what he is up to. But nooo you want us to stay down here like a coward. Maybe you ant as fearless as we thought, Leo"

The blue banded turtle mentally took a step back. Every time they called him fearless the comment stung, because in reality he was afraid. afraid that he might fail, that he wouldn't be able to protect his brothers every time they got into a fight, or whenever Donnie was working on his inventions, or whenever Mikey went out boarding in the sewers, or in cases like now whenever Raph went topside to patrol the city on his own. They could get hurt, and he wouldn't even know about them getting hurt, or he wouldn't know what to do once he found them and they needed medical help. His eyes fell on Ralph looking almost eager for a chance to fight with him.

I can't do this he thought, not today. For the past 2 weeks he had had uneasy feeling and couldn't sleep very well and tonight it was so bad that he couldn't even try to sleep, he tried meditating, relaxing tea, even a warm shower but nothing was working. He was tired and did not feel up to arguing with Raph

"Raph" he said tiredly "I don't want to argue with you but-"

"Yea coulda fooled me if you don't want to argue den don't stop me from going out" Raph shot back at Leo

Leo got up from his position on the floor and walked towards him.

"Master splinter said…."

"I know what he said Leo, you tell me every time I try to go out. Well ya aint stopped me before, and ya ant stopping me now."

Raph's eyes narrowed as Leo stepped in front of him blocking the exit "Raphael if you know what Master said why do you insist on going out? it's dangerous, not only that, but it is going to snow tonight why would you even want to go out hunting down punks "-Leo put his hands in the air and did the finger quotations- "as you so eloquently call It"

"Crime doesn't stop because things are bad Leo and unlike some, I go out and do somting about it!"

Raph's voice echoed thru the lair waking a slumbering turtle "not again" he moaned. I totally need Donny to sound proof my room. Mikey thought to himself, thinking back a couple years ago when Donatello had soundproofed his lab, mostly to get some peace and quiet when he worked on delicate projects. But Mikey had seen him disappear into the lab and turn the system on when Leo and Raph got into a shouting match. He knew that their arguments bothered the peaceful turtle more than he let on in fact Mikey would usually just turn on music it bothered him just as bad. Master splinter would be dealing with it, but he had left to go and visit some friends from the battle nexus.

I guess its up to me he thought as he knew Don probably fell asleep in the lab again. As he went to lift his blankets up he was half tempted to stay in bed and let his oldest bros fight it out, but he knew that this fight would probably turn extremely physical. it had been building up for days and Mikey knew both Leo and Raph were high-strung, earlier when he had walked by his hot headed bro earlier that evening you could feel the tension radiating off of him, and he knew Leo hadn't gotten a good night sleep in days. Leo's room was next to his and Mikey could hear him tossing and turning. It had been going on for days now. Something was up, even Mikey could feel it in the air, but he was a glass half full kinda guy whatever was going to happen will happen and they will get through it like they always did no reason to worry about it.

By now Mikey had shuffled to the balcony of the top floor and saw Raph jabbing their eldest with his finger.

"You left jungle boy you don't care what happens up top and I do"

"Raph we already went thru this argument" Leo shoved Raph's hand away "and I do care, why do think I left? Do really think I took a vacation down there? I worked hard to be a better leader for you guys."

"Well you haven't done a good enough job. We went through shell while you were gone on your little training trip"

Hearing that statement come from Raph, Mikey called down before Leo could reply "hey dudes can't this wait till like, oh I don't know… daylight hours?" he asked out cheerfully.

Leo looked up "Mikey what are you doing up?"

"You're kidding me, you and Raph were loud enough to wake the dead!" Mikey headed towards the railing "Now thanks to you guys not only will we have to fight foot goons but zombies as well" he joked.

"Mike don't be silly, there's no such thing as zombies" Michelangelo jumped about a foot hearing a voice behind him .

"Don I thought you were in the lab" Michelangelo replied trying to get over the embarrassment of being startled.

Donatello smirked at him, telling Mikey that Donny had seen him jump, and would be teasing him about it later.

"I was, but I needed a new circuitry board and had hoped that I could find one in my room when I heard the argument down stairs reach a level 6" Don replied.

Michelangelo smiled at that, relishing at their own private joke from childhood long ago when Mikey would get scared when his two brothers would start fighting. He would go and hide in the small closet that they stored the broom and extra blankets in. Donny would come in and find him and they began to tell stories to each other to drown out the arguments. During one of the arguments they came up with a system to tell how bad the arguments would get, very rarely did it get to level 10 where they knew it would turn into a brawl and Master Splinter would send them to do flips in the dojo.

"What do you need a cirtey- tercty.., that type of board for? Can you go sewer skating with it?"

"Its circuitry Mikey. And no you can't use it for skating, it is used in computers to…."

Mikey stared at Donny for a minute then said "Hey Don, you need one to do smart stuff with, right?"

Donatello stopped his explanation and rolled his eyes, sighing,

"Yes Mikey I need it to do smart stuff with" they heard the elevator door close with Leo standing there looking extremely tense.

"Raph ran out the back door didn't he" Mikey called while coming down the stairs towards Leo.

"Yes!" Leo called back angrily "even though he knows he's not supposed to. And he will probably get in trouble and need saving" Leo started to pace back in forth in front of the meditation candle he had set up.

"Leo calm down" Don said "did you ever think that going topside is the only way Raph relieves' his stress."

"Yeah" Mikey continued where Donatello had left off. "It has been kinda tense these last couple of days, maybe going topside does to him, what meditation does for you."

"Yeah I guess so." Leo stopped pacing "But I just wish he wouldn't go alone all the time. I mean… uggh! I just can't shake this feeling… and with bishop searching for us …I just.." Leo stammered off, staring at the candle for a few more seconds then shook his head and started to pace again.

"We know Leo" Donatello said soothingly. "Let Raph go for a couple hours, then call him and ask if you can join him."

"What?" Leo stopped so suddenly that he put out the candle that was in front of him.

"Yeah" Mikey put his hand on Leo's arm. "Maybe going topside will help you relax some as well."

Leo smiled down at his little brother, but the orange loving turtle, could tell it was forced "you think so?" he asked.

"If nothing else, you might be able to talk to Raph in a more calming matter and get to whatever is really brothering you guys" replied Mikey

"Raph and me having a nice normal conversation is not very likely, but your right Mike in a couple hours if he's still out there then I will try to get him to talk and come back home."

Raphael jumped across the rooftops of New York "stupid Leo always trying to control me." Raph muttered to himself. It had been about thirty minutes since he had left and so far the night was turning out to be a disappointment.

"No!" "Stop, por favor!"

Then again…. Raph stopped running and turned towards the cry for help. it had come from an old meeting house that had seen better days, and now it was a common place for gangs to meet, or to collect payment from somebody, and in cases liked now where someone was about to get raped or beaten.

Raph stopped and paused a roof top away. He and his brothers and been to this building once before and there was lots of benches and places someone could hide, and not just the good guys. In their previous encounters, Mikey had almost gotten hit by a purple dragon who had seen them take out his buddies, and hid behind one of the pews inside

and were it not for Leo's quick thinking, lighting reflexes' and ninja sense's that pushed Mikey out of the way of a throwing knife, Mikey would have been stabbed near the neck.

Raphael shivered at the memory of almost losing his baby brother. He did not want the same thing to happen to him because he had no backup. He tried to remember the set up inside the church, and from what he could recall it had low ceilings' and tight quarters. It would be really easy to lose someone who was trying to hide and also easy to sneak up on him. But now that Raph was looking at the building for a second time he saw a broken stained glass window near the roof top. Raph grinned; there was even a balcony surrounding it, where he could stand and look through the window to get a good view of the situation inside, before anyone saw him coming and could sound the alarm. He jumped on to the roof top using the skills that had been drilled into him ever since he could remember. He ran toward the broken window and looked inside. He saw around 18 thugs surrounding one kid he looked like he was just starting high school or just finishing middle school, but he was dressed kind of funny. Raph didn't recognize the style, but he chalked it up to the kid being some kind of a tourist. Raphael frowned. This many punks to beat up one kid… and it looked like most of them were there just for the show. Raph smirked. They were going to get a show alright!