Okay guys I've been driven to write once more! (Thanks to SWIRL3Y) So this is my first Kingdom Hearts fanfic so plz enjoy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts Just Xina.

Setting: 358/2 Days

I Am Nobody

Chapter 1

"Number XV, Xina"

"Xmenas, has our newcomer arrived yet?" asked a certain scar-faced man.

"She will be here shortly" he replied.

"Are you sure about this, sir? I mean, what if the Royal Guard finds her. I think they know about her existence."

"Never mind that, Saix. They know none of her whereabouts therefore they will not find her," He turned from the heart-shaped moon known as Kingdom Hearts and looked at Saix. "And besides, she will be a great addition to the team. Her and her Keyblade."

Saix nods in agreement when he feels a presence behind him. He turns around to see the newcomer herself.

"Well look who has arrived." he walks over to her. "You look a lot like the princess. You will be number XV." Xmenas lifts his arm and transparent letters appear in front of the girl, they form into a name. "That is your true name." Xmnenas's hand turns slightly and a big transparent X appears in front of the name. The letters start to circle around until the letters stop suddenly. Xmenas nods "Your name will be Xina[1]."

The girl nods slightly her eyes dull and lifeless. "My name is Xina."

"Whoa!" I wake up suddenly to realize that my head is on the floor and my legs up in the air. I groan miserably. I get up and wipe the dirt off my clothes. "Another strange dream." I go to my closet and get the usual dark and gloomy clothes that every other member has to wear. I swear they couldn't think of brighter and happier clothes? "Man I gotta stop having these dream if I can't even figure out what the hell I'm dreaming about." I snapped to myself. Distraught I leave my room and go out to the long hallway. Heading to the main room called The Grey Area (Which makes the castle even more gloomy.) Well if you don't know, my names Xina. Like the other two new member, Roxas and number XIV I don't have any recollection of my former self. I don't remember ANYTHING and that is not a understatement. I think I'm 15 years old and I have brown chocolate skin with long black hair with blue streaks in them. I have shocking blue eyes but that kind of look like animal eyes because of the slanted pupils. I also have birthmarks(Or at least that's what I like to call them) on my cheeks in the shape of rectangles, that start from the bottom of my eyes and stops at my chin. I don't exactly know why I'm here, but all Saix told was that I was an important member and that I needed to be here. Sure whatever that means... So I walk down the hall to see not only the dynamic duo, Roxas and Axel.

I smile and walk over to them. "Well well good morning Dynamic Duo."

"Will you stop calling us that." Axel yawned.

"Morning, Xina." was all Roxas said.

"Uhh Axel, I think you need to work on more of his personality." I pointed at Roxas.

"I think your right. Of course not everybody is like you, Xina" apparently I'm the first nobody to gain a personality and some sense in the second day I was created.

Roxas tilted his head slightly "Personality?"

I face palmed. "Dear god, never mind," I turned to face Axel who was still yawning. "Soooo got any ideas who my mentor is?"

"Why don't you go in there and find out." He said sarcasm in the tip of his tongue.

I scoff and walk away from them. "See you guys later."

"Later." Axel said.

When I walked in the Grey Area there were only a few people in there. Xigbar, sitting next to Saix, Demyx on the couch playing his Sitar, Larxene cleaning her nails, and Xaldin reading a book. Man, am I glad to go on a mission cause this place is sooooo boring! I walk up to Xigbar and Saix. Saix does not look pleased. "Your late." He glared at me.

"Well good morning to you too." I gave him a fake smile. Xigbar chuckles at this.

Ignoring my comment he continued. "You should not be slipping up on the first day. Keep this up and I will have to punish you," I rolled my eyes when he wasn't looking. "I am assigning you to Xigbar as your mentor for the time being." I shrugged not too disappointed, Xigbar is an OK dude. "You two will be going to Twilight Town, leave when you are ready." We both nodded and walked away.

"Well look like its just me and you, Poppet." He smirked.

"Poppet? You mean, Xina, right?" I asked confused.

Xigbar laughed. "Nope, that's your new nickname."

"Then I'm giving you a nickname."

"Oh? Whats that?" He asked pretending to sound curious.

"Either Xiggs or Xiggy."

"I prefer Xiggs." Xigbar nodded.

"Fine! Xiggs it is!" I shouted.

He smiled and open a portal at the end of the hallway. "Here is where we will be going to Twilight Town," he stepped through the dark hole. "Follow me, Poppet."

I stepped through the dark hole...

I wished I live in Twilight Town. Its so peaceful and not in a boring way either. The sunset makes everything so...lively. The people talking among one another, laughing. The nice breeze we get every few minutes. The sound of the trolly train coming by. Kids playing...man I miss that... Wait! How can I miss something I've never had? I was snapped out of my thoughts when some kids had ran past me. A fat kid who wore a red shirt with some pants with spiky brown hair was last in the line. In front of him was a girl with a yellow shirt with cargo shorts was running also. And in front of her was a guy with a green shirt with pants with blond spiky hair. "Common Pence, better catch up or you'll be buying ice cream for us." said the spiky blond hair boy.

"Yea Pence C'mon!" Said the girl.

"Hold on Olette, Hayner! No fair!" said they boy named Pence. They soon disappeared over the hill.

"Hey Xiggs?" I tugged at his cloak.

"Yea?" He turned to me.

"Who were those kids?" I asked.

He started walking again and I followed him. "Those are the townsfolk, they live here."

"They do? Can they travel to different worlds like us?"

"No they can't and its best you stay hidden from them."

"Why is that?"

He stopped. "Look just follow the rules, okay? It will do you good, Poppet. In the meantime lets worry about the matter at hand."

"And that is?"

He pointed a gun at my head. "Your training. Now that we've gotten a tour around the place I think its time we see what kind of skill you have." he shot the gun, but the bullet hit the ground.

"My my your very fast." he nodded.

"Or you could just be slow." I did a back flip away from him.

"Psh, as if." he ran towards me with full speed.

Its been three hours since me Xiggs trained. I think I'm gonna die. Well that's until he said my favorite words I've been wanting to hear for three hours now.

"Alright that's enough for today, Poppet."

"THANK GOD!" I hunched over. He chuckled at this.

"Alright lets go RTC."

I turned my head slightly "RT-what?"

"RTC, it means return to castle. Remember that, poppet."

"Ohhhh okay, but umm..." I looked over me.

"What is it?"

"Can I stay for a little while longer?"

"Yea sure, just make sure you RTC, okay?"


The dark portal appeared in front of Xigbar once more. He walked to it, But then stopped. "Oh yea and Poppet?


"You have a curfew." he laughed and walked through the portal. The portal disappeared behind him.

I smiled walking to the ice cream shop. "Suuuuurrreeee."

I got an ice cram of course. Its called sea-salt ice cream. I swear whoever made this, is a pure genius!

I was eating my Ice cream when I came across this huge clock tower. Something caught my eye at the top. I saw a red dot and a yellow one. Curiosity struck me, and so I decided to investigate. Of course I saw the Dynamic Duo.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked eating my ice cream and sitting next to Roxas.

"Uh, the question is what are you doing here? This is our chill spot, no girls allowed." Axel said.

"Right," I said ignoring his last words. "So this is where you go after work?"

"Yep." Axel said still eating his ice cream.

Axel was beginning to annoy me so I decided a different approach and started talking to Roxas. Boy, was I desperate. "Sooooo Roxas, how was your day?"


I groaned. "Awww man my day was killer."

"So how was your day with Xigbar?" Axel asked.

"Painful, we trained for three straight hours! And I didn't even have as weapon!"

"Hahaha, that Xigbar for ya! Hey, do you even have a weapon?"

I shook my head. "Yes, all Saix told me was that I got the Keyblade Like Roxas does."

This caught Roxas's attention. "You have the Keyblade?"


"I don't get it." Roxas said.

"Well I have the Keyblade I just can't use it yet for some reason."

"Eh lame." Axel came in.

"Shut up!" I threw my ice cream stick at him.

For the rest of they day I talked contently with Axel and Roxas. But at the back of my mind my dreams were still bothering me. They nagged at my very annoyingly and no matter how much I tried to forget about them they just keep coming back, like I should pay attention to them, but how can I pay attention to something I don't understand? And why is it that every time I'm around Roxas and Axel, especially Axel, I get this sense of nostalgia, like I've done this before and once again I don't understand this either. I sighed to myself but Axel and Roxas didn't notice. All these thoughts are giving me a headache...

[1] For those who don't know. The chick's name is Shee-na not Zee-na. You know like Shee-on(Xion) Just wanted to varifiy that.