Chapter 7- Revenge

This chapter is graphic and mixes violence, my crude humor, and angst. Its better than 5&6, but the tone's become more serious. After all, a story this short can only be gaggy for so long. Oh but it does get really corny in the middle. It's pretty bad...agh.

Shortest chapter yet. I really tried hard. This story was very easy to write up to chapter 4. Now, it's very difficult to keep up with my standards.

Even though this chapter is short, I feel like it has the most content...Is that weird?

Second to last chapter, guys.

I know, this story isn't really much of a lovefest with Silver and Lyra. It's mostly to show Silver has emotions other than angst (though he is mostly comprised of it) and deeply cares for Lyra, though he will never say it to anyone but himself. (and maybe his Feraligatr)

It's also to show that Lance is a cock and Silver will always be the superior of the redheads.

But yeah. The sequel to this will be more centered around Silver and Lyra and their relationship. I'm not sure what the title will be. But it will remain in Silver's perspective. Since writing in Lyra's is boring...

Lynx Of The Sand asked to help them beat the E4. Well...I'm not the best trainer out there, but I'm pretty decent. Unfortunately, your PM's disabled. So either enable your PM and message me, or send me an email. (Email should be on my profile)

Chapter 7- Revenge

I punched him in the stomach.

"That's for using Lyra and every other woman you've come in contact with as a sex object!"

I kneed him in the crotch.

"That's so you can't ever reproduce and create a bunch of Lancecock the II's!"

I headbutted his nose, inducing a satisfying crack.

"And that's because your cape is fucking retarded!"

The dragon master doubled over and shrieked in pain. I basked in my pride as Dyxaxium barked in approval.

"What's your issue?" Lance managed.

"Don't you listen?" I snapped. "I just yelled it at you!"

I stepped over the whimpering redhead.

"Pardon my intrusion,"

Something grabbed my ankle. I glared down at the waste of consumable resources that we call Lance.

"Lance, I'd love to stay and chat, but I honestly have far more important things to be doing,"

"Like what?" The dragon master lifted himself off the ground. I couldn't help but smirk when I realized there was barely a height difference between us. And I'm 15.

"Trying to rescue Lyra? Pshaw," I held back laughter. Pshaw? Pshaw. Damn.

"You try so hard, Silver. So very hard. And yet, what does she do?" Lance put a finger to his chin. I narrowed my eyes. "Oh! That's right! She comes crawling back to me! Because you JUST CAN'T satisfy!" I balled my fists.

"Humor me, Silver," Lance tapped his chin. "Why do you insist on keeping Lyra to yourself?" I grit my teeth.

"I..." It was the first time where I had ever been lost for words. I stared at the ground. Lance laughed.

"The ever-stoic Silver! Lost for words...when asked such a simple question..." Lance reached forward to tap my nose. I grimaced.

"Come now, boy. You know the answer. Say it. Can you not say it?" My eyes remained glued to the tile beneath us.

"Say it he cannot!" Lance sneered. "No wonder she left you. Left you all alone. No family? No one but her to hold dear? Pity, such a pity,"

"I..." Lance cupped a hand around his ear.

"What's that? Speak, child,"

"...I love her," I immediately regretted it when the phrase spilled from my mouth. Lance cackled.

"You think you LOVE the girl! Oh, that's just funny. Love? How does one love if they've never had ones to hold dear? Your father? Gone! Vanished from the face of the earth! Your mother? Insane! Mental! Family? Love? Ha! How can someone like you love?" He stroked my cheek with his knuckle. In other circumstances, I'd be creeped the fuck out. I was way to pissed to care.

"Silver...all alone..." He sneered. "Don't deny it. You brought it upon yourself,"

"Shut UP!"

I punted Lance into the wall, bringing down some china cabinets.

"Goddamn, I could lecture you for hours. I could kick your ass so hard, my foot would come out of your mouth!" I kicked the already-fallen champion in the face. Blood splattered on my shoe. Eugh. Gross. Douchebag gore.

"But I won't. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a silly girl to save,"

I could hear some bickering from the floor above. ..Well, "some" was not the correct adjective to describe said amount of bickering. More like "a fuck ton"

"This isn't fair! I'm his girlfriend!"

"Please! Who are you? Some unknown girl who works in a lab! What are you to my daughter?"

There was the sound of something crashing and shattering. Jumbles of shrieks and yells echoed down the stairs.

"He cares about me! He loves me!"

"You think he LOVES you? Pff, then why would he marry MY daughter instead of you?"

"Because he's an irritating douchebag," I walked into an overly- ornate parlor. Complete with foul smelling potpourri. I wrinkled my nose at the scent , covering my face with my sleeve.

"Silver!" Lyra, sitting between two equally crazy women, got up from her oversized armchair.

"Lyra! Be seated!" Her mother snapped at her. She melted into the armchair, which devoured her with its massive size.

Two pairs of eyes locked onto me, glaring fiercely for two completely different reasons. One for constantly meddling in her daughter's life, and the second for dumping her in a public park.

"You again! You just can't keep away from my daughter, can you?"

"Silver, you good for nothing ass! I don't forgive you for what you did to me!"

"I will file a restraining order on you, boy! Don't think I won't!"

"Come to rescue Lyra again? Oh boo hoo! Am I not good enough for you? I guess I'll never be as good as LYRA!"

I scowled and covered my ears. The high pitched shrill of Crystal's voice mixing with the loud harsh tone of Lyra's mother was murder on the ears. It was the equivalent of someone following you around with a blowhorn.

"Oh, shut your FACES!" I snapped, glaring fiercely enough for two people. "Your voices are piercing my skull."

The two shouted chains of insults simultaneously. I cupped my hands around my ears and shoved them aside, making my way to the helpless girl seated in the worlds tackiest armchair.

"Why'd you come back here?" The shouting continued. Lyra opened her mouth to respond.

"Hold that thought," I turned to Crystal, who had just finished berating me for dumping her. Something about being insensitive, yadda yadda bullshit.

"Look. Crystal. I know you're upset and all, but I really don't give a damn,"

She placed her hands on her sides, cocking her hips to the right.

"What? Are you saying you don't care about me?"

"Yes," I said without hesitance. "I don't care. At all,"

I turned away to face Lyra, signaling for her to speak.

"I didn't want to. My mo-" A heavy object sailed above my head, crashing through the tacky (but probably insanely expensive) stained glass window.

The persistent yelling from the two psychotic women behind me continued. I pinched my temples.

"...My mother...forced me to come here...I guess that's why Dyxaxium stayed behind, to tell you where I was," The pokemon barked at hearing its name.

"Great. Can we go now?" A coal pick was launched at me, grazing the side of my cheek. I was lucky Crystal couldn't aim. "Before I get stabbed in the eye, recieve a concussion, or something equally as painful?"

Lyra fell silent. Her fists clenched around each other, as if hiding something. I raised a brow.

"Open your hands," I demanded. She didn't. I scowled.

"A little late, my dear," Her mother hissed. "Just a tad too late..."

"Excuse me?"

She giggled eerily. She looked to her daughter.

"Open your hands, dear. It's nothing you need be ashamed of," Reluctantly, Lyra flattened out her hands. On her left ring finger, was a thin band of gold.

I stared at it, in disbelief. Shaking my head, I grabbed Lyra's hand.

"Huh?" I yanked off the ring and tossed it out the shattered window.

"Irritating boy!" Her mother yelled, leaning out the window. "Why on EARTH would you do that?"

"Because I didn't like it," I stated flatly. She shook her head.

"No matter. A ring is a ring. My daughter already belongs to Sir Lance,"

I looked at Lyra. Her face was blank, void of any sort of emotion.

"Silver, I think you should go. This doesn't concern you anymore,"

I scowled.

"Doesn't concern me? Doesn't concern me," I shook my head. "You know what you are, Lyra?" She looked at me.

"A tease. A fucking tease,"


"Whatever, Lyra. What the fuck ever,"

I called out my Feraligatr.

"Here," I shoved the reptile at her. "The only reason you kept following me was so I would return the Pokemon I stole? That was it? Right,"


"Take him."

Without another word, my Crobat flew me out of the parlor.

I put all my trust into a fucking blue aligator. Believe in your Pokemon? Fine, maybe just this once.


Final chapter next, guys! Hope you enjoyed No Capes. I plan to make the ending good...hopefully. I know, the quality really took a dip in the second half. But I mean, I gotta develop the plot.

Sequel is definite. I really enjoyed writing this. And I know roughly what the sequel's plot will be like. Like I said above, it will revolve around Lyra and Silver's relation ship MUCH MUCH MORE.

And don't forget, Cubicle! My completely humor-centric story about office mates Silver and Green trying to shag their bosses. Will be rated M. So be sure to put me on your author alert if you want to read that.

Once again, thanks to ALL my faithful readers. Special thanks to Wolfbane-Chan, Crystalgurl, and last but not least, Zokolov! You three took the time to review all my chapters, and it's your feedback that kept me most motivated to keep writing. Please support me in the future, I look forward to reading your reviews on my future works.

Look forward to the final chapter of No Capes sometime in the next week.

Many thanks

-Isabel. (I felt it was time to share my real name.)