WARNING: Child-abuse, implied non-con/rape and some bad language
Note: Well, have fun isn't quite what I should say but I hope it quirks your interest.


It was cold and an old light-bulb was screwed into a lamp-shade which dangled from the ceiling by a damaged flex, flickering and soon the light would fade completely. That would cast the two by two windowless room in complete darkness but the little occupant of the room would probably not notice if and when that happened.

He sat on the mattress that lay on the floor, the only furniture in the room with the bare concrete walls.

He was crying, his body shaking and tears were falling from his eyes like rain. He had pressed his small and fragile frame into the corner of the room that was facing the door but he had buried his head in his knees which he held tightly against his chest as a shield.

"M-mommy, I w-want Mommy!" He sobbed, his voice hoarse from crying and yelling. Because he hadn't stopped calling for his mother and father ever since he was rudely abducted from the mall he was visiting with his mother three days ago.

The moment the stranger had grabbed him and dragged him away, afterwards shoving him roughly into a car and his partner-in-crime driving off with screeching wheels, he had been in shock.

He was a smart boy, brilliant even and suspected a genius amongst those who knew him. So the fact he was kidnapped had shocked him but he could handle that.

Being beaten by his abductors and locked into this tiny room were too much for his six-year-old brain to handle though. All he did now was cry for he didn't know what else to do after three days of confinement without any human contact.

He could hear someone unlocking the door and his eyes widened in fright and he froze.

His lower-lip trembled and he raised his head slightly, his still childish curiosity too much for him to contain. He hiccupped and then bit his still trembling lip, afraid to make a sound and scared he would be beaten again if he misbehaved.

The door was pushed open and a man entered, an adult that looked at him through his round glasses perched on his nose. The boy cowered under that cold and scrutinizing gaze.

"Hello, Shikamaru." The man greeted him, his tone friendly and his expression softened. He squatted down and a small smile appeared on his face when he extended his hand for the young boy to take. "There's someone that wants to meet you."

Fearfully Shikamaru looked at the man, suspicious of the situation and he pulled his knees up against his chest again. This was the man that had driven the car in which he was kidnapped. This man wasn't nice.

When the boy didn't walk towards him the white-haired male sighed. "Is there something you want?" He asked, his eyes fixed on the distraught and still shaking boy.

Shikamaru worried his lip and breathed heavily through his nose while trying to get some grip on himself. But he was only six and getting a grip on yourself when on the playground was already hard enough for the child. In the end he didn't succeed and that only caused more tears to flow down his cheeks.

"I-I want Mommy and Daddy!" He said defensively.

But even though he was only six, he was way ahead of his age and thus realized that seeing his parents again soon was not an option. Because these two men had not dragged him into a car for nothing.

"And you'll see them again soon, Shikamaru." The man promised.

Shikamaru shook his head, biting his lower-lip and lowering his eyes.

He didn't trust this man, he was a stranger after all and hadn't done a thing when the other pale man had hit him in the face. But at least the man himself hadn't hurt him and he was very hungry by now.

He worried his lip. He wanted to eat and he wanted to get out of this room. He never liked being in small, enclosed rooms and he had been in this tiny box for a long time and he felt the room getting smaller by the minute. It scared him.

"You don't believe me?" The man suddenly asked.

"No." Shikamaru whispered, flinching the moment he had spoken the words since he was afraid of the man's reaction.

But to the little boy's surprise the man laughed, the sound echoing through the room. "I understand." Kabuto said and stood up.

He slowly walked out of the room and turned around with the friendly smile still plastered on his face. "I'll leave the door open and when you want to take a little walk or eat something just give a yell, all right? My name's Kabuto." He said and then turned around and walked away.

Shikamaru blinked, surprised and stunned.

He peered into the hallway, with a yellow wall-paper and an ugly, old black carpet which had stains on it that couldn't be identified by the boy.

He hadn't expected this and to him, it spoke of a lot of trust to leave the door open for him. So maybe this man wasn't so bad after all? Because he trusted Shikamaru to be a polite boy and call when he wanted out of the room.

So maybe he could ask Kabuto if he could have some food? He was really hungry by now and still a bit afraid that if he left the room and wondered about on his own he would be punished.

But the man had said to ask if he wanted to eat.

He worried his lip for a few seconds, contemplating his current issue. The man was acting nice but hadn't been so nice before. So maybe he wanted something from Shikamaru? Or maybe he just didn't understand the man. He was an adult after all.

But his rumbling stomach made making a decision easy and he stood up, shuffling to the door and leaning forward, peeking around the corner.

"Kabuto?" He called out softly and shyly.

The sound of footsteps nearing him reached his ears and excitedly Shikamaru straightened himself.

The white-haired man stood in front of him within a matter of seconds and he squatted down again, smiling. "Yes?" He asked.

Shikamaru turned a bit and then turned back to the man. "Can I have something to eat?"

With a nod Kabuto stood up and extended his hand for Shikamaru to take. "What would you like to eat?" He asked.

A bit hesitantly and shyly Shikamaru took the man's hand and he looked up at Kabuto with a smile. "Anything but eggs."

Kabuto chuckled and raised an eyebrow. "You don't like eggs?" He asked.

"No," Shikamaru said, turning up his nose a bit. "Eggs are icky."

Kabuto chuckled and hand-in-hand he led the boy through a yellow-coloured hall-way.

When they reached a dark, wooden door they paused and Kabuto pushed it open, revealing a large room. It was lit by a few lights that cast the room in a yellow glow and the only furniture were an enormous bed, a night-stand and a big, plush Bordeaux chair that stood facing the bed. Wall-paper was already flaking from the wall, the flowery pattern unfitting for both the room and its now current occupants.

Shikamaru frowned. "You eat in the bedroom?" He asked while stepping into the room. "We always eat in the kitchen, Mommy says that's what a family does."

But no answer came to his question and the boy turned around to look at Kabuto only to find the door closed with the man leaning against it, his friendly expression gone and a smirk etched on his face.

The boy blinked and cocked his head to the side. " Are you tired?" He inquired softly.

A chuckle sent shivers of fear through the boy's body and he turned around again slowly towards the direction of the noise.

A tall, slim man sat in the chair, unbelievably pale with long black hair and an eerie expression on his face. He watched the boy with a hungry expression and Shikamaru took a step backwards, trying to blink fresh tears away. This man was scary.

"Hello, Shika. I am Orochimaru." The man greeted and he stood from his chair, sauntering to the boy.

He crouched when he stood in front of Shikamaru and stroked the boy's cheek with the back of his hand, licking his lips while watching the movement intently. "We are going to play for a bit."

The brown-haired boy blinked, the tears he tried to hold back falling over his cheeks because of the action. "I-I don't want to play." He whispered.

"Don't worry, you'll have fun." Orochimaru promised, leaning closer to Shikamaru and kissing his cheek, licking the salty tears from the cheeks. "Would you take your shirt off for me?" He asked with a wicked smile.

"No." Shikamaru said, shaking his head. "Mommy says I shouldn't take my clothes off in front of strangers." He defended himself defiantly yet his voice was shaking from fear.

Orochimaru was a man of little patience and thus did not take this well. He grabbed Shikamaru's throat with his large hand and the boy made a chocked sound, crying out in both fright and pain.

"If you don't do it, then I will." The black-haired man hissed and released Shikamaru, the boy losing his balance and falling to the ground.

The moment he hit the floor he rolled himself into a little ball, sobbing and shaking. "Mommy!" He wailed loudly. "I w-want Mommy!"

Orochimaru growled and stood up, stalking towards the bed and snarling: "Up on the bed with him, Kabuto."

He blinked drowsily, waking from unconsciousness slowly. He raised his small hand and rubbed his eyes but the action caused him to flinch, some parts of his body hurting badly and his limbs aching.

For a second, all emotions seemed to leave his body and afterwards he broke down, big tears rolling down his cheeks and heavy sobs wreaking his already hurting body.

Waking up he had believed he had dreamt badly. That what had happened to him yesterday was a nightmare.

But his hurting body told him what had happened before wasn't a nightmare, that it was real and that this little hell he now found himself in had not ended.

He cried and cried, his tiny frame shaking and his sobbing only added to the hurt but he couldn't help himself, couldn't stop the tears.

After what seemed like hours the tears finally stopped and the boy had calmed down.

He was still afraid, so very afraid Kabuto would come back and take him to Orochimaru again. Because even though he was young, he knew what had happened.

He knew that what Orochimaru had done with him was something only adults were allowed to do yet not this way. Because his mother never sounded hurt when she and his father were lying in bed naked, like Orochimaru had done with him.

And he knew he hadn't been allowed to do that in the first place, because his father had told him only adults did things without their clothes and that he was too young to do it.

It was wrong and forbidden by his father what Orochimaru had done to him and above all, it had hurt so much he shivered from the thought, his knees wobbling slightly.

But he bit his lip and shoved the thought to the back of his mind, telling himself not to think about it and just forget. His mother had told him once he only needed happy memories and this, he decided, was definitely not a happy memory.

He needed to be strong because his knees shouldn't wobble now, because he didn't want to fall to the ground. He was standing in the middle of the room, staring at the door in fear and sometimes he shot looks at the concrete walls surrounding him, afraid they might cave on him and bury him under the stone.

He had tried lying down, but the nubs on his chest hurt when he lay on his belly and when he laid on his back there was a very bad pain to his bottom. So he had tried to lay on his sides but those hurt as well. Kabuto had held him down and had done that so forceful he now had five bruises on each side, one for every finger Kabuto had.

Sitting down hadn't been an option, his bottom hurting after all so now he stood, his lip trembling and his knees wobbling.

Because he was all alone.

He was never alone. There was always someone with him and being alone was alien to him, strange and he didn't like it.

His body hurt and to him it seemed as if the walls were coming closer and closer and he was afraid they would squish him.

It almost made him wish Kabuto would take him from the room again but he shook his head when that thought popped up.

No, he needed to forget about Kabuto, about Orochimaru and about what had happened. It was a bad, bad memory. A memory that hurt and he didn't need it.

And he could do it, he could forget and then, when his body hurt less he could sleep a bit. Because not only was his body hurting, he was so very tired as well.


His brown eyes widened in fear when a voice echoed through his head. He shook slightly and wanted nothing more than to hide under the cover on the bed. But that would hurt.

"H-hello?" He called out softly, his voice timid and shaking.

No answer came though and after a few more hours his legs gave out and he fell to the floor with a cry, sobs wrecking his weak, small body and wails passing his lips.

It was a few hours later and he lay on his side on the mattress. It hurt but not as much as the other ways he could lie on the mattress and he couldn't stand anymore. He had tried but it had hurt so badly he had fallen to the ground almost immediately.

He was hiccupping softly and he had blown his nose in the blanket because it had started to run due to all the crying.

The small boy didn't know what to feel, what to think and what to wish for anymore. All he knew was that he wanted his mother and father but even he understood that that wasn't going to happen any time soon.

He was all alone, hungry and hurting. He was confused by his own feelings, by how his body hurt and ached while all he had done for the past hours was lie in bed. Because didn't his mother tell him that was the way to get better again?

But he wanted to sleep but didn't dare to, afraid Kabuto might come to take him to Orochimaru again. He didn't want to see the man.

"I'll watch over you while you sleep."

His eyes widened in shock and he looked around the room, expecting to see something but met with darkness. "Hello?" He whispered, calling out softly to the unknown person again.

"I'm here to protect you."

The voice told him and it washed over him like a comforting blanket.

But after his encounter with Kabuto he was a bit distrustful and he hid himself underneath the blanket again, whispering to the empty room: "Leave me alone."

With wide eyes he stared at the light-bulb.

It was still flickering but the room was more often cast in darkness then in light.

He knew it had been coming, the light had been flickering from the moment he had been locked inside the room but he feared the moment the light would fade completely nonetheless.

He was afraid of the dark, always had been.

He bit his lip and for the next hour did nothing else but watch the lamp with rising fear. There was nothing else to do inside this room and at least now he was momentarily forgetting about the pain and the memories.

And when he light-bulb flickered again he blinked and watched, peering in the darkness yet not seeing a thing.

When after ten minutes the light still hadn't turned on again he drew his knees closer to his chest, biting his lip a bit harder and he took a deep breath. Maybe in a few minutes the light would turn on again.

But when after five more minutes the room was still basked in darkness Shikamaru whimpered. His lips shook and he grabbed the blanket, drawing if over his head hoping that if he couldn't see the room, whatever might be in the room couldn't see him either.

"I'm here for you."

Tears came to his eyes and another whimper passed his lips when that same voice echoed through his head again.

Was someone in the room? Was this person going to hurt him? A lonely tear made its way down his cheek when suddenly he was spoken to again.

"I won't hurt you."

That voice sounded so familiar and maybe, Shikamaru thought, maybe this person could help him.

A day later he was still inside the room and it was still dark.

Yesterday the white-haired man Kabuto had brought him some food but he hadn't cared that the light had turned off.

Shikamaru had eaten the bread and drank the water he was given but an hour later he had hurled it all out again, his body weak and sick.

Little as he was he couldn't take things anymore. By now the tears had dried and nothing was left of the happy boy that once housed the body. Emotions were scattered and he tried desperately to forget what had happened in the bedroom with Orochimaru.


Again that lazy, slightly irritated voice echoed through his mind and he felt safe suddenly, comfortable knowing this person was with him again. Maybe now he could go to sleep without being scared?

"Let me take care of this."

The voice sounded the same but carried a gentle and comforting tone. The boy felt drawn to it and hugged the blanket close to his chest. Could he really go to sleep?

"Go to sleep, I'll take your place. I'll protect you inside this room."

The voice spread over him like a warm, comfortable blanket and the boy sighed. This person hadn't hurt him yet, had comforted him and even offered help. So why would he sit here, cold, afraid and tired if he could go to sleep and have this person watch over him?

He would just be taking a nap to forget about everything after all.

"Thank you," he whispered and with a happy sigh he closed his eyes. Shikamaru went to sleep, never to be awoken again until many years later.

"Troublesome." The boy murmured and opened his eyes.

He pulled away the blanket and turned to sit with his back against the wall. An almost bored sigh passed the six-year-olds lips and he gazed into the darkness. "If only there were clouds to watch." He said regretfully.

He then closed his eyes and decided that a nap was in order. That way he could pass time as well.

He was nervous, anxious and the slightest hints of fear were already swirling through his body.

He hadn't offered to do this. All he would protect Shikamaru from was the concrete room since the boy couldn't deal with the silence and memories eating at him.

Because he himself was afraid of what would happen in that bedroom, he couldn't take such treatment and pain either.

But Shikamaru was sleeping so deeply, almost as if he had fallen into a coma and wouldn't wake again.

"Troublesome." He muttered under his breath.

He would have to take Shikamaru's place until the boy woke up again.

He stepped into the bedroom, Orochimaru watching him as he entered, and all the boy could do was pray he himself would take things better then Shikamaru had done. Because if he would break as well, it would mean the end for both of them.

The door was closed, locked so he couldn't run, and Orochimaru stood up from his seated position in the chair, walking to Shikamaru as he had done last time.

But the moment the long, pale fingers touched his skin again Shikamaru shivered and closed his eyes tightly, uttering a begging: "No, please."

But the man didn't listen and removed the white over-sized T-shirt Shikamaru was wearing, revealing tanned skin.

The boy shivered when his naked skin was met with the cold air of the room and he shrunk away from the pale man's touch.

"I don't think so." Orochimaru murmured, his fingers trailing down Shikamaru's chest and he looked up at Kabuto who nodded when their eyes caught.

Shikamaru's arms were gripped and the boy's eyes widened when he couldn't move, restrained by Kabuto's hands and he froze completely when he was pushed closer to Orochimaru.

He couldn't take this, he could handle silence and loneliness but this abuse was too much. He was too calm, too relaxed a personality to fully grasp the reality of what was happening.

Because at six years old it was hard to understand adult situations and even at this tender age Shikamaru knew that a man touching his body was an adult situation.

And when a hot, wet tongue licked trailed up his skin Shikamaru wheezed, tears flowing down his cheeks and his brain was trying to grasp the situation but failing miserably.

Suddenly Orochimaru sighed and stood up. "This isn't working. I want him up the bed again." He said and sauntered towards the bed himself, followed by Kabuto who dragged a motionless Shikamaru with him.

The moment he was laid down onto the bed memories flooded his senses. Memories of what happened the last time and that now he was the one that had to deal with this unknown pain.

He cowered in fear, chanting "no, no, no," over and over again as if it would make the men stop.

But they didn't and Orochimaru sat down on the bed, his hand stroking his cheek while Kabuto sat down by his legs, his hands stroking up his clothed short legs until they reached the top of his pants.

"Take them off." Orochimaru ordered.

Brown eyes widened and something within the boy snapped when his jeans were unbuttoned. His lazy countenance wasn't created for this, he wasn't meant to cope with situations such as these and when his pants were pulled down his legs his mind stopped cooping and he too blacked out, just as Shikamaru himself had done the day before.

Orochimaru blinked when the boy's body went slack for a few seconds. "Kabuto?" He asked, his partner-in-crime a medic that might be able to see what was wrong.

Kabuto leaned closer to the boy's face and studied it, thinking the boy fainted from stress.

But suddenly Shikamaru's eyes shot open again yet the expression in them was different, a fire burned deep inside those eyes that had Kabuto draw back in surprise.

"Shit," he muttered. "We ruined him, Orochimaru."

Orochimaru raised an eyebrow at those words and leaned closer to the boy, his eyes trailing across the slightly darkened skin until they reached Shikamaru's eyes, catching the boy's gaze with his. "He does seem wilder." He said but then chuckled.

"Quite an attractive treat, don't you think Kabuto?" He asked, leaning closer to the boy and his tongue licking a paled cheek.

The eyes flashed and suddenly Orochimaru was hit in the face. Shikamaru, who seemed to have turned into a little devil the way he kicked Kabuto and lashed out at Orochimaru, screamed at the top of his lungs: "Leave Shika alone, leave him alone!"

"Kabuto, sedate the boy!" Orochimaru shouted, grabbing the hands that were trying to hit his face and pinned them down on the bed. "And you," he growled while glaring at the boy and hitting him in the face with his free hand, "shut up!"

"No!" Shikamaru howled. "Don't touch me, leave us alone!"

He rolled his body around on the bed, trying to free himself from his captors hold but failing.

And then Orochimaru lost his calm, ramming his fist into the side of Shikamaru's small face with such force that the boy fainted, everything turning black before his eyes and the crack of his jaw breaking echoed through the suddenly eerily silent room.

His nose was still bleeding slightly and his jaw ached, it was broken after all.

It was a few hours after he had been beaten into unconsciousness and the dizziness had not left him yet. A sigh passed his lips which had dried up and cracked.

Suddenly the door was thrown open and with a speed he wasn't sure was his own Shikamaru threw himself back into the corner of the room, pulling the blanket over his head and wailing quietly.

"Troublesome, troublesome." He murmured to himself, trying to calm himself down and hoping this time it wouldn't be so bad, this time it wouldn't hurt.

"Shika, darling?" A female voice suddenly called out and the boy froze.

"Shikamaru, son?" A man spoke up and footsteps neared him. "Thank God you're safe."

And then the little boy threw himself into his father's arms, bawling loudly and grasping the strong arms, never wanting to let go again.

That day the police believed they had witnessed a miracle.

Not only had they found the boy, he was still alive. Shikamaru Nara had disappeared almost a week ago and the only thing that seemed wrong with him was his broken jaw.

Later the boy was examined by a therapist to see if his mental-state was still intact. The therapist then discovered that even though the boy was saved, his behaviour was completely different then how it had been before.

The body had been saved but the boy himself, the boy that had housed the body before the kidnapping, was buried deep in his own consciousness, two alters protecting him and allowing the little six-year-old to heal from the trauma he had experienced.

Shikamaru Nara, six years old, survived a kidnapping but had to create two alternates to save himself.


Note: Let me know what you thought of it! Feedback is always very much appreciated 3