A/N: See, I told you that I would update soon! Love you! Song for the Chapter: Bleed Red by Ronnie Dunn (formerly from Brooks and Dunn) It's a really good song and I think that this song is kind of like how Ellie feels at this point, especially the first few lines of the song. Check it out!

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight, Stephenie Meyer does, and, sadly, I am not Stephenie Meyer.

Edward POV:

Children. I had children. And not just one child, no, I had three. I had triplets. And not just any triplets, half-vampire triplets. I was a father. And they all hated me. Jasper must be going insane right now; so many emotions were flowing through the atmosphere. Rosalie was over the moon with joy, since she had always wanted children and could never have any of her own, though she was also jealous of my Bella for having what she wanted more than anything and could never have. Alice was just…Alice. My pixie of a sister was bounding around the house in excitement and elation. Emmet was just happy to have his "little sister" back, not even factoring in the possibility that she felt the same way as her children, which she most likely did, with the exception of Elizabeth (after all, she agreed to go on a shopping trip with Alice and Rosalie, who, by the way, have not been on one since we left Forks). Esme and Carlisle were hopeful about how Bella felt about us and eager to have their adoptive daughter back. Carlisle as well was intrigued with my children about their medical history and Esme was overjoyed to be called a grandmother. Jasper himself was feeling self-hatred (as did I about myself), blaming himself about why we left in the first place, as well as feeling wary of this new discovery and if they were dangerous or not. This infuriated me. Of course my children were safe! The most amazing person in the face of this Earth had raised them. And I had not been there to help her. This thought brought me to my knees in pain as I sat in my room contemplating all of this new development.

For Forty-Four years there had been no happiness in my coven. Emmet never cracked jokes anymore, Alice never shopped, and Carlisle was always at the hospital, burying himself in his work, trying to get away from his family's depression. All Esme ever did was restore houses and old buildings to get away from it all. Jasper spent as much time away from home as possible because of all of the pain and torment in the house, and I for one, well, they had to physically drag me to get back to Alaska. I had spent most of the years wallowing in self-pity somewhere in South America, after I tracked down and killed Victoria, that is. Now I knew that not only did I possibly save Bella from danger, I saved my three amazing children. They were so beautiful. Again I let the pain overcome me as I realized that I was never in their life and I probably never would be. I would spend the rest of eternity alone, and would never love again.

Just as I was about to fall to pieces, I heard a familiar sound. It was a…thrumming…almost. Like some kind of bird's wings, and I realized that I had heard that sound before…at Bella's house. It was the sound of a heartbeat, and it was getting closer and closer. It was one of my children. At first I assumed that it was Mason, coming to yell at me some more (not that I didn't agree with him, I deserved it), but as she came out of the woods, I realized that it was Elizabeth. I was downstairs in the fraction of a second. My family and I gathered in the living room, unsure of her intentions. She made her way to the front door at a human pace, an uncertain and worried look upon her flawless face. We quickly assumed positions on couches, loveseats, and living room chairs. As she made it to the door she took two deep breaths and knocked three times in quick secession on the door. Carlisle glided gracefully toward the front door and opened it.

"Elizabeth, how lovely to see you," he greeted politely. She nodded her head shyly and spoke for the first time.

"Likewise, Doctor Cullen. Oh, and, please, call me Ellie. Everyone else does," she giggled. She had the most enchanting voice I had ever heard (besides Bella, of course). Carlisle smiled gently at her.

"Thank you, Ellie, and, please, it's Carlisle." She nodded and he led her into the living area, where we all sat.

As she entered the room, out eyes connected instantly. Unlike last time, immediately, a smile that you could see from a mile away (even without vampire senses) lit up her face and unshed tears clouded up her green eyes. My eyes. She was the perfect combination of both Bella and I. We were so entranced in each other that we barely heard Carlisle say "Please, take a seat". She walked confidently over and sat right next to me. Everyone was shocked, especially me. Carlisle took his own place next to Esme and asked Ellie the question that we had all been dying to know.

"Ellie, what happed after we left?" She sighed.

"Lots of yelling, mostly from Mason and Momma at each other, Mason had yelled at me, claiming that I had betrayed them all by accepting Auntie Alice's offer to go shopping." When Ellie said 'Auntie Alice', my sister's face lit up like a Christmas tree made of crystals. I think that it was the first step in her forgiving us. It was so weird to hear Bella be referred to as a mother, but at the same time it sounded so right. I also had the urge to go over to that house and reprimand my son for talking to his sister and mother that way. Already my father instincts were kicking in.

"But that's not what I came here to say," she told us. We were all leaning forward in our seats eagerly, urging her to continue. She took a deep breath and said the three words that I never thought that I would ever in a million years hear:

"I forgive you. And I love all of you. I always have," she said, tears streaming down her face. Within a moment, Esme was over here in front of her, pulling her into a bone crushing hug, and I wanted so bad to remind her that she was only half-vampire, but Ellie didn't seem to mind. In fact she seemed to just cry harder and hug her back just as tightly. Almost inaudibly, I'm not even sure any one else heard it but me, Ellie, and Esme, Ellie whispered to Esme, "I love you Grandma," which made Esme break down into tearless sobs. In an instant, Carlisle was behind Esme, rubbing her back in soothing circles, a large smile on his face as he looked upon his granddaughter and wife. In between sobs, Esme choked out, "I love you, too, Sugar! Soo much!"

And then she looked at me and it took only one word for me to race over there at top speed, pull her into my arms and start to weep hopelessly.

"Daddy!" she exclaimed, to which I replied, "Princess," and we both cried for God knows how long in each other's arms. I finally had a daughter and not just any daughter, the most amazing daughter in the world.

A/N: Even I cried as I wrote this! Now, don't worry there is going to be a part 2 to this chapter where Ellie explains a little more things to Edward and the rest of the Cullens (*cough* Bella *cough*) and some more Father/Daughter moments. Review! Love Ya'll!