Nexus Behemoths Of Alpha Pegasi Three, Rachel Davis and Anna Thompson

"Ask him yourself!" Rachel said playfully pushing Anna into a bush that lined Bannerman Road.

"Oh go on, you know I'm rubbish with stuff like that, just ask please!" Rachel stopped in front of 13 Bannerman Road. She sighed and ran her hand through her hair...

Clyde sat on the window seat with his head practically pressed against the window staring.

"Luke, come and look at this." He beckoned Luke towards him and looked out of the window again.

"What?" He asked getting off of the sofa and walking towards Clyde.

"Look at that!" Luke looked out of the window; all he could see was two girls, around his age. The appeared to be having an argument, well a playful one. One of them, blonde, wearing white skinny jeans and a long jumper with a wolf on it, was pleading with a brunette, wearing dark denim skinny jeans and a red hoody, who apparently was giving in.

"And?" Luke asked.

"That, my friend is Rachel Davis and Anna Thompson." Clyde looked at Luke with one eyebrow raised.

"Rachel's quite nice actually; I sit next to her in Biology." Rani shouted from the back of the room where she was sat with a trashy paperback. "I think Anna's alright, but I've never really talked to her." Clyde grinned at Luke.

"Oh come on, admit it, she is fit as." Luke looked out of the window again. She did have quite a pretty face, wide almond eyes, green, and a small nose. Then he looked at her friend, she was a bit more pug faced, and her ears were quite big.

"I think she's quite pretty." Rani said walking up behind the two. "Has someone got a crush Clyde?" She asked teasingly.

"Who doesn't?" Clyde asked. Rani sniggered and hit Clyde playfully round the back of the head with her book.

"Fine!" Rachel glared at Anna and walked up towards the door. She pressed the doorbell and then glared back at her. "You owe me." She said narrowing her eyes at Anna. The door opened and there stood Luke Smith, Clyde Langer and Rani Chandra.

"Hey Luke, oh hi Rani! You alright?" She said grinning past the two boys at her science partner.

"Yeah I'm good thanks." Rani said trying to laugh at the fact that Rachel had just fully blanked Clyde.

"Um, this is a bit awkward Luke, but can I have your number?" Rani quickly turned her laugh into a cough. The look of shock on Clyde's face was classic.

"I'm... going to... go... and get ... a drink." She quickly turned and ran for the kitchen.

Rachel watched her retreating figure and then saw the look on Clyde's face and her hand flew up to her mouth.

"Oh, no, it's not for me, it's for my friend. You know, Anna. She's a bit shy." She smiled at the more relaxed look on Clyde's face.

"Yeah sure." Luke pulled a pen out of his pocket and took Rachel's hand. He wrote his number across the back of her hand. She smiled.

"Thanks, Anna will be really happy." Just as she was turning and walking away Clyde grabbed her hand and scrawled another number into her skin.

"That one's for you, just in case." He smiled.

"Oh, I'm good thanks, but I'll keep it anyway, just in case."

"What you have a boyfriend?" Clyde asked with a look of almost fright.

"No, I just don't think I need one. See you around Luke. Bye Clyde." She turned and walked away down the drive.

"So, what did she want, apart from Luke's number?" Rani asked teasingly.

"She didn't want his number for herself; she wanted it for her friend." Clyde mumbled as Luke shut the door. The trio began to climb up the long, wide stairs of 13 Bannerman Road.

"And you gave her your number, but she said she didn't..." Luke started.

"Shut up!" Clyde said.

"Alright calm down, we can discuss this like adults." Rani grinned.

"Anyway, well done both of you."

As Rani and Clyde continued talking Luke forgot to listen, all he could remember was how his hand had felt like it was full of fireworks when he had touched Rachel's hand. For some reason he was jealous of Clyde, though he didn't know why.

Rani knocked on the front door of 13 Bannerman Road. There had been nothing remotely alien for quite a while, and she was bored, not that school wasn't keeping her busy, but she still wanted more. Once you got a taste of it you were addicted and you never wanted it to end. Clyde opened the door grinning.

"Morning!" Rani followed him inside and closed the door behind her, as she followed him into the kitchen.

"Where's Sarah Jane. You're very cheerful." She added looking at Clyde.

"She's upstairs." Luke said before Clyde could interrupt, however it didn't stop him.

"Well, it is indeed a very good day." Clyde grinned.

"Why?" Rani asked. She looked questioningly at Luke.

"Rachel texted him last night." He said grinning. Rani snorted.

"Yep, just look at this." Clyde proudly thrust his phone into Rani's hand.

Heyyyy Clyde =]

U ok? Anyways do we hve hocky 2morow?


"Clyde, she's texted you to ask if you have hockey today. It's not as if she's declaring her undying love for you." Luke laughed and Rani turned to him.

"Did you get a text from Anna?" She asked. Clyde laughed and nodded.

"Let's see." Rani held her hand out to receive the phone. Luke reluctantly handed it over.

Hi Luke

Its Anna, Rach sed she got ur numbr so i got hr to put it in mi fone.

XD, Annahhhhhhhhhhhh

Rani snorted at how awful the lie was.

"Rach said she got your number, so I got her to put it in my phone. What a lie." She grinned and turned at the sound of footsteps.

"Hi Rani, are you alright?" Sarah Jane entered holding a large mug of tea.

"I'm good thanks, how are you." Sarah Jane smiled and nodded, but sighed.

"I'm fine thank you, but I'm a bit bored. No aliens. But I guess we should be glad that no one's trying to invade." Rani giggled.

"I've been feeling exactly the same. Even with school filling up extra time." Sarah Jane glanced at her watch.

"Talking of school you lot should be off. Bye Clyde. Bye Rani, bye Luke." Sarah Jane kissed Luke on the cheek before the trio left, walking down Bannerman Road towards school.

"Rani, can you do me a favour?" Clyde asked.

"What?" Rani asked copying the pleading tone in Clyde's voice.

"Talk to Rachel, find out why she didn't want my number."

"I thought she said she was happy being single." Rani said. She looked at Luke for clearance and he nodded.

"Yeah, well that obviously wasn't the real reason." Clyde said sulkily.

"Hey Rani, Luke, Clyde!" The grouped turned around to see Rachel running towards them. The moment Luke saw her the fireworks returned, burning up the skin of his hand where they had touched, and along with that butterflies had exploded in his stomach and they were churning around like they were in a washing machine.

"Oh, hey Rachel." Rani grinned at her Biology partner. Rachel was carrying her backpack, a Dorothy Perkins bag that had doubled up as a P.E bag and a hockey stick; she was also trying to tie her hair up at the same time. She noticed Luke looking at her weirdly.

"Woke up late." She blushed and looked at her feet. No, she hadn't imagined it; she did feel about Luke that way. She'd thought about it all last night and thought it was just one of those silly little things you imagine. Almost automatically Luke took her hockey stick and PE bag off of her.

"Thanks." She said blushing and looking down at her feet against. When she had tied her hair up Luke handed her back her bag and hockey stick. She grinned at him and then turned to Rani.

"Hey, was that homework due today?"

The rest of the day was a boring blur, and Rani was even more bored as she was walking back to Luke's house with Clyde and Luke.

"Ugh, bored." Rani dragged her feet along the floor as Luke opened the door of 13 Bannerman Road.

"Hi Mum, we're back!"

"Up here Luke! Hi Rani, hi Clyde." The trio walked up the stairs to the attic. Rani yet again felt heavy hearted as she walked upstairs towards the attic, the last time she had been up there, they had been fighting more aliens, whom had been trying to demolish the world.

"Rani, I think you might like this." Sarah Jane's voice floated down the stairs of the attic and when they entered the room Sarah Jane was staring at Mr Smith's screen.

"What is it?" Rani asked as she looked towards the screen. There were red points over the map of London.

"Well, these points are the places where people, teenagers actually, and they all come from your school have collapsed in the street. The doctors at the hospitals that the victims have been placed in have diagnosed it as dehydration, though we know better." Rani squealed with excitement.

"Sorry." She added when she got strange looks from Luke and Clyde. "So what is it then?"

"Well, I went to the hospitals and got samples of the patient's blood, and then Mr Smith analysed them for me. There was poison in the blood that came from Nexus Behemoths."

"Nexus Behemoths?" Clyde asked. "What are they?"

"Well, although they are quite small, they are very nasty things. They come from Alpha Pegasi Three. There are so many different types of species of them, and each species has a different type of poison, and all of the victims have been bitten by different species; however I have antidotes for those ones." She pointed over at the desk behind her, on which stood a selection of phials with different colour liquids in it.

"So what are we going to do?" Rani couldn't see if there was anything they could do.

"Well, along with the antidotes, I've made up a vaccine, which I'm going to spread right now." Clyde looked at the screen and then back at Sarah Jane.

"But how are we going to get rid of them?" He asked.

"We're not; we're just going to vaccinate everyone in the UK against the bites that the victims from your school got. Come and look at this." They went down into the garden where in the corner there was a large machine which was covered in a white sheet. Sarah Jane pulled the sheet off, revealing what looked like a large filter underneath a fan.

"It's an Airwick." Clyde said.

"No, it's an air vaccine. It'll take around ten minutes to disperse all of the vaccine, and then no one else will be harmed by the Nexus Behemoths that we found." Sarah Jane turned on the fan and walked back into the house.

Rani couldn't help feeling quite disappointed. Nothing had really happened. They hadn't even seen one of these moths.

"That is protection against blue, green, yellow, pink and orange Nexus Behemoths. If you see a swarm of that colour you'll be fine, I promise." She smiled.

"Right let's go." Clyde walked towards the back door, Luke followed him in.

"I'm sorry Rani, I know you hoped for something more, like alien chases and things, but it's not always like that. I learnt that when I travelled with the doctor. There were moments, when everything was so exciting and others when there was nothing bad happening. And you end up feeling unbelievable bored. Just use it as a rest bite. I promise soon they'll be an explosion of alien activity and you won't be able to move for them." Sarah Jane smiled and walked back indoors. Rani looked after her, at the Airwick as Clyde had called it and smiled. There would be something more, she could feel it in her bones.