Not Who I Expected
Look, I know what you're thinking, crappy name right? I'm not too good with names. Whenever I have to think up a name in English I always use the same ones or just the first one that goes into my head.
This time though, for the characters it's different. I don't own any of the characters in this or Twilight so I don't have to make up names for them.
I don't own Twilight.
Hope you like it! – Sure I Am
This is all human and from Bella's point of view.
Chapter 1- The text
I was best friends with Rosalie Hale since I was about 5. We got along great. I would go to her house at least once a week. I used to always look forward to those days. Our Mums became really close after that. They realised that they shared interests and went out to dancing class every week or went out for drinks with their friends. This only pushed me and Rose together more and so we saw each other more often.
Our other best friend was Alice Cullen. She was the one that comforted our friends when they were sad, the person that got along with everyone. Yeah, she was a great person to have as an ally. It was another matter if you got on her wrong side though. She would scream at the opposing person until their ears practically bled. Not cool. It was mine and Rose's job to calm her down at times like these but she was always persistent.
Alice is smaller than me and Rose. She has short, spiky black hair to go with her delicate features and piercing green eyes. She reminds me of a pixie with the way that she jumps and dances around everywhere, always full of energy.
Yes, Alice does look stunning. I've always been out-shined by her looks. I have boring brown eyes, really pale- almost transparent- skin (no matter how long I stay in the sun I can never tan) and boring brown hair. Yep, that's me, boring. I've never quite understood why Alice or Rose hung out with me in the first place.
Anyway, back to Rosalie. She looks perfect. She has crystal blue eyes that go well with her wavy, blond hair. She's skinny, but not too skinny like some of those supermodels in magazines. She could probably be paid to do a swimwear advert. I still don't know why either of them willingly chose me to be their best friend.
They weren't my only friends. We also hung out with a couple of guys. We had known Edward for as long as we had known each other and when Jasper joined our school he started to become best friends with Edward. Everyone had fancied Jasper when he joined. He had blond hair- a couple of shades darker than Rosalie's- which had grown out and now looks slightly on the shaggy side. His eyes are a deep blue colour and always carry that same look of understanding in them.
Edward was a different matter entirely. He used to look cute. He had messy bronze-coloured hair and bright emerald green eyes with a mischievous look never leaving them. Now he looks amazing. He still has the same hair and the same eyes but now he looks more mature. His features look as if they had been meant for a sculpture of a Greek god. Most of the girls we meet when we are out with the guys either swoon over him or Jazz. Sometimes both.
When we left to go to our next schools I think that I probably had the hardest time. Each one of us went to a different school. Usually I would just rely on already knowing everyone and having a partner for gym. At least that they knew that I was- and still am- crap at gym. No one that I knew at my old school goes here.
I did make some good friends later on though. When I was just in my second year everyone knew about the way that I cannot walk over a flat surface without tripping over something. Sure, some of them thought I was weird. They wandered how anyone could trip over their own feet so often. Others just laughed it off with me.
I really began to like a girl named Angela. She was quiet, like me, but we always came up with something to talk about. We started to hang out together when we both became friends with a girl called Jessica. Everyone liked Jessica. She was good friends with everyone and fun to have around.
I stayed friends with Jessica and Angela. I hung out with them at break and lunch, sat with them in lessons and had sleepovers with them. I started to become really close with Angela when Jessica was with her other friends. She was caring, sweet and loyal. She was everything you could want in one of your close friends.
Sure, Angela doesn't look quite as stunning as Alice or Rose but she does look good. She's taller than me and wears reading glasses. Her glossy, dark hair is usually up in a ponytail and her features have this friendly and innocent look about them.
Jessica looks good too. She had brown hair but recently bleached it an artificial shade of blond (I thought that the brown hair suited her better though) and has a less innocent look about her features. I don't know what it is. Maybe she just wears too much makeup or something.
I still saw Alice, Rosalie, Jasper and Edward. Even though we had changed schools we were still as close as ever. We went out to eat on weekends, had sleepovers and saw films together. It seemed as if everything was going great in that short amount of time. It was short because it had to end at some point. This time it had to stop sooner rather than later. Maybe it was later. I had just been having too great a time to notice.
It all started when I got a unanimous text from someone. I read it and just thought that it was a prank or something. No one that I knew of would send me a message like this. I replied, thinking nothing of it.
Our conversation went like this:
?: Why did you have to go and screw everything up for me? I hate you. Why can't you just get the message and leave us alone?
Me: Yeah… Thanks. Love you too.
?: This isn't a joke you idiot. Just piss off. I'm serious. Get your own friends.
(By now I was actually kind of worried. Maybe this person wasn't joking. I just couldn't think of what I had done. Maybe it was someone from school? I'm really not sure. They probably just had the wrong number.)
Me: Look, I think you have the wrong number.
?: No Bella. I haven't got the wrong number. I just want you to leave us alone. I've had enough.
Me: I don't know what I've done! Who is this?
(I was starting to get seriously worried. They knew my name so this wasn't just some random person and this couldn't be a prank because they were taking it way too far.)
?: My name begins with R and ends in ie. Are you stupid enough not to figure it out now?
(I felt a jolt of icy coldness run up my spine as I read those words.)
Me: Rosalie?
I didn't get a reply after that. I couldn't imagine her saying those words to me ever. I can't even remember doing anything that may have hurt her feelings. I saw her just a couple of weeks ago and she was acting normally around me. Maybe she'd felt this way all along, maybe that was why she was acting as she usually does around me,
Now I'm just being silly. It was most likely not Rose who sent me those texts. It was probably Lauren. I knew that she didn't like me and this is just the sick thing that she would do. She knows about Rose, Alice, Jasper and Edward. She's friends with Jessica who is probably the biggest gossip in the school. Lauren would be second to her.
I'm just overreacting. I'm sure that it was just someone trying to get back at me for something. If only I knew what it was that I'd done.
I'm seeing Rose, Alice, Jasper and Edward this weekend though, so I will know then for sure if it was Rose that sent me those texts or if it was someone else. The only thing left to do is wait for the weekend then. Wait for what will probably be the longest few days of my life.
Please review if you liked it.
I'm sorry if I confused you with the tenses. I always get the past and present mixed up. I hope to update in a few days. I will answer any questions that you may have about the story then. I don't mind constructive criticism either
This was more of an introduction to the story. In the next chapter I will tell you about Bella's surroundings and stuff.
-Sure I Am