I was bored and struck by sudden inspiration so i wrote this during school and now I'm putting it on Fanfiction.
BTW I bought The Maximum Ride Manga's for Christmas because i love the book series (Do not own them) and i flipped to a random page and was like "Did i just grab a DGM manga?"
Fang looks exactly like kanda in the beggingin of the first one. I was like...why didnt i notice this before?
I do not own DGM n_n
The city was London, caught up in a time of industrialization and quickly filling with factories. With more jobs came more people, most of them working in unsafe and unhealthy places and dying early. Parents dying early meant more orphan children, and more orphan children meant more friends for the young inhabitants of Okina Orphanage, a large building, tacky yet homey, with a large courtyard for the children to play in.
It is at this orphanage where they met, three boys becoming the best of friends.
The first was named Yuu Kanda, a tempered little boy around the age of eight with short raven-colored hair and brown eyes. He had come to London hidden on a trading ship, having lost his parents and his home in a fire. He never smiled; a scowl plastered on his face at all times, and was very antisocial. He treasured a family heirloom, a Katana he named Mugen and always threatened the other children if he was called by his first name at any time.
The only one to approach Kanda was a boy named Lavi Bookman. He was a red head, his hair spiked to one side with an emerald green eye color. His right eye was always covered with an eye patch, having gone blind in that eye after he and his family were hit with a severe disease. Lavi was the only one to survive of his entire family. Unlike Kanda, Lavi held conversations with everyone he laid eyes on. He was the one who knew everyone's business and never forgot it. Lavi had been at the orphanage longer than most other kids. Some even spread the rumor that he had been adopted by the owner of the orphanage, a old man whom Lavi liked to call "Panda."
Lavi and Kanda met about a month after Kanda had been brought to the orphanage, dragging the ragging child out of his room to play in the snow. They still didn't get along very well but the third boy seemed to hold them together.
"Come on Allen!" Lavi yelled, running out into the snow with Kanda.
"Come'n." five-year-old Allen Walker yelled back, slipping his boot on and running after his new friends. Allen had short silver hair, gray eyes, and was short for his age, gaining him the nickname "Moyashi" or "Beansprout" from Kanda and Lavi. His mother had abandoned him due to his deformed left arm and because of his drunken father; the boy had a scar the shape of a pentagram above his left eye that came down his cheek. He was separated from the rest of his family and picked up by his foster father Mana, but Mana, like Lavi's family, died because of the plague. Marian Cross brought the boy to the orphanage and was now traveling the world, looking for Mana's family.
"Hey Kanda, you should grow your hair out." Allen suggested, catching up with his two friends.
"Yeah! That's a great idea! Yuu would look much better like that!" Lavi chimed in, shrinking back when Kanda death-glared at him.
"Tch." Kanda said, averting his gaze.
Though Lavi and Kanda would never admit it, they both deeply cared for Allen. He was their most prized possession and their whole world. So they were both torn when they found out Allen was sick with a disease that no one had a cure for. The boy was bed ridden for long periods of time, Kanda and Lavi not aloud to see him until he was feeling better.
It was late, probably around two in the morning when a bolt of lighting lit up the sky, followed by a roar of thunder. Lavi shot up in his bed, frightened by the storm. He jumped out of bed, running down the hall and running into someone. They both hit the ground with a 'thump', the wind knocked out of them. Lavi looked at the boy in the darkness, making out hair coming down to his shoulders.
"Yuu?" Lavi asked.
"You do you think? Baka Usagi!" Kanda exclaimed, rubbing his head that had collided with Lavi's.
"What are you doing out of bed this late?" Lavi asked.
"I could ask you the same question." Kanda shot back.
"Well, the thunder and lighting scared me a little so I was going to go sleep with Allen." Lavi admitted. "Were you scared to, Yuu?" he asked.
"Tch. Like I would be scared of a storm." The boy said, turning his head. Another bolt of lighting illuminated the hallway, thunder following it. The two boys jumped, getting back on their feet and running to Allen's room. Allen was sitting up in his bed, looking out the window. Lavi and Kanda grabbed his attention as they both jumped onto the bed, getting on either side of the silver haired boy.
"What's wrong?" Allen asked as Kanda got under the blankets on his left side, Lavi on the right. "Are you guys scared?" the boy asked.
"Yeah right, baka Moyashi! I was just cold." Kanda said, rolling onto his right side to face Allen.
"Um…Yeah. " Lavi began. "Me to. Let us sleep with you Allen." Lavi said, rolling onto his left side to face the boy. Allen sighed but lay down anyway, putting his arms above him on the pillows and closing his eyes.
"Okay." Allen said sleepily. Kanda and Lavi both moved a hand around Allen's slim waist, pulling the blanket up to their chins and snuggling closer to Allen's warm body. "Love you guys." Allen said, almost as if talking in his sleep. Lavi and Kanda blushed but uttered their, 'Love you too' s before falling asleep.
Okina means old man XD Old Man orphanage X.x crappy!
What do you guys think? Should i make this a multi chaptered story or leave it as it is?
And if i do add more chapters, should i add in lemon?