Disclaimer: FOR THE LAST TIME (literally) I OWN NOTHING

A/N: Okay guys I didn't get five reviews for the last chapter (very saddening and if you did not review to the last chapter I would ask you nicely to still please do so anyway.)

Anyway… please accept this Epilogue… it is interesting and you will either like the idea or hate it. But I hope you liked it!


"No… injured… that… much… not… don't… master… I…"

"Obi-Wan wake up."

"Leg… healed… no…"

"Padawan it's alright open your eyes."

Obi-Wan blinked. Through white lights he saw an outline and after a couple more blinks his mind register that it was his master bending over him in concern.


"Yes Obi-Wan are you alright?" Obi-Wan blinked in confusion "That must have been some dream, you have been thrashing around for ten minutes now. "

"I have?"

"Yes," Qui-Gon sat on the bed beside his Padawan "I was worried you would aggravate your chest, it's still tender. Six newly healed ribs don't need you moving around."

"It was a dream?" Obi-Wan said still starting straight ahead at his master, eyes wide and not blinking.

Qui-Gon looked troubled and he took his Padawans hands "Yes Obi-Wan. Are you alright? Why don't you tell me about your dream? Was it about our mission?"

Obi-Wan shook his head slowly and blinked again looking at his concerned master "N-no it was about a record. "

"A what?"

Obi-Wan opened his mouth, hesitated, and then told his master the whole story. How he dreamed he was a Padawan and had a broken arm in a cast ("Which doesn't make any sense master because we have bacta"), and how his own Padawan was a sneak (I didn't think anyone could sneak around the healers ward so easily!"), and how Qui-Gon himself had been mad with fury ("You wanted to put me in a bubble!"). Obi-Wan told the whole story and when he was done he sat back looking at the masters face in apprehension.

Qui-Gon looked at his Padawan for a moment his eye brows raised. The poor boy what out of breathe from his long winded speech and sad tucked into the covers with worried written all over his face, scared to how his master would react to this strange tale. Qui-Gon could not help but laugh at the boy, laugh and laugh and laugh. He laughed so hard tears came to his eyes and he gripped the edge of the bed to keep himself from falling.

"It's not funny Master." Obi-Wan said pouting "It was a very disturbing dream!"

"Only you my Padawan would dream something so ridiculous!" as the long haired master gasped for air as Healer Ackerley entered the room. The healer smiled at the scene before him while he looking over the monitors near Obi-Wan's bed.

"I mean a record! Who would have thought you-"

Ackerley whirled around staring at the Jedi master in horror. Qui-Gon stopped talking and looked at the suddenly pale healer in concern.

"Healer Ackerley?" Qui-Gon questioned reaching a hand out to the man. The hand was ignored and instead the man started to speak.

"How-how did you find out about that?" Ackerley said his voice shaking.

"About what?" Qui-Gon asked wondering what the healer could be talking about.

"The Record, who told you?"

"What record? Obi-Wan was just telling me about his dream and- wait a minute…" Qui-Gon narrowed his eyes; the healer gulped "What record are you talking about?"

Ackerley winced at the masters words and said hurriedly "oh, uh… nothing! I thought you meant something else. I'll just...be back in a minute." Ackerley dashed out of the room the whites of his healers robe swirling.

Qui-Gon turned back to his Padawan frowning and said "I wonder what he was talking about?"

"I have no idea master." Obi-Wan said deciding he didn't want to know and leaning back against his cushion of pillows "No idea at all…"

The End

*Sniff*, *Sniff* "Why are you crying?" Because it's over! I Ended it… and… and there is not going to be a sequel! "What!" *WAAAAA*

No, no, no don't cry! Review! Be happy! Remember you can always read it again!

Thanks to all of you who ever reviewed to this story and the previous one all the support means so much and I really appreciate it. I hope that you all like reading the story just as much as I liked writing it.

And now if I could impose on you for one last time PLEASE REVIEW! It helps scare away writers block for… future Obi-Wan stories! Hahaha thanks again everyone!