Nessichick24: Sorry I never got the chance to put Hawkeye in. It's a great suggestion, and I wish I had gotten the chance to use it!
DISCLAIMER: I OWN NOTHING! Just the crazy thoughts that run through my mind that lead to these fanfictions.
"Alphonse?" Edward asked, looking at the armor resting in the hospital bed next to his.
Wait, a hospital bed? Edward looked around and ran over to the window, looking outside. This is Dublith! Edward than saw his own reflection. Outside of the slight tinge of blue that would always remain in his hair, everything appeared to be fine. Edward looked down at him arm and leg and saw that the automail was back, though. "No way," he breathed.
"Brother…?" Alphonse muttered, coming too.
Edward turned towards the armor and said, "Alphonse, we're back. We're in Amestris."
"But what happened to Azeroth?" Alphonse asked. The conversation was cut short by Izumi walking in.
She shook her head and asked, "Did you two have the same crazy dream I did?"
"I don't think that was a dream Teacher," Edward muttered. Upon closer inspection of his hands, he found wounds there that hadn't been there previously, wounds he had gotten in Azeroth.
"If it was a dream, it was a very convincing one," Alphonse agreed.
"The Colonel, The Major, Winry, Teacher, you, me, and the Homunculi," Edward counted off the people from their world they had seen in Azeroth. "It would have to be a convincing dream for all of them to show up."
They heard the phone sitting between the two beds ringing. Edward answered, saying, "Hello?"
"Edward, you'd better get yourself back to Resembool this instant!" Winry shouted.
"Geez Winry, how'd you get this phone number?" Edward retorted.
"Miss Izumi gave it to me, now you'd better get yourself and Alphonse over here before I make you guys," Winry answered. Edward could just imagine she was brandishing a wrench at the phone.
"Yea, we're on our way," Edward muttered, hanging up. He turned to Alphonse and explained what happened.
Alphonse sighed. "Then we might as well go." He stood up just as a nurse walked in.
"Oh," the nurse said, seeing all three standing there, fine. "You three look perfectly fine for people who were in comas a few hours ago."
"Comas?" Edward asked.
The nurse nodded, explaining what had happened. She gave Edward a list of people they knew had fallen unconscious. Outside of the Homunculi, everyone on the list matched up to who they saw on Azeroth to the letter.
Edward and Alphonse excused themselves and went to the train station. This was just getting weirder and weirder.
When they finally did get to Resembool, they were attacked with a tight hug from Winry, but one look at her showed how disappointed she was they didn't have their bodies back like they thought. She didn't linger on it long, though. "You've got to come see this," she stated. She pulled them in the direction of her house.
Once they were standing outside, Edward whistled. One side of the house had been burnt. Winry explained, "I don't know what happened, but when I woke up here I randomly sent a blast of fire from my hands and caught part of the house on fire. I managed to realize what I did and stopped it before it could get too bad, though."
"Wait, if you could use your spells here…" Edward muttered. The trio looked at each other before running for a clearing they used to play in. It was far enough away that if anything bad did happen, it wouldn't affect Resembool any.
They reached the clearing and, after Edward had created a few crude dummies for them to try their attacks on, started trying to make it work.
Alphonse was the first one to get a result. He said something in demonic and fire launched from his hand and set one of the dummies on fire. Edward was right on his tail, smashing his hand into the ground and causing blood to bubble. Winry froze the dummy she was practicing on.
"But how…?" Alphonse asked, looking from the boiling blood, to the frozen dummy, to the one set on fire.
Edward shook his head, saying, "I really don't know. But our next step should be finding the Colonel and seeing if anything had changed for him."
One Month Later
A familiar Felhunter ran up to Alphonse, nudging his hand. Alphonse looked down and took the letter in his mouth. "Thanks, Khaamon," Alphonse told the demon.
He opened up the letter and started reading. Once it was proven that everyone that went to Azeroth still had their skills from there, Alphonse started trying to find a way to contact everyone there so they wouldn't worry about what happened. Eventually, Khaamon found him and Alphonse wrote a letter to Brianha. This would be her reply from that letter.
I'm so relieved to hear that everyone is fine. We didn't know what to think when you guys disappeared after that last earthquake. I wish I could say our problems over here were fine, though. The Lich King has fallen, but we've got to deal with Deathwing now. Apparently he was the one causing the earthquakes, and because he was trying to break through the Twisting Nether, somehow your world got caught in between and sent you and your friends over here.
Deathwing has arrived, but that's not stopping us. We think that earthquake that sent you back to your home was the last one, because we haven't felt anything else, but that earthquake has also changed Azeroth. Stormwind is being rebuilt with new expansions, but there are also new dangers lying in wait all throughout Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms.
We've got new allies though, as well. Worgen from behind the Greymane Wall have joined us and are working alongside us to stop Deathwing. Goblins from near the Maelstrom have also showed, but they joined the Horde instead.
I've also got a new apprentice. She's a Worgen Druid by the name of Hannabell. She reminds me of you a lot when we first met, and I can't help but think that you two would get along great.
Best wishes,
Alphonse would've smiled if he could once he finished reading. He wrote back to Brianha explaining what happened to his brother and himself in the last month before giving it to Khaamon. He pet the demon on the head before it disappeared.
Edward walked over to Alphonse and asked, "Are you ready to go yet?"
"Yes, brother," Alphonse said.
"Then Liore, here we come!" Edward stated, pointing towards the desert.
And done! I'm very proud of this story! Please tell me what all of you think of it and how the ending played out.
R&R Please!