I quit.
Sorry everyone who liked this, but I'm bored of writing AU high school drama.
So I'm never going to finish this. Ever. HOWEVER I'm not going to leave the story untold, so here is the part of this chapter I did write, then a summery of what would have happened for the entire story.
I know I suck for this, but when I'm having absolutely having no fun writing a story then something has gone wrong somewhere.
Sorry again.
The sound of the front door opening and closing got Matsumoto to look up from her magazine to see Momo walk into the front room carrying shopping bags and a strange sought of smile on her face.
"Momo?" The older girl asked, and got no response from her, so spoke up louder, "Momo!"
The girl in question looked startled and span around to look at her, "What's wrong?" she asked confused.
"You were zoned out there sweetie. Everything o.k.?" Matsumoto asked concerned.
"I have a boyfriend now!" Momo said dreamily at the exact moment Toshiro walked in from Rukias.
"What?" Matsumoto asked, cautiously optimistic about the news.
"What!" Toshiro yelled, repulsed and horrified at the news.
"What?" Momo asked, confused at Toshrios reaction.
"What do-?"
"Don't start another sentence with what." Matsumoto said annoyed.
"Fine. How do you have a boyfriend?" Toshiro asked slowly.
"We went on a date. And we agreed to go on another one?" Momo replied unsure.
"So spill? How did he ask you out?" Matsumoto asked smiling at the new source of interesting information.
"Well I almost got hit by a car walking home and-" Momo began before being grabbed by the shoulders by Toshiro who franticly started looking for injuries.
"Are you alright? Do you need to go to the hospital or?" Toshiro began before being gently pushed off by Momo.
"Relax, I'm fine. Aizen pulled me out the way." Momo reassured, smiling at her brother.
"Wait Aizen? You mean Gin's friend?" Matsumoto asked surprised, "Isn't he like five years older then you?"
"No he's only four." Momo said defensively, "Look, I really like him, can't you just be happy for me?"
"Yeah sure. Sorry 'bout that kiddo." Matsumoto said smiling at her.
Toshiro meanwhile looked unsettled, "Hey if he's eighteen, doesn't that technically make him a criminal if he kisses you?"
Momo gave Toshiro a hurt expression before she walked out of the room and upstairs to her room and slammed the door.
There was a moment of silence.
"Nice." Matsumoto said glaring at him.
"What?" Toshiro protested, "Oh come off it. You know as well as I do that she's too young to be dating an eighteen year old. I was trying to help her."
"Yes. But I don't think you managed to help her in the end." She replied sighing. "You should go apologise, she seemed really happy until you said that."
"Fine." Toshiro said sighing in defeat, "But I want it on record this is not a good idea."
"Stop being Captain grumpy pants." Matsumoto muttered, hitting him lightly over the head. "What are you still waiting for?" She said a few seconds later, getting a laugh from both of them, even if Toshiros was slightly forced.
When he was about to knock on her door, Momo opened it, headed downstairs, and out the front door without so much as looking at him.
"Oh hell." Toshiro groaned as he realised how much he had upset her.
-] Scene Change [-
"I love you Rukia."
Ever since Toshiro had said those words, Rukia had been almost fixated on them. How was that possible? For how long? How had she not realised?
And that's as far as I got. Now here is a summery for the rest of the plot.
Rukia sits in the basement of the Urahara shop and thinks about what exactly Toshiro means to her, eventually talking to Yoruichi about it and comes to the conclusion that she only really thinks of him as a friend.
Meanwhile Momo ends up talking to a "friend" of Aizen by the name of Grimmjow, starting to be uncomfortable by his constant talks about violence she decides to make her exit, Grimmjow calls out to her and tells her that she should talk to a pair of girls called Menoly and Loly. Momo ignores him.
The next day at school, Toshiros class is working on the props and backgrounds for the play, When Ichigo and Orihime volunteer to go get supplies from the art classroom they end up making out in the classroom and are interrupted by a very pissed off Renji.
Renji proceeds to get into a fight with Ichigo, yelling about how much of a bastard he is for doing this to Rukia. For a moment Renji is shocked when Ichigo agrees with him. In disgust Renji leaves, promising he's going to do the right thing and tell Rukia, and that he is no longer friends with them.
Chapter 5
That lunchtime the gang (minus a noticeably absent Orihime) are eating on the roof, most of the people there wondering why Renji hasn't stopped glaring at Ichigo for hours now. Finally Ichigo asks Rukia if they can talk, this goes about as well as you would think and Rukia completely breaks down before leaving school and going home. At the same time Renji tells the rest of the gang what's going on and, discovering that Tatsuki knew all along, ends up in a shouting match with her and breaks up with her, both of them doing so out of defence of their best friend.
That night Toshiro, Renji and Matsumoto go to Rukias home to find that she has not left her bedroom since she returned and that her brother is trying to comfort her unsuccessfully. Her friends try as well but fail to so much as make her smile. Toshiro eventually leaves and tracks down Ichigo, confronting him and after a lengthy argument, leaves Ichigo feeling worse then before. Not that Toshiro takes any comfort from the action.
Chapter 6
A couple weeks pass and things seem to have gotten worse. Rukia is still majorly depressed. The gang seems to have divided into a group that are willing to still talk to Ichigo and Orihime, and a group that ignores the previous group by association (mainly Renji and Toshiro.)
Momo spends almost all her time with Aizen and his group of friends, almost all of them much older then her, a girl called Tia and the siblings called Starrk and Lilinette are the only ones close to friendly, Gin tries to tell Momo that dating Aizen is a really bad idea, but Momo just gets annoyed by it and ignores him.
A friend of Matsumotos called Shuei announces he's holding a house part that weekend, Renji finally manages to convince Rukia to get out of the house for once and go with them.
Meanwhile Toshiro is starting to stress more and more over what he should or shouldn't do about Rukia, not wanting to take advantage of her, and at the same time feeling terrible for being happy they broke up.
…. You know what? I'm bored with writing this summery too.
Aizen starts abusing Momo but has her convinced it's o.k. and he never really means it. (lying through his teeth.) Toshiro is too caught up in his own love life to notice.
Eventually (like 4 chapters later) Ichigo is the one who notices and beats the hell out of Aizen, re-earning Toshiros respect.
Rukia eventually gets over Ichigo, agrees to go out on a date with Toshiro (a date that ends without them so much as kissing.)
These two events cause the entire group of friends to start talking to each other again.
And at the day of the play during the same scene they were rehearsing last chapter they whisper that they love each other on stage and kiss for real.
And it's a happy ending for everyone except Aizen. But he's a dick so screw him.
The End.
Right. I think I'm going to go write an AU story about Mayuri being arrested for child abuse and Nemu getting adopted by Urahara and Yoruichi. See ya around.