When I started this, I was not aware it would take 22 chapters…
I guessed ten, then fifteen, but in the end, I suspect it could have easily been 25.
The responsibility for the many mistakes in the previous chapters (both language-wise as well as plot/history-wise) is mine (and I hope to be whacked around the head with them always ;))
First of all, I want to thank my reviewers:
FionaRayne, Katy, the fellow UCMEC-er who gave me the stunning amount of 14 reviews, and has therefore earned my eternal gratefulness (and is now allowed to give me a fic challenge if she wants to :)))
As said before, Diane and Desideria, my fellow Hugo-nuts and faithful reviewers, thank you so very, very much!
My beta, Gwilwileth (I wonder where she got that name…) you are the best!
Then, some of my other fellow UCMEC-ers:
ShinElrond, the founder of the Nemis Worshippers I have nothing to say about the subject except *blush!!*: (http://www.geocities.com/shinelrond/Nemis) and my general soundboard, thank you for putting up with my moods, reading my nutty scribblings and being a pretty darn good fic-writer yourself!
Joan Milligan, not only the writer of some of the best Silm-ficcies on-line but also a very good cheerer-upper, and proof-reader, many thankies to you! (kick Fëanor for me)
Casey, my protector and list loonie, you know how much it means to me that you are…
kalurien, with whom I can both share my Hugo-obsession as well as my Elrond obsession, and many a giggle (I think I still have two shoes here you threw at me)
Woman of the Dunedain, who I hope will now finally go and read all the chapters ;)
Gilvala, who bounces onto MSN every once in a while for a nice chat
Alena, probably one of the best beta-readers and fic-writers a girl can have, thank you!
AshDon, for nagging me on MSN every once in a while ;)
I also want to specially thank:
Little-She-Bear (with many a chuckle and the hope she will do more humor-ficcies ;)),
LoveChilde (I am looking forward to that Celeborn/Galadriel-ficcy you keep alluding to ;))),
Anon. E. Mus, (with the promise I will soon update Ereinion, and the request for you to update Children of the Elf-lords ;))
Finch (who keeps amazing me with each of her passing stories/chapters),
Soledad (who somehow uploads her wonderful tales just when I need a break ;))),
Sorne (with an additional thanks for warning me beforehand in her chapter 24 ;)),
May, Anna, Krum-Luver, PL, Sampson, dangermouse, nuinred, aniwda (also UCMEC, if I am not mistaken), Spirit Star, onewhocares, Oboe-Wan, Lady of the Rings, Angels Have Gone, Eledhwen, Deborah, Jillian Baade, Nimuea, Ryven, Jessica, NeonGensis, Kath, Pneumatic Angel, Tori, ElfWarrior, Mithril Silver Girl, Lady phoenix, Stargazer Nataku.
And: Very Happy Reader With Sore Eyes, Outlaw, Dunrant, Rowan, Haleth, Tadandader, FA, the Fox, Shana, Monique, Redneck, Skylar, Emily, Austin, Katherine, Jen, odessey, Jedi-Aerin, Crucifyx, Danielle, Ranolorial, Handmaiden, NickleS, BlueberryPancakes, Carasiel, Miss Kitty, Kirsty-Q, Mary, Stephanie, Sangwaelen, Mouse, Eldarwen (heehee ;)), Kimberleigh, Duryudana, Lady Winter, bridget-jones, Cassie-Chan, Aredhel (apologize for not sending email), Mouth of Sauron, Armageddon Girl
And, of course, Spes Unica and Darkmage for illustrating (see http://www.geocities.com/nem_is_is/drawings.html)
Then, I want to apologize for people who have asked me things which I did not answer, or asked me to email them and did not get a reply…
Now you know why my family and friends stick those yellow memo-stickers on me if they want me to remember something… You can kick me if you like… 'T would be allowed…
Then, to lift a tip of the veil concerning the sequel: it would probably be best to call it AU, because I will be venturing in very un-chartered territory here. In a nutshell: we shall be seeing something of the life of the Eldar on Valinor (especially my favourite characters), the arrival of Elladan and Elrohir, and a romance I can't believe I actually invented.
I will probably try and finish Ereinion first though, because that story, too, might become a part of the cycle, reference-wise…
Some links:
UCMEC (Unofficial Committee for More Elrond and Celebrían fan-fiction,; though we have long stopped being precisely that, and have turned into a gathering place for writers who love Elves in general ;)): http://groups.yahoo.com/group/UCMEC/
TFoEG (The Fellowship of Ereinion Gil-galad): http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TFoEG/
Silmfics (thanks to Joan): http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Silmfics/
The Encyclopedia of Arda (http://www.glyphweb.com/arda/) has been a very important place for much of my historical research and fact-checking; for my Elvish there have been many handy sites, but mostly:
http://www.geocities.com/almacq.geo/sindar/ (!!)
Timeline-wise: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Corridor/8611/tolk_0.htm
Chuckle-wise: http://www.ansereg.com/what_tolkien_officially_said_abo.htm
And of course the books of JRR Tolkien, as well as the History of Middle-earth volumes (Christopher Tolkien), The Atlas of Tolkien's Middle-Earth (Karen Wynn Fonnstad), and, though I am loathe to admit it and I shall never forgive him for interpreting Gil-galad's death in that particular way, The Complete Guide to Middle-Earth (by Robert Foster), have been a great help in writing this story.
Thanks again, and hugz to you all,