Frank Iero is now married to his Jamia who is pregnant with the couple's first children, twins. But the soon to be father can't let go of the past; a love from high school is still haunting his memory. The girl who got pregnant with his best friends child, then she disappeared to nowhere, Alex, he just can't stop thinking about her. All that he has left is the memories of the times they spend together and a bright red scar on his left arm form another time in his life.

Gerard's mind is another one the memory of Alex is haunting, he can't function normal. He once met a girl, Lindsey, a beautiful girl. They fell in love and were about to get married but the dream died when Gerard couldn't find the strength to give his life to another woman, a woman who didn't carry his child for nine long months. Gerard is the only one who knows that Alex was alive fifteen years ago and that she gave birth to a son named Frank Gerard Bryar.

Bob is the brother of the missing Alex; he is still, fifteen years later blaming him for not stopping her from leaving the home. He wants to see his sister at least one more time, to apologise for things.

Alex is now a single mum, working and living in New York where she came to as a pregnant teenager, only once she has been back at her old home, when her son was three years old, but it was awkward and she sworn to never return. She is a journalist who is struggling to raise her soon to be 15 year old son. The two of them is living alone even though Alex finds the strength to survive in her old roommate Michelle. But one day she gets a call from her step mum, Alex father is seriously ill and she has to return to the place she sworn on never returning to. It is time for her to face her brother and the father of her child…