A/N: Hey all. I got this idea while listening to music and I hope you like it. Just don't hate me for any OOC on Naru or Lin.

Disclaimer: I shall say this now. I do not own Ghost Hunt. Never have, Never will.

Mai's POV

My name is Mai Taniyama. I'm 17 years old and a sophomore in High school.I work part time for SPR with none other than Kazuya Shibuya-Oliver Davis-. Although all of his employees have taken to calling him Naru because he acts like such a big Narcissist. His employees include his assistants-Koujo Lin and myself-, a monk from Mt. Koya - Houshou Takigawa-, a self proclaimed priestess - Ayako matsuzaki-, a catholic priest- John Brown-, a psychic medium- Masako Hara- , and a very smart assed jokester in college who also works with us - Yasuhara Osamu-.

Right now, it's just me, Lin-san, and Naru in the office. It can be very silent with no one else around except for Lin-san's typing all day and Naru's constant and irritating calls for tea. When it comes to manners, Lin-san is not a problem-except for being the quietest man on earth-, but Naru? Don't even get me started! He is the most self centred, tea addicted, narcissistic jerk on the planet!

'Speaking of tea… 3…2…1…`

"Mai, Tea!" Said Narcissist called from his office.

'Right on cue` " Yes,oh mighty tea-o-holic" I always calls for tea around now (1:30).

I got up from my desk and went into the little SPR kitchen to make 'his highness` a cup of tea. I pulled a teapot out from

Under the sink and filled it up with water, then set it on the stove to boil.

For some reason, almost every day at exactly 2 pm,Naru and Lin-san disappear into a door at the back of the SPR office. I always wondered why I was never allowed in there. Perhaps I should follow them?

'I was broken out of my musings when a familiar whistle sounded from the kettle. I frittered about, busy as a little

bee, taking care of the things for Naru and Lin-san's tea. Once ready, I put the two scalding cups on a tray and made my

way to deliver the tea. The first stop was Lin-san's office. I made my way to his office and knocked softly.

When I heard the usual "Come in.", I opened the door and went in. I started to feel strangely nervous all of the sudden.

'Is this supposed to happen?'

Lin's POV

It's always the same when we're not on a case. All I do all day is sit in my office and type the reports Naru is too lazy to

type.-frustrated sigh- One of these days, I'm going to wind up whacking him over the head with these damned reports. Then, he'll be happy.

I heard a light knock on my door.

"Come in." I called, as usual. The door opened revealing to me a rather nervous and unsteady Mai. She made to walk up to my desk to put my tea

down, but wound up getting tripped up on her own two feet. She was about to fall, when I jumped up out of my chair and caught her before she had a

chance to fall and spill the scorching hot tea all over herself. Mai flushed a bright red. I realized that my hand was still around her waist after she

steadied herself. I released her and put the tray on my desk. Mai started to wobble on very unsteady legs and she started to fall again. My arms

wrapped themselves around her small frame and scooped her up before her rear met with the floor. I could get used to this, because right now,

She looked like a cherry with a sunburn. I sat her in my office chair gently and put my hand over her forehead.

"You know something Mai? You should really make sure to keep up with yourself. The last thing we need is for you to get sick." I said gently. Her face turned redder than a tomato. I slightly smirked. 'Is it just me? Or is Mai getting too flustered around me right now? Hmm. No matter.'

"Here."I turned and dug in my desk drawer and pulled out a bottle of ibuprofen " Take a few of these. They should help you." I popped open the bottle and shook the bottle twice. Two small red pills landed in my palm. I handed them to her and she took them. She popped them in her mouth and swallowed them.

" Okay. Now go bring Naru his tea before it gets cold." And I shooed her off with the tray after she had her bearings once more.

I get the feeling today is going to be abnormally fun for me today.

Mai's POV

Now that was strange... Since when do I get flustered around Lin-san? Weird.

I came to Naru's door after afew seconds and knocked.

"Opened." Naru called. I went in.

"Here's you're tea Naru." I said, setting his tea down. I stood there, waiting for a thank you.

"May I help you?" Naru questioned.

" A thank you would be nice!" I fumed I knew I wasn't going to get one anyway, so why bother?

He just ignored me. Sometimes I think he likes seeing me fume. I huffed and stormed out of his office,but not before catching the amused smirk on his face.

"Narcissistic Jackass of a Jerk." I mumbled. I looked up at the clock. It was 1:55.

'Just you wait Naru. This time I'm getting in on your little secret.' I thought.

The clock struck 2:00 and I saw Lin and Naru come out of their offices. Lin had his Laptop and Naru had a bottle of water. As they walked through the door at the back of SPR, I followed in stealth. There was a long passageway and it lead to the strangest room. There was recording equipment everywhere.

'Wait...What do Naru and Lin need with a recording room? Oh, I'm so confused!' I thought.

Lin's POV

As I was walking behind Naru, I noticed a third set of footsteps behind my own. I looked over my shoulder and saw Mai following us. I smirked slightly to myself and looked at her from over my shoulder before giving her a small smile and a wink. I then gestured towards the door with my head. She seemed to understand because she gave a small nod. When I went into the recording room with Naru, I left the door open a crack so Mai could watch and listen. She is always so cute when she's curious. 'Wait. Cute? Damn it Koujo, where did that come from? ' -sigh- ' Just what has gotten into me lately?'

I walked over to the small desk and sat down. I plugged my laptop in with the rest of the equipment. We didn't need all that much equipment because the technology today is so advanced. I typed in all the necessary keys in to bring up the programs for a recording session. I looked up at Naru as he was putting a pair of headphones on. He was sitting on one of the stools on the second half of the room. He looked up at me and nodded. I glanced over at the door. I saw two chocolate brown eyes glancing back and forth between me and Naru. I smirked to myself.

' Oh boy, I cant wait to see the looks on their faces. I can see it already. Mai will definitely have a look of shock on her face, while Naru... Well, that would be fun to see.' I look back at Naru. He nods again. I type in a few more things and a button appears on the screen. I click it. The music was due to start in 30 seconds. I smirked to myself again.

' Oh, this is gonna be good.'

Naru's POV

As I sat there waiting for Lin to start the music, I saw him glance at the door. I guess he let her follow us after all because I saw two chocolate brown eyes peering in through the door, looking back and forth between Lin and myself curiously.

' Well then. If she wants a show, I guess I'll give her a show.' The music started to play. (A/N: I chose to have him sing 'What hurts the most'. It's the version from Boyce Avenue. Look them up on Youtube. Trust me, they're good!) 'Well... Here goes nothing...'

" I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house

That don't bother me

I can take afew tears now and then and just let'em out

I'm not afraid to cry

every once in a while

Goin on with you gone still upsets me

There are days every now and again I pretend I'm okay

But that's not what gets me

What hurts the most

was being so close

and havin so much to say

and watchin you walk away

And never knowin

What could've been

and not seein that lovin you

is what I was tryin to do"

Mai's POV

My eyes grew wide as I listened to Naru sing. I never thought he could sing so well. I just stood there listening. I closed my eyes as I listened. His voice was all I could hear.

" Its hard to deal with the pain of losin you everywhere I go

But I'm doin it

Its hard to force that smile when I see our old friends and I'm alone

still harder gettin up,gettin dressed, livin with this regret

But I know if I could do it over

I would trade,give away all the words that I saved in my heart

that I left unspoken

What hurts the most

was bein so close

and havin so much to say (much to say)

and watchin you walk away

and never knowin

what could've been

and not seein that lovin you

is what I was tryin to do"


.oh heeeyyy yeah!"

I opened my eyes and looked at Naru. His eyes were closed. 'who ever thought he could sing like this? His voice rivals that of even Vic Mignogna's! And that's saying something!' He started to sing again.

"What hurts the most

was bein' so close

and havin' so much to say

and watchin' you walk away

And never knowin'

what could've been

And not seein' that lovin you

Is what I was tryin' to do

(Not seein' that lovin' you

Is what I was tryin' to do)


With that, the song ended.

Naru's POV

I opened my eyes after the song ended and looked at Lin. He nodded and slightly smiled. I took off the headphones I had on and set them down gently. I made my way to Lin's side of the room and walked up to him.

" It's alright. She can come in." I whispered. I let my facade slip for a moment and let a small smile seep through.

Lin's POV

My eyes widened for the slightest second before I nodded. I went over to the door to let Mai in.

" How'd you know she followed us?" I asked.

" Simple. You glanced at the door one too many times." He replied bluntly. I mentally slapped myself. ' Smart move Koujo. You blew her cover.'

I opened the door and Mai walked in. She had such a look on her face. It took all the control I had just not to laugh. The look she had...It was a cross of shock (Happy shock), confusion, and awe. ' hmm... I wonder what Naru's going to say... this'll be fun to watch.'

" I see you like what you saw, eh?" Naru asked. Mai looked at a loss for words, so she nodded instead.

"Well, trust me, Mai. Lin is a lot better of a singer than I am." Naru said honestly. I looked at him wide eyed. ' Did he just say what I think he just...?'

"Well Lin? Are you just going to stand there staring at me all day? Or are you going to give Mai a little sample of your talent?" Naru inquired. I was at a loss for words myself, so I just nodded. I went over to my computer and was about to type in the song I wanted until I heard a loud crash come from outside.

"What the hell?" I ran out the door to find the source of the crash,with Mai hot on my heels.

"Lin,Wait a second!" Naru called from behind. He followed anyway.

As soon as we got back to the office, everything was fine inside, but outside was a different story...

A/N: Ah, I just love cliffies, don't you?

Yami: Not really...

Lin: I have a bad feeling that you're going to make me do something stupid...

Naru: Oh, gee. I wonder why?

Yami: -Whacks Naru upside the head- Shut up Naru!

Naru:-grabs his head- OWW! Hey!

Yami & Naru: -Glare off-

Lin: -sweatdrop-

Me: Since those two are busy, Lin, if you please?

Lin: Rate and review please. Feedback is appreciated. And the more reviews, the faster she'll update.

Me: /hits blackout button/