Dear Readers,

I have noticed via my traffic stats that this has nearly 450 views on it this month. I just have to ask, who are you guys still reading this? And the better question is, WHY ARE YOU STILL READING IT?

This was my first fanfiction, and while I'm proud of it, reading it again there are so many flaws! And Gabriella just seems like such a Mary Sue it makes me want to kill myself for writing such a poor character!

Overall, I like this story, and I'm considering a revamp on it. For those of you still reading this story, would you like me to rewrite it? Or do you just love the original? And if you like this original so much, can you please leave a review or send me a message that explains WHY you like it so much? Really! I am so curious! I just have to know!

Thank you for all the hits and I'm glad you like reading it. But really, why?

~Horses of Shadow and Night